Holy Fudge: The GOP Convention is off the rails…

They only look like political hit jobs to the folks that support Trump.

You just outed yourself as one of the folks that say they don't like him, but will vote for him because they actually do like him.
You’ve already outed yourself as a left wing nut job. You vote for who you want and just let others vote for whom they want to. It’s called democracy. 😉
  • Haha
Reactions: BelemNole
Ok shows you are just a Republican. I will move on. The border is not an issue, does there need to be immigration reform absolutely, but this country has been build on immigration, and those workers are why inflation is going down, with baby boomers we don't have enough children to replace all those workers, only way to replace them is immigration.

Ukraine, you are an idiot. Putin was going to take them no matter what. Trump had done enough damage to try to break apart Nato, Putin thought he could jump in. Had nothing to do with Biden. What was the excuse when he took Crimea. This is par for the course with Putin. he just got caught this time.

Middle East has been an issue for centuries, nothing Biden is doing will change that mess.

Inflation was going to be an issue no matter was in power. Inflation is coming down, so maybe you should be happen Biden and the Fed have been able to get it under control.

Seems like you really don't have much to be upset about, you are worried about 3 things that truly don't affect you, and 1 thing that would have been a problem whoever was in charge and is improving. LOL
Even one American killed by an illegal alien is one too many. Biden border policies let such people in more than under Trump’s border policies. Russia has nuclear submarines near Cuba…way too close to U.S….wtf. Inflation (despite the reported #’s) is still too high. China is America’s #1 foe, and with feckless Biden as president they have no fear / respect for our country under Biden. Democrats can’t even define what a woman is? Quite simply…Republicans are the party of common sense. It’s not a tough decision in November.
Again, any normal person not in the cult watching this speech would have to be horrified.

But the "liberal" MSM will probably clean it up as they always do. We'll see if we get the same kind of blanket coverage of this disaster as per Biden's debate performance.
What specifically “horrified” you from Trump’s speech tonight?