Holy Fudge: The GOP Convention is off the rails…

Gee if only Trump and the traitor Mike Pompeo had not agreed to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners and then tell them our timeline for the withdrawal while failing to include the Afghan government in the negotiations, maybe just maybe we would have been able to remove those assets prior to the clusterphuck that they put into motion.

Perhaps the worst and least effective attempt at peace negotiations ever by a POTUS. Embarrassing.
So its DTs fault how JB pulled out. Keep trying little man.
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I'm an independent. Voted republican before, and probably will again, someday. But not for a criminal.
And, where did I say you could not vote you conscience. See, I was asked about one of my post and gave my reasons for this cycle. I do not tell anyone else how to vote and never would. But, some on this board at too partisan to adhear to that.
MILWAUKEE — Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird touted Republicans' support for police officers in a primetime address during the second night of the Republican National Convention Tuesday.
“Never forget, the Democratic Party is a party of defunding the police," she told a crowd at the Fiserv Forum in downtown Milwaukee. "They said it, they mean it, and they can't wiggle out of it.”
Bird was the only statewide officeholder to endorse Trump ahead of the 2024 caucuses, and she’s become a prominent ambassador for his campaign.
Earlier this year, she appeared with the former president's entourage at a New York City courthouse while he was standing trial in a criminal hush money case. Bird called the charges a "scam." Trump was later found guilty of 34 felonies for falsifying business records.
On Tuesday, she spoke about Trump’s tough-on-crime approach and his commitment to supporting law enforcement officers. And she contrasted with the Democrats, who she said favor “handouts, not handcuffs.”
Attorney General Brenna Bird (IA) speaks on Day 2 of the Republican National Convention (RNC), at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S., July 16, 2024. REUTERS/Mike Segar

“Unfortunately, Democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made life miserable for law enforcement,” Bird said. “They treat police like criminals and criminals like victims. And tragically, many crime victims feel abandoned by a justice system that doesn't seem to put their interests first. They deserve better than what these defund-the-police Democrats deliver.”

The night’s theme was “Make America Safe Once Again” and featured a range of speakers who spoke about law enforcement and immigration.
Bird took the stage about 8:20 p.m., just ahead of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — a prime spot in the lineup that put Bird just ahead of two of the night’s most anticipated speakers.

In addition to speaking Tuesday, Bird presided over the procedural nomination of U.S. Sen. JD Vance as vice president Monday. And Republican Party of Iowa Chair Jeff Kaufmann delivered the speech that formally nominated Trump for president.

I would have to take her word on this as Brenna is clearly an authority on not being able to "wiggle out" of things.
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What policies worked for you? Trump had no policies besides being a racist asshole. He rode Obamas coattails and the economy was already starting to show signs of going down BEFORE covid and his handling of covid made things worse than they already were. If Trump had been reelected inflation would have been the same or likely worse. If you aren't a partisan hack you are a massive moron who couldn't critically think his way out of a wet paper bag. So which is it? You a partisan hack or a complete moron? Those are the choices based on what you've said here.
Seriously you are a Chode......go back and look how I have detailed EXACTLY what worked for me during the Trump years and what hasn't worked for me during Biden's years. Can you give specifics like I have? Doubtful, as you are just another partisan hack idiot who cannot even come up with a COGENT thought to support Biden. Oops...I used one of your heros words to describe Biden. :rolleyes: Idiot.....
Great reply. 😂
Thanks, it’s the same way I reply to my friends when they’re being mind-numbingly stupid.

I was trying to get out of our convo without being rude and you just wouldn’t let it go.

Ps, Trump is totally a changed man. You were right. That speech last night was unifying as **** and didn’t sound like the Trump we all know.

I'm the fool? My post was in response to a comment about Trump's rambling, mostly incoherent speech. You are the fool. So desperate to defend your cult leader.
Lol, you've been lied to by the White House and the media and you are twisted, it is understandable.
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Thanks, it’s the same way I reply to my friends when they’re being mind-numbingly stupid.

I was trying to get out of our convo without being rude and you just wouldn’t let it go.

Ps, Trump is totally a changed man. You were right. That speech last night was unifying as **** and didn’t sound like the Trump we all know.

LOL!! If that is your way of trying not to be rude to get out of a need LOTS of help. As far as last night, I like how it started, but did not like all of it. But, I do understand that he has to at least show why he thinks he would be better choice. I did not want him to constantly mention Biden....and he didn't. There were things I liked and things I did not like. Choices for all of us....
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LOL!! If that is your way of trying not to be rude to get out of a need LOTS of help.
Or perhaps you should learn to let things go? I think you might be the one that needs the help here, actually. We may have just had a breakthrough for you. What a nice little treat on this lovely Friday morning! I hope you have a great rest of your day and an even better weekend!
You’ve already outed yourself as a left wing nut job. You vote for who you want and just let others vote for whom they want to. It’s called democracy. 😉
Holy hell, how did I miss this? Yes, I'm a left wing nut job because I believe Donald Trump is a criminal and commits crimes. If that makes me a left wing nut, then I absolutely am.
Holy hell, how did I miss this? Yes, I'm a left wing nut job because I believe Donald Trump is a criminal and commits crimes. If that makes me a left wing nut, then I absolutely am.
If you don’t support rapist felons to lead America, you are Marxist. Duh.
You just have to so admire Trump last night and especially his " common sense" proposals he presented for solving this country's most pressing issues. Combating inflation, especially excessive grocery, gas, and housing costs: Trump's solution given last night - "drill baby, drill." Addressing the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Gaza: Trump's solution given last night - " I will end them with a phone call." Solving the immigration problem at our southern border: Trump's solution last night - immediate lock down of the border and then rounding up every illegal in the country and deporting them all. Again, what terrific thought-out solutions to our country's most perplexing problems.