House Freedom Caucus says it won’t support stopgap funding bill without conditions


HR King
May 29, 2001

The hard-right House Freedom Caucus announced Monday that its members will not support a stopgap funding bill to keep the government running past the end of next month unless several of its conservative policy priorities on immigration and other issues are attached.

The announcement marks a potential setback for Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who has floated the possibility of passing a stopgap bill to avoid a government shutdown amid a looming budget deadline of Sept. 30. The posture of the House Freedom Caucus could mean that McCarthy will have to rely on Democrats to pass such a measure in the closely divided chamber.

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters that McCarthy recognized, during a late-July call, that Congress needs to pass a stopgap funding bill in September. And, as the Associated Press and other outlets reported, McCarthy introduced the idea to the House GOP conference on a members-only call.


McCarthy has long struggled to keep the Republican conference together amid multiple budgeting fights in the House, meaning the House Freedom Caucus has been able to leverage its party’s fragile majority to its advantage.
A spokeswoman for McCarthy did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
House Freedom Caucus votes to oust conservative Marjorie Taylor Greene
In a statement, the ultraconservative Republicans said they will oppose a short-term extension of government funding — known as a continuing resolution — if it doesn’t include a House-passed bill that funds restrictive border policies. The continuing resolution, they said, must also include provisions that “address the unprecedented weaponization of the Justice Department and FBI” and it must also “end the Left’s cancerous woke policies in the Pentagon.”

The House’s most right-wing members have complained — without evidence — that the Justice Department has been “weaponized” against former president Donald Trump, who has been indicted four times, and that Democrats have turned the Pentagon “woke” by supporting inclusive policies within the military.

“As Congress continues to work to pass appropriations bills, we must rein in the reckless inflationary spending, and the out-of-control federal bureaucracy it funds,” the group said in its Monday statement.
The statement said the House should revert to fiscal year 2022 spending levels “without the use of gimmicks or reallocated rescissions to return the bureaucracy to its pre-COVID size while allowing for adequate defense funding.” Such a move would require steep budget cuts.

The caucus said that any “support for a ‘clean’ Continuing Resolution would be an affirmation of the current FY 2023 spending level.”

In a Monday interview with conservative host Lisa Boothe, Rep. Chip Roy (R-Tex.), a member of the caucus, argued that Congress, when it returns next month, will once again go back to the “normal D.C. dance of ‘Oh, let’s do a two-month, two-and-a-half-month extension of a continuing resolution of funding at current levels.”

“I disagree with that,” he said. “Our priority needs to be spending going down to pre-covid levels.”
Roy, echoing points made in the caucus statement, said he wants to “restrain the Department of Homeland Security” and “make sure that Department of Justice is being reformed and restraining funds from being used to carry out political shots.”

“We have the House, and the House is the originator of spending bills, and we have the power of the purse,” he said. “We should therefore use that power to reclaim our country, to take it back for the people.”
Online, other members of the caucus also demanded that a continuing resolution only be passed if it targets the cuts outlined by the HFC in its statement.
“There’s just no way to keep this ship sailing unless we get deficit spending under control,” Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Rep. Mary E. Miller (R-Ill.) said in a post that House Republicans must also fight for “no more blank check for Ukraine,” and to “end military funding for abortion.” Hard-right House conservatives have also long demanded that the Biden administration end what Republicans have denounced as the military’s “woke” policies on abortion, race and gender-affirming care.

Ultraconservative members of the House have over the past year argued against growing funding for the war effort against Russia, most recently signaling opposition to President Biden’s request of $24 billion to continue supporting Ukraine. In their Monday statement, the group said it will also oppose “any blank check for Ukraine in any supplemental appropriations bill.”
In his call with reporters last week, Schumer said he’s considering pushing for a continuing resolution that will keep the government funded until early December as the congressional appropriation committees work through 12 funding bills. The Senate appropriators, he noted, are working in a strongly bipartisan way.

“We urge our House colleagues to emulate the Senate,” Schumer said. “The only way we’re going to avoid a government shutdown is by bipartisan support in both Houses. You cannot keep the government open if you just want to do it with one party, it just won’t work the way our government is structured.”

It is not unusual, however, for ultraconservative members of the GOP conference to stand against short-term funding measures. In 2021, the House Freedom Caucus urged Republican leaders to delay passing a continuing resolution over Biden’s vaccine mandates.
In its Monday statement, the group also warned congressional leaders against forcing lawmakers into an omnibus spending bill as the clock runs down and a government shutdown deadline approaches.
“We will oppose any attempt by Washington to revert to its old playbook of using a series of short-term funding extensions designed to push Congress up against a December deadline to force the passage of yet another monstrous, budget busting, pork filled, lobbyist handout omnibus spending bill at year’s end and we will use every procedural tool necessary to prevent that outcome,” they said.
Again, if McCarthy were at all competent, he could regain a ton of his authority by calling their bluff and reminding them he could easily get this passed as a stopgap with Democrat support, and he doesn’t actually need their support to do this.

Of course he won’t do this because if he did he’s open to a recall challenge to his speakership.
My fear is always that the Dems will cave in.

They almost always do.

Not to mention that the Rs will have Manchin playing on their side if they demand rollbacks on climate programs.

Don't get me wrong, I consider this legit politics - unlike the phony debt limit skirmishes. But the Dems go into both kinds of "shutdown" battles with their hands tied behinds their backs.

Why? Because Rs don't care if it hurts the country or less well-off Americans.
Again, if McCarthy were at all competent, he could regain a ton of his authority by calling their bluff and reminding them he could easily get this passed as a stopgap with Democrat support, and he doesn’t actually need their support to do this.

Of course he won’t do this because if he did he’s open to a recall challenge to his speakership.
Democrats should guarantee McCarthy 20 votes to retain the gavel if he puts it forward.
Democrats should guarantee McCarthy 20 votes to retain the gavel if he puts it forward.

I mean, this is an opportunity (again) for the GOP to try and pull itself from the brink. Make it clear to the right wingers- you can get some of what you want but you’re not going to get everything you want. They don’t have the senate and Biden’s not going to give in either. So anyone with a brain knows a compromise is going to happen.
I mean, this is an opportunity (again) for the GOP to try and pull itself from the brink. Make it clear to the right wingers- you can get some of what you want but you’re not going to get everything you want. They don’t have the senate and Biden’s not going to give in either. So anyone with a brain knows a compromise is going to happen.
The problem is these idiots want a complete collapse of the government. We all know that there is no way in hell any of them will take responsibility for doing this and blame Biden and Democrats for it. So the way they see it, they have nothing to lose.
Again, if McCarthy were at all competent, he could regain a ton of his authority by calling their bluff and reminding them he could easily get this passed as a stopgap with Democrat support, and he doesn’t actually need their support to do this.

Of course he won’t do this because if he did he’s open to a recall challenge to his speakership.
Where is Nancy Pelosi now that we need her?
So now the GOP is doing fiscal posturing, and the left leaners are complaining. This is in contrast to all the posts about the GOP also being irresponsible with the budget. So which is it?

IMO, there's no reason to not go back to inflation adjusted pre-covid spending levels.
Well thanks for letting us known what's in the browser search history.
Wasn't he just getting hammered by some dude a couple months ago? Pretty sure it was a national story. You know he's well known for partying in the gay clubs of San Francisco, right? He's a well known swinger.
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So now the GOP is doing fiscal posturing, and the left leaners are complaining. This is in contrast to all the posts about the GOP also being irresponsible with the budget. So which is it?

IMO, there's no reason to not go back to inflation adjusted pre-covid spending levels.
Where’s Calvin Coolidge when we need him? America cannot survive as an island regardless what these right-wing dipshits spout.
Where’s Calvin Coolidge when we need him? America cannot survive as an island regardless what these right-wing dipshits spout.
Half the left wingers on this forum think some men can get pregnant. May want to be careful which party you think is full of dip shits.
  • Haha
Reactions: Kelsers
So now the GOP is doing fiscal posturing, and the left leaners are complaining. This is in contrast to all the posts about the GOP also being irresponsible with the budget. So which is it?

IMO, there's no reason to not go back to inflation adjusted pre-covid spending levels.
No, this is about the GQP running this country into the ground to protect a coup plotter. Don't make it seem more complex.
So now the GOP is doing fiscal posturing, and the left leaners are complaining. This is in contrast to all the posts about the GOP also being irresponsible with the budget. So which is it?

IMO, there's no reason to not go back to inflation adjusted pre-covid spending levels.
I have no issues. If that includes defense.
Eating ice cream while her husband gets pegged by male prostitutes again probably
So…..if that’s true, and I certainly don’t want to find out for gods sakes, no pics, so what? What the f business is it of anyone in the general public? He can be taking it from Nancy every night. Don’t care.
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So…..if that’s true, and I certainly don’t want to find out for gods sakes, no pics, so what? What the f business is it of anyone in the general public? He can be taking it from Nancy every night. Don’t care.
I was simply answering the question of what I assumed she was doing.