House of the Dragon

Damnit, I was planning on skipping this one but looks like I may need to sign up for a free trial of HBO Max.
Was a huge GoT nerd and even read the books twice, but those damn last few seasons really soured my grapes. I'll watch, but not with much expectation or investment.
The last 2 seasons gave us moments that I will always be grateful for (Stark reunions, Brienne's knighting, anything with the Hound, etc) but the overall storyline just was awful, IMO.

Once Jon was named King of the North, the series struggled from that point.
The last 2 seasons gave us moments that I will always be grateful for (Stark reunions, Brienne's knighting, anything with the Hound, etc) but the overall storyline just was awful, IMO.

Once Jon was named King of the North, the series struggled from that point.
Once the show bypassed George’s writing it really struggled. They had the plot points from him but bumbled the execution.
I've never been a prequal series/movie guy. You basically know the story, so how surprised can you be?
There's a lot to tease out though, and the whole Valyria backstory is super interesting, to me at least.
I've never been a prequal series/movie guy. You basically know the story, so how surprised can you be?
Have you read the book? Not so much a prequel, but rather a side story. Unbelievable potential for story telling.
So this new series is based on a book as well?
Yes kinda. It’s based on a portion of a book (Fire and Blood) of the history of the Taragaryon dynasty. He show will be set during “ the dance of the dragons”, this was when there were plenty of dragons in the world and a lot of Targaryen’s. The new series is 200 years before Game of Thrones. No one in the previous series will be in the new series.
Mrs. Alaska and I are finally binging GoT. We're about to start Season 4 (gotta watch BCS tonight, though). Excited for the prequel, despite already knowing Season 8 of GoT is trash.
Yes kinda. It’s based on a portion of a book (Fire and Blood) of the history of the Taragaryon dynasty. He show will be set during “ the dance of the dragons”, this was when there were plenty of dragons in the world and a lot of Targaryen’s. The new series is 200 years before Game of Thrones. No one in the previous series will be in the new series.

It‘s also based on the novellas The Princess and the Queen as well as the Rogue Prince. Those two works were dumbed down and shortened into the material you see in the Fire and Blood book.
I'm curious to see how well this takes off. I'm not so sure a Game of Thrones without the graphic and shocking sex, nudity and violence is a winner. They absolutely could not make the original Game of Thrones today under any circumstances.

There will certainly be superfan interest, but I'm not sure this will approach the cultural phenomenon the first one is. We will see. I'm not sure people want to see an allegory of our current times and lessons on equity and gender, but with dragons. I think its naive to pretend that the transgressive elements of GOT were not a significant amount of its appeal.

I'll give it a go and see how it is.
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I'm curious to see how well this takes off. I'm not so sure a Game of Thrones without the graphic and shocking sex, nudity and violence is a winner. They absolutely could not make the original Game of Thrones today under any circumstances.

There will certainly be superfan interest, but I'm not sure this will approach the cultural phenomenon the first one is. We will see. I'm not sure people want to see an allegory of our current times and lessons on equity and gender, but with dragons. I think its naive to pretend that the transgressive elements of GOT were not a significant amount of its appeal.

I'll give it a go and see how it is.

Although, that assumption of what it will be like, is based on media interviews with the creators. It's possible they're overplaying the amount of cleaning up they're doing to get ahead of criticism and play to the Twitter community. Maybe they'll retain enough of the original GOT edge.
I'm curious to see how well this takes off. I'm not so sure a Game of Thrones without the graphic and shocking sex, nudity and violence is a winner. They absolutely could not make the original Game of Thrones today under any circumstances.

There will certainly be superfan interest, but I'm not sure this will approach the cultural phenomenon the first one is. We will see. I'm not sure people want to see an allegory of our current times and lessons on equity and gender, but with dragons. I think its naive to pretend that the transgressive elements of GOT were not a significant amount of its appeal.

I'll give it a go and see how it is.
I couldn’t disagree more. The original was great because of the plot twists and surprises. The characters were all interesting and complex with terrific actors. The nudity and violence was just window dressing for the plot. Once the show went past George’s template it suffered. Sounds like the new show is going to track as closely to the source material as they can.
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I'm curious to see how well this takes off. I'm not so sure a Game of Thrones without the graphic and shocking sex, nudity and violence is a winner. They absolutely could not make the original Game of Thrones today under any circumstances.

There will certainly be superfan interest, but I'm not sure this will approach the cultural phenomenon the first one is. We will see. I'm not sure people want to see an allegory of our current times and lessons on equity and gender, but with dragons. I think its naive to pretend that the transgressive elements of GOT were not a significant amount of its appeal.

I'll give it a go and see how it is.
May be true for the 15 yr old viewers, but no adults watched the original for the reasons you outlined. There was no more violence than in the final season, and what was the reception?
I'm curious to see how well this takes off. I'm not so sure a Game of Thrones without the graphic and shocking sex, nudity and violence is a winner. They absolutely could not make the original Game of Thrones today under any circumstances.

There will certainly be superfan interest, but I'm not sure this will approach the cultural phenomenon the first one is. We will see. I'm not sure people want to see an allegory of our current times and lessons on equity and gender, but with dragons. I think its naive to preten that the transgressive elements of GOT were not a significant amount of its appeal.

I'll give it a go and see how it is.
Wait, wut? No boobs and heads getting lopped off, with current PC undertones?
I'm pretty excited but I'm not that wild about Matt Smith tbh. I've never really cared for him.
Wait, wut? No boobs and heads getting lopped off, with current PC undertones?

Yeah, I'm starting to wonder if I've been suckered by pre-release talking points meant to head off criticism. Maybe they'll cut like the most 5% gross and irrelevant stuff, but largely keep the tone intact.

By no means do I think that GOT was just watched for prurient reasons or that there was no story or characters. But there's no way to deny that debauchery, cruelty and shock value was a significant ingredient in the soup. Both for drawing in viewers and fleshing out the characters. IF they remove that ingredient, or replace it with something else, it will be interesting to see if the soup is still as good and popular.

I mean, the entire origin story of Daenarys in the GOT series would likely be much different by today's standards. If you remove the nudity, her on-screen rape by Drogo, then learning to love her rapist and owner the story and character as compelling as it is as she begins her arc? Maybe. I don't know. Maybe you can have the naughty bits happen off camera, and woke-ify it with her plotting Drogo's death in his sleep and it all works just as well. Maybe it's better. We'll see, that's why I said I'm curious.

But like I said, I suspect the chatter might be overblown. It is probably overstating how much it's cleaned up, so that they can remove just the very most offensive bits (cross-bowing a naked prostitute), and still serve up plenty of sex. So the reaction isn't "Hey, they toned this down a bit", it's "Hey, there is a lot more nudity than we were expecting!"
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I'm so excited about it, and can't wait for its release.
But you know, I'm afraid to be disappointed. I'm not saying that the series will be bad, no, but I'm afraid that I won't be as impressed and interested as I was with GoT
I'm so excited about it, and can't wait for its release.
But you know, I'm afraid to be disappointed. I'm not saying that the series will be bad, no, but I'm afraid that I won't be as impressed and interested as I was with GoT
Who owns you? Intel? Microsoft? Antifa?
I'm curious to see how well this takes off. I'm not so sure a Game of Thrones without the graphic and shocking sex, nudity and violence is a winner. They absolutely could not make the original Game of Thrones today under any circumstances.

There will certainly be superfan interest, but I'm not sure this will approach the cultural phenomenon the first one is. We will see. I'm not sure people want to see an allegory of our current times and lessons on equity and gender, but with dragons. I think its naive to pretend that the transgressive elements of GOT were not a significant amount of its appeal.

I'll give it a go and see how it is.
Never understood why that was such a "necessary" aspect of the show. Personally, I could have done w/o much of it.
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I'm excited.

I'm also one of the ones that didn't think the last season was horrible.

They rushed it, sure, and there was no one way to tie up all the plot lines(I think Martin is having this issue with his writing), but I enjoyed it.

I certainly won't let it take away from all the fond memories of the show, and let it limit me from rewatching.