How does voter fraud occur?

I’ve posted it 3 times in this thread.

You have plenty of time to look at the heritage foundation database if you have time to read Elon’s misinformation campaign.
Ok, I did open that link but it wasn’t immediately obvious what I was supposed to be looking at. I’ll try to find time to go through it in a bit more detail.
When the Dems lose it's because Russia interfered. When they win it was the most secure election ever.
Is there any part of your brain that can comprehend that accusations that Russia used Social Media to spread division and misinformation is in no way similar to accusations that hundreds or thousands of American election officials - many of them Republican Trump supporters - allowed sweeping fraud that resulted in inaccurate certified results?
Here’s one I hadn’t heard of that seems like a no-brainer. I haven’t heard of this anywhere other than twitter. Can anyone verify/dispel this?

It’s been posted on here. The reason for the lawsuit is that states cannot purge voter rolls within 90 days of an election. If Alabama had done it earlier it wouldn’t have been an issue.
I find it amazing that grown up adults in this thread - even after the myriad of challenges to the 2020 election came up with absolutely nothing that would have turned not one single race - believe some sort of massive fraud occurred.

Those very same posters then brush aside all the attempts at disenfranchising said voters, which was 100% verified to occur, and those people were held accountable for that in court.

That kind of stupidity defies explanation really...
I find it amazing that grown up adults in this thread - even after the myriad of challenges to the 2020 election came up with absolutely nothing that would have turned not one single race - believe some sort of massive fraud occurred.

Those very same posters then brush aside all the attempts at disenfranchising said voters, which was 100% verified to occur, and those people were held accountable for that in court.

That kind of stupidity defies explanation really...
The gop could try and appeal to more voters, but they'd rather just make voting as hard as possible because they know their policies aren't popular.

1 popular vote win since 1992. It isn't because of voter fraud. It is because the GOP is supported by a minority of Americans.
By not requiring ID. It makes it impossible to prove voter fraud. That’s why the left does it.
This is the correct answer

The more ways you can vote and the less requirements needed, the more ways you can cheat or alter the system. It is really quite simple. That is why they fight tooth and nail for things like drop boxes and no ID.
And to expand the topic slightly, are there other forms of fraud beyond the ID issue that people have?

For instance I see people joke about tons of dead people voting for Democrats (and the DeNiro movie The Irishman even has a scene about the mob getting Kennedy elected with ballot stuffing) but I assume this would have been the first thing Trump’s team searched for in the last election and to my knowledge they didn’t find anything.

Another scenario I could imagine is somehow messing with the mail-in ballots if you could for instance buy off the staff at the post office.

What other scenarios am I missing?
Do you want to pass a law to prevent voter impersonation? It's nearly nonexistent. It will disenfranchise a large swath of legal voters. Why pass a law for a nonproblem? I think I know why.
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There is always voter fraud, just not enough to make a difference one way or the other. From what I've heard from trump the only voter fraud has only happened in the states that trump lost. And as I recall, the few instances of so called voter fraud, was more times than not, done by a rightie.
How about we use voter ID like every other civilization?

Should be a federal ID system,.. accessible by each of the 50 states, and all other non-state voting locations like DC, Puerto Rico, etc.,.. That way it travels with the owner and wouldn't require updating when voters move...
By not requiring ID. It makes it impossible to prove voter fraud. That’s why the left does it.

TonyTheDumbass a little reading for you. Assuming you can read.
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I have always wanted a Federal Voter ID, with a 2-3 Federal voting holiday. I would also demand voter laws and rules the same for every state. The Do-Nothing Cons hate this as they can't change the rules, laws before the election, and would rather just bitch BEFORE and AFTER every election.
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You mean, like US Code, Code of Federal Regulations or Immigration and Naturalization Act?

(Ftr, B2, I know you're being facetious, just added to it, not calling you out)
Huh, who knew there was such a thing. elon has told me otherwise. Where do I take my faux outrage now?!

(Adding to the over the top facetiousness because of how silly this all is)
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For the record, I’m sort of neutral on the topic but I’m open to being swayed either way.

I see lots of things like this that Elon retweeted today so I know there are lots of people that have concerns.

So I’m just curious logistically what would it look like if there were to be significant fraud in this election?

And specifically with regards to the issue of not requiring an ID, would that imply that people show up to vote in person and claim they are someone else? Or is there some other scenario I’m missing?

I have no idea how voter fraud is possible. I have 5 valid IDs, 5 valid voter registration cards, 5 Iowa driver’s licenses and I’m on 5 different precinct voter rolls that match my voter IDs. Dammit….I am legit!
  • Haha
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Should be a federal ID system,.. accessible by each of the 50 states, and all other non-state voting locations like DC, Puerto Rico, etc.,.. That way it travels with the owner and wouldn't require updating when voters move...
Puerto Ricans vote in federal elections?
That was fun. Thanks. I looked up my state (MD) and learned there have been 10 people in 9 events over the last 12 years. Eight of the people were convicted of a crime.

Ordinarily I would be leery of accepting Heritage data without doing my own research - these are the guys behind Project 2025, after all - but if even they can't come up with more than that, I'm not bothered.
That was fun. Thanks. I looked up my state (MD) and learned there have been 10 people in 9 events over the last 12 years. Eight of the people were convicted of a crime.

Ordinarily I would be leery of accepting Heritage data without doing my own research - these are the guys behind Project 2025, after all - but if even they can't come up with more than that, I'm not bothered.
What funny is the Heritage Foundation is trying to make it look like they’ve uncovered tons of fraud. And what you have is about 100 cases a year across the entire country, many related to local elections. And of those cases, here are some things that strike me.
  • Almost all of them are one or two fraudulent ballots, never any significant numbers like people like Elon want you to believe.
  • Almost none of them would have been prevented by ID laws.
Make no mistake; the GOP is using absurd and fictional claims of massive voter fraud as cover to pass sweeping laws aimed at disenfranchising voters. This is indisputable. Some of the faithful are no doubt completely duped by their “leadership”, but they are just swallowing the lies they’ve been told.
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That was fun. Thanks. I looked up my state (MD) and learned there have been 10 people in 9 events over the last 12 years. Eight of the people were convicted of a crime.

Ordinarily I would be leery of accepting Heritage data without doing my own research - these are the guys behind Project 2025, after all - but if even they can't come up with more than that, I'm not bothered.
LOL - That only represents those who were caught, not the other 12 million who got away with it.