How much can you squat right now?

Fitness Squatting GIF by Gymshark
At 67, squatting to depth (thighs parallel) is difficult in its own, so my weight is very, very low. As it happens this week I hit 250lbs, which is a bit of a milestone.

Now, my son is a different story. He weighs 180 and his squat is north of 500lbs.

I refuse to tell anyone my bench and deadlift; squat is my least embarrassing.

OP: how much can you do?
At 67, squatting to depth (thighs parallel) is difficult in its own, so my weight is very, very low. As it happens this week I hit 250lbs, which is a bit of a milestone.

Now, my son is a different story. He weighs 180 and his squat is north of 500lbs.

I refuse to tell anyone my bench and deadlift; squat is my least embarrassing.

OP: how much can you do?
I hear you. I have been working to increase my hip and ankle flexibility in order to get deeper on squats. Until I get there, I use the old plate trick to help me on heavy days (heels placed on 5lb plates).
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At 67, squatting to depth (thighs parallel) is difficult in its own, so my weight is very, very low. As it happens this week I hit 250lbs, which is a bit of a milestone.

Now, my son is a different story. He weighs 180 and his squat is north of 500lbs.

I refuse to tell anyone my bench and deadlift; squat is my least embarrassing.

OP: how much can you do?
I could prob do 300. I can do a set of 5 at 260.
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At 67, squatting to depth (thighs parallel) is difficult in its own, so my weight is very, very low. As it happens this week I hit 250lbs, which is a bit of a milestone.

Now, my son is a different story. He weighs 180 and his squat is north of 500lbs.

I refuse to tell anyone my bench and deadlift; squat is my least embarrassing.

OP: how much can you do?
Personally I think you’re crazy to be squatting at your age, but to each their own. I’m 41 and I gave up squats probably 10 years ago. I also fvcked my back up lifting like a maniac in my 20’s. Leg press machine all day now.
I currently weigh 185lbs and can squat my weight for 3 decent reps. That’s as heavy as I’ve gone (by choice) so don’t know 1RM.
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Personally I think you’re crazy to be squatting at your age, but to each their own. I’m 41 and I gave up squats probably 10 years ago. I also fvcked my back up lifting like a maniac in my 20’s. Leg press machine all day now.

Agreed. Squats scare me. I haven’t walked and ducked into a squat rack in a very long time. I don’t do any leg lifting at all anymore and minimal upper body. Push-ups, sit-ups, stretching and cardio are all I’m into now. I feel like it’s all I should have ever been into sometimes.
Agreed. Squats scare me. I haven’t walked and ducked into a squat rack in a very long time. I don’t do any leg lifting at all anymore and minimal upper body. Push-ups, sit-ups, stretching and cardio are all I’m into now. I feel like it’s all I should have ever been into sometimes.
Maybe it was here or somewhere else, but there was a neurosurgeon or something in that vein that said all lifts that compress your spine should be avoided.

I squat about this much:

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At 67, squatting to depth (thighs parallel) is difficult in its own, so my weight is very, very low. As it happens this week I hit 250lbs, which is a bit of a milestone.

Now, my son is a different story. He weighs 180 and his squat is north of 500lbs.

I refuse to tell anyone my bench and deadlift; squat is my least embarrassing.

OP: how much can you do?
Bad ass
IMO if you’re older, especially over 50, you should prioritize compound exercises. About 80% of my lifts are presses, squats, or dead’s. More bang for the buck.
As someone over 50, I look at it the other should look like you lift weight. Curls, flyes and lateral raises, baby!
135 for 15, 12, 10, & 8 reps. My heavy squat days are over but still find the lighter weight beneficial
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I’m 47. I squat my body weight for about 6-8 reps. I can squat about 1.25 my body weight for 1-2 reps.

Like others my age, I’m cautious with squats. I do them but rarely exceptionally heavy.
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As someone over 50, I look at it the other should look like you lift weight. Curls, flyes and lateral raises, baby!
Speaking only for myself (over 50) resistance training for “looks” is way down the list. When you reach middle age, loss of lean mass is the enemy. Of course, looking good is a worthy side benefit. I still do isolation exercises, just much less than I did 20 years ago.