How much can you squat right now?

Speaking only for myself (over 50) resistance training for “looks” is way down the list. When you reach middle age, loss of lean mass is the enemy. Of course, looking good is a worthy side benefit. I still do isolation exercises, just much less than I did 20 years ago.
I was (mostly) kidding. I still do compound movements (bench press, squat, overhead press, etc.), but much less than I used to. The older I get, the more I work out for fun and worry less about progress. I stopped programming and tracking my workouts a few years ago, and recently stopped logging my diet.
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1 rep max.

Edit: Stop guys, I mean it, this is not about poop!
Structured weight lifting has always seemed unneeded to me. I just pick up heavy things and move them around.
No structure needed, just lift and move per the situation. I don’t lift as much these days, but with technique I do what is needed.
nice, I can do 316
Doubt It Season 8 GIF by The Office
I mostly deadline as opposed to squats. I have not tried to max out in a long time; I typically do sets with somewhere between 225 to 245, depending on my mood.
I'm 61.
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But more importantly how many 92 pound concrete wall forms can you reach down below your feet, while standing on an 8 inch wall ten feet in the air, jerk up to shoulder height in one motion, walk down the 8 inch wall with the form 10 or 15 feet, then toss 5 feet across the over dig to the waiting truck man, before returning to get the other 100 or so forms?
But more importantly how many 92 pound concrete wall forms can you reach down below your feet, while standing on an 8 inch wall ten feet in the air, jerk up to shoulder height in one motion, walk down the 8 inch wall with the form 10 or 15 feet, then toss 5 feet across the over dig to the waiting truck man, before returning to get the other 100 or so forms?
Pins and whalers
But more importantly how many 92 pound concrete wall forms can you reach down below your feet, while standing on an 8 inch wall ten feet in the air, jerk up to shoulder height in one motion, walk down the 8 inch wall with the form 10 or 15 feet, then toss 5 feet across the over dig to the waiting truck man, before returning to get the other 100 or so forms?
I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but squatting moderate to heavy with good form, doesn’t cause knee problems. In fact, my knees feel better during growth phases when I’m upping the weight.
But more importantly how many 92 pound concrete wall forms can you reach down below your feet, while standing on an 8 inch wall ten feet in the air, jerk up to shoulder height in one motion, walk down the 8 inch wall with the form 10 or 15 feet, then toss 5 feet across the over dig to the waiting truck man, before returning to get the other 100 or so forms?
Not as many as once I could have, but I never did concrete work.
As a kid, I was handed a ninety pound Jack hammer working demolition on a later legislative wing attached to the old Florida state capitol building. Got to where I could hold that beast waist to shoulder height and plunge it into rebar reinforced concrete. My first day on the job we were 6 or 7 rows high on scaffolding. Scared the eff out of me, tho heights had never been a problem. The whole unit ebbed and flowed up in the air, as one man or another applied technique or made breakthroughs.
Put myself thru college cutting and delivering firewood.
Graded lumber and timbers for decades. Flipped and stacked multiple semi truck loads daily… 40 K plus pounds each load.
Handling of art and antiques for many years. Massive furniture, marble tops and sculptures, cast iron furniture and statuary, 9’ tall yellow pine and oak corner cupboards, Steinway pianos, … Massive paintings in period frames. So much of this is in or out of houses, shops, institutions with narrow/chitty access handling fragile and $$$ items with “nervous” oversight by worried owners. Calm them down by acting like you know what you are doing, even tho at times you are freaking the eff out about how to pull this chit off without damaging the item or getting yourself/others hurt.

Dealing with weight or large mass is mostly technique and preparation. I am currently 15-20 pounds above my longtime fighting weight of 140.
But more importantly how many 92 pound concrete wall forms can you reach down below your feet, while standing on an 8 inch wall ten feet in the air, jerk up to shoulder height in one motion, walk down the 8 inch wall with the form 10 or 15 feet, then toss 5 feet across the over dig to the waiting truck man, before returning to get the other 100 or so forms?
You sir, are a baddass. Gym work is one thing, work work is quite another. I will think of you this weekend or next when I help the neighbor throw hay bails.