How Much Do You Trust the Press?

I think some actual "news" gets reported but, I trust the likes of Jimmy Dore, TYT, Breaking Points, Glenn Greenwald, AP & WSJ far more.

Anyone who is getting all of their news from cable news FOX, MSN, OAN, CNN, MSNBC is going to be lost.
On a scale of 1 to 10 … 1 = no trust, 10 = they are always trustworthy.

I’m about a 2 right now.
It depends on who you're listening to and for what. Left and right wing media are going to tell you what you want to hear. If one of those are your typical go-to's then you probably won't trust anybody else, whether they are legitimate or not.
A lot of lazy thinking in this thread. "Nah, the press sucks. I don't trust any of them." As if there is no distinction among those who can be considered "the press."

So what do you trust? Facebook posts?

There are serious journalists in this world, working for serious media outlets. They are trustworthy. Whether it's the NYT or WSJ; your are getting accurate information. Nightly news on MSM is also accurate; though extremely abbreviated compared to newspapers. It's intellectually lazy to jump on the bandwagon and claim you don't trust "the press." But then, we have become a pretty intellectually lazy country - and that goes for both left and right.
A lot of lazy thinking in this thread. "Nah, the press sucks. I don't trust any of them." As if there is no distinction among those who can be considered "the press."

So what do you trust? Facebook posts?

There are serious journalists in this world, working for serious media outlets. They are trustworthy. Whether it's the NYT or WSJ; your are getting accurate information. Nightly news on MSM is also accurate; though extremely abbreviated compared to newspapers. It's intellectually lazy to jump on the bandwagon and claim you don't trust "the press." But then, we have become a pretty intellectually lazy country - and that goes for both left and right.
Good post. The thing that skews people's opinions is the fact that CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News have taken sides. They spin everything and Fox will outright make shit up. So when Fox lies about something negative about Biden that the MAGAs want to hear and CNN spins it in the most positive way possible, the mouth breathers have already made up their minds and they don't care about the well reasoned and researched truth that the WSJ reports 3 days later.
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