How stupid is Trump???


HR All-American
Aug 6, 2018
I honestly believe he's dumb enough to think that since he never actually said the words Quid Pro Quo that it can't be a Quid Pro Quo. Kinda like if I'm being tried for murder and my defense is I never said I was gonna murder You. I said "I'm gonna kill You" then stabbed him 27 times. No murder Your honor. just me killing him. after 3 years, it's sad to say, I actually think he's that stupid. It would be funny were it not so scary.
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Yeah, he's president of the United States. What you up to these days?

Who won with a minority of the voting public and was obviously unfit for office long before he even got the nomination. If not for a quirk of the electoral college and the electors not doing their job he never would have been and the country would have been spared the damage his criminal presidency inflicts on it on a daily basis.
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Who won with a minority of the voting public and was obviously unfit for office long before he even got the nomination. If not for a quirk of the electoral college and the electors not doing their job.
You're entitled to your opinion. Still doesn't answer how he's so dumb since he's President and you're not nor are you most likely anywhere close to his position. Just my opinion.
Sadly, the repubs have packed the courts with judges who subscribe to this, including the SCOTUS. Its pretty much the Roberts Doctrine

I wish I could remember who, but someone here told me the courts are not political. That was when the 9th Circuit ruled against one of Trump's many bad ideas.
He is not very knowledgeable but his social IQ (?) is very high. He knows how to manipulate and lie to his advantage. A reminder that the guy who writes Dilbert predicted Trump becoming President, in part due to these skills.

"Scott Adams, the millionaire creator of the office-humor comic strip Dilbert, saw something different. In that moment, he realized that Trump might be a kindred spirit—a fellow “Master Wizard,” Adams’s term for experts in hypnosis and persuasion. Watching the debate alone at home, he grew excited. “I really got out of my chair and said, ‘Whoa, there’s something happening here that’s not like regular politics,’ ” Adams recalled. As he saw it, Trump had deftly defanged Kelly’s accusations by replacing them with a powerful visual: the iconic O’Donnell, “who is very unpopular among his base,” Adams said. “It was the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen.” A week later, he published a blog post titled “Clown Genius.”
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You're entitled to your opinion. Still doesn't answer how he's so dumb since he's President and you're not nor are you most likely anywhere close to his position. Just my opinion.
It would be a lot easier to be near his position if my Daddy had given me 100s of millions of dollars, been a major business man, and other businessmen then saw fit to do business with me thinking it would get them in with my Father whom they really wanted to do business with.

He's only really good at one thing, and that's being a conman and a bully. That's all he's ever done his entire life. That doesn't take smarts, just money, power, and a lack of ethics. Something he was born into from what I can tell.
I honestly believe he's dumb enough to think that since he never actually said the words Quid Pro Quo that it can't be a Quid Pro Quo. Kinda like if I'm being tried for murder and my defense is I never said I was gonna murder You. I said "I'm gonna kill You" then stabbed him 27 times. No murder Your honor. just me killing him. after 3 years, it's sad to say, I actually think he's that stupid. It would be funny were it not so scary.

The worst part is that his cultists would defend him by using that exact argument.
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You're entitled to your opinion. Still doesn't answer how he's so dumb since he's President and you're not nor are you most likely anywhere close to his position. Just my opinion.
Being POTUS does not necessarily equate to intelligence. Being electable, at this moment in our media-obsessed country, has less to do with raw intelligence and more to do with eliciting a feeling amongst enough people that they are motivated to vote for you. Trump is all empty branding. He's intuitively and instinctively talented in this area. He understands perception becomes reality as long as you're committed to that perception long enough. Because Americans are, in large part, not very bright. They are programmed consumers of products and content.

He's also talented in being fraudulent. I was reminded a few minutes ago of how his sister filed retirement papers to avoid further investigation into her benefitting, while being a federal judge, from the Trump family's fraudulent tax schemes. And then there is the fake university, the phony foundation, the money laundering, and on and on.

So, yeah, Donald Trump, the man who is a stable genius, who sends threatening letters to every school he attended, yeah, he's really, really, really smart. And successful, too!

It will really be interesting to see what happens to people when they finally realize what an amazing statement the Trump phenomenon is making about their country, about them. Will we care? Probably not. We got shit to buy, after all.
The worst part is that his cultists would defend him by using that exact argument.

Not that precedence for these kinds of things hasn't been set long ago. And not only in America. People gonna stand by their candidate no matter how pathetic the situation. It's human nautre.




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Being POTUS does not necessarily equate to intelligence. Being electable, at this moment in our media-obsessed country, has less to do with raw intelligence and more to do with eliciting a feeling amongst enough people that they are motivated to vote for you. Trump is all empty branding. He's intuitively and instinctively talented in this area. He understands perception becomes reality as long as you're committed to that perception long enough. Because Americans are, in large part, not very bright. They are programmed consumers of products and content.

He's also talented in being fraudulent. I was reminded a few minutes ago of how his sister filed retirement papers to avoid further investigation into her benefitting, while being a federal judge, from the Trump family's fraudulent tax schemes. And then there is the fake university, the phony foundation, the money laundering, and on and on.

So, yeah, Donald Trump, the man who is a stable genius, who sends threatening letters to every school he attended, yeah, he's really, really, really smart. And successful, too!

It will really be interesting to see what happens to people when they finally realize what an amazing statement the Trump phenomenon is making about their country, about them. Will we care? Probably not. We got shit to buy, after all.

You are correct. However, let me add this is nothing new. It's the awful nature of politics. If anything, our country may me better at electing Presidents than we are Congressmen and Senators.

I read recently that 98% of Congressional incumbents win reelection and much is due to the advantages Congress has built into the system.



You are correct. However, let me add this is nothing new. It's the awful nature of politics. If anything, our country may me better at electing Presidents than we are Congressmen and Senators.

I read recently that 98% of Congressional incumbents win reelection and much is due to the advantages Congress has built into the system.



Power is its own corruption. And now that we're completely media-obsessed, with nary the patience to read through (or understand) any actual policy proposals, we just vote on whims and feelings. Hopefully this shifts.