How stupid is war?

The single dumbest part of humanity. Not to mention the greediest. If war didn't garner profit there would be no more war.
I agree with Smedley Butler.
The way to prevent it is to threaten conscription of capital before 18 year olds.

If war meant the confiscation of any fortunes over 1 billion dollars we’d drop our last bomb overseas yesterday.
I agree with Smedley Butler.
The way to prevent it is to threaten conscription of capital before 18 year olds.

If war meant the confiscation of any fortunes over 1 billion dollars we’d drop our last bomb overseas yesterday.
If our government had to raise income taxes every time we were engaged in war the sheep might revolt.

That’s where the Fed and their magic money printing machines come in so handy.
Really, just think about it.

In 2024 there is still fighting and killing all over the world. For what?

And much of it is religious conflict. How ****ing stupid is that?

Just a shame.
How stupid are the kids who go fight the wars the old men tell them to fight? If they ever put down their weapons and told those sons of bitches to fight their own wars, war would end.
I often lament what we could be as a society without war. We could cure disease. We could be living on Mars. We could raise the standard living for every person on the planet.

And then remove all the time fretting about god and we’d be living on (the planet formerly known as) Pluto by now.
Most all the people in the "war thread", I swear their brains are broken.

War sucks. As far as me sitting here on my keyboard, the last thing I believe I'd be doing is somehow turning what's going on halfway across the world (which is, of course, appalling) into some sort of message board genius shitshow.

Take a friggin' deep breath, people. Chill the F out or you're all going to stroke out face down on your keyboards.

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