How the Iowa gambling investigation ….

Have you read the full deposition? Have you read anything from the state as to their position?

Or are you just content with one side?
We already know their side from the beginning. We knew they used geofencing, which has been questionable as to its legality. We knew players were targeted. What we didn't know is regular college kids were targeted first. We do know they used the Geofencing without a warrant. As to their reasoning, that is the big question. It is currently shown that Sanger was the one who felt there may be issues with price fixing. He was told to shove off on the Dorm issue. That is a fact as we know nothing was brought against those students. If so why, they committed crimes too?

Don't worry more with come out. If Sanger felt so good about his stance his linkedin page would still be up. He is in a world of hurt right now and will likely be the DCI scapegoat. Which upper management wants to get in front of this and say, I authorized the illegal geofence? The damage is already done, we knew this from the start, its just this is the first time, the arguments are being put to the test in front of a judge, after discovery had already occurred.

There will be lawsuits, but if you want to wait, I will get you the popcorn.
Have you read the full deposition? Have you read anything from the state as to their position?

Or are you just content with one side?
I think most people understand this is just one side of the story. But we also know the attorney can't present false statements for fear of being censured or disbarred - so we should be able to believe it to be an accurate accounting of the facts. Now there may be facts left out that will help DCI, or information that the attorney didn't have access to, but in general terms, we should be able to rely on this for at least a general understanding of what happened.
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Why are you so pro government

I'm pro justice.

If illegal and/improper actions were taken, then consequences are in order.

And I'd like to reiterate a previous post of mine (post 15). If this was a random fishing expedition, then as taxpayers we need to reevaluate funding and staffing for the entities that were involved in these cases.
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Well what this has done is start lawyers circling on a class action lawsuit for the players for more discovery. The next step will be the students that were illegal searched. I am sure they will be trying to figure out which dorm and which students were living there at the time. Good luck Iowa.
What about the Iowa AG? Criminal charges are not filed by the DCI. She was apparently satisfied that evidence was obtained legally.

A very common tactic of thugs in our government is to obtain the initial evidence illegally, then build a case where you obtain additional evidence legally to cover up the initial crime. This is a well known tactic.

I don't know if it's what happened here, but it could explain why the state AG filed charges.
I'm pro justice.

If illegal and/improper actions were taken, then consequences are in order.

And I'd like to reiterate a previous post of mine (post 15). If this was a random fishing expedition, then as taxpayers we need to reevaluate funding and staffing for the entities that were involved in these cases.
Victimless crimes
A very common tactic of thugs in our government is to obtain the initial evidence illegally, then build a case where you obtain additional evidence legally to cover up the initial crime. This is a well known tactic.

I don't know if it's what happened here, but it could explain why the state AG filed charges.

This thread is getting more bizarre by the minute.

The "state AG" did not file charges.
I'm pro justice.

If illegal and/improper actions were taken, then consequences are in order.

And I'd like to reiterate a previous post of mine (post 15). If this was a random fishing expedition, then as taxpayers we need to reevaluate funding and staffing for the entities that were involved in these cases.
This agent needs to be criminally charged as does anyone else involved from the government.
I think most people understand this is just one side of the story. But we also know the attorney can't present false statements for fear of being censured or disbarred - so we should be able to believe it to be an accurate accounting of the facts. Now there may be facts left out that will help DCI, or information that the attorney didn't have access to, but in general terms, we should be able to rely on this for at least a general understanding of what happened.
Never believe what a Sheriff, investigator, or other officers believe until they prove it. County/district prosecutors should be prosecuted when they lie. And they are legally able to lie.
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The rape case involving Lawrence Kansas and an Illini BB player is likely to change how universities suspend players. Not taking sides, but it will change things.
For NCAA violations, you’re kinda right but on the criminal side, you’re way off base (if there’s truth to this report). You can’t selectively conduct search and surveillance without following procedure. The players still have rights even if they were technically committing a crime.
Police #1 duty when making an arrest is to protect everyone at the scene...bystanders, victims AND perps. Investigators when investigating possible crimes need to be mindful of the rights of everyone involved....and that especially includes the suspects they are investigating.
You need to investigate, discover and charge. You cannot legitimately investigate, and selectively charge/indict those who you suspect of wrong-doing. Guilty is guilty...if you’re pregnant, you are pregnant..
Never believe what a Sheriff, investigator, or other officers believe until they prove it. County/district prosecutors should be prosecuted when they lie. And they are legally able to lie.
Actually, no they can't. They have to present truthful summaries of the facts. A prosecutor can be censured/suspended/disbarred for not being truthful. Now that doesn't mean they can't be wrong at times - but it can't be on purpose.
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Actually, no they can't. They have to present truthful summaries of the facts. A prosecutor can be censured/suspended/disbarred for not being truthful. Now that doesn't mean they can't be wrong at times - but it can't be on purpose.
They lie all the time and do so deliberately. What exactly do you think overcharging is on cases? A lie meant to coerce a plea deal. Something like 90 percent of all cases in our judicial system are now plea deals. Very few go to trial for a jury to consider because the penalty for doing so is so severe. The penalty for standing up for yourself is numerous charges with lengthy sentences and mandatory minimums by prosecutors building their careers. To stand up to them is too high risk and so expensive most can't afford to fight.

These cases are a wonderful example of exactly what happening. Forcing plea deals to try abd hide the fact that the government conducted an illegal search. The government and it agents broke the law. They violated the constitutional rights of every student in those dorms and in those athletic facilities....not just the kids charged. Every single student in those dorms and any student athlete that used those facilities had their rights violated and they need to sue the state. Qualified immunity needs ti removed for those agent and anyone else involved and they need to be sued individually and charged criminally. Yes it is that serious and yes it should happen
So I know Aurora semi hit on the subject. The crux of the case is Kibana was used to geo fence a dorm and an athletic facility before a warrant was ever issued.

So the question is, does law enforcement ever have the right to set up a geofence without a warrant? Are fishing expeditions allowed under law? From what I can see it appears in general you need a warrant for any geofence. Which they received for other buildings.
So I know Aurora semi hit on the subject. The crux of the case is Kibana was used to geo fence a dorm and an athletic facility before a warrant was ever issued.

So the question is, does law enforcement ever have the right to set up a geofence without a warrant? Are fishing expeditions allowed under law? From what I can see it appears in general you need a warrant for any geofence. Which they received for other buildings.
Google seems to think so given their recent movements on this front. It will be impossible moving forward to do this without a warrant. It's going to come down to whether there was a reasonable expectation of privacy in this case. #not a lawyer.

Google seems to think so given their recent movements on this front. It will be impossible moving forward to do this without a warrant. It's going to come down to whether there was a reasonable expectation of privacy in this case. #not a lawyer.

Thats nots why Google is doing this. They think geofence warrants put them in a very bad spot, legality and with customers privacy. So they are turning off the data location on the company side and having it only on their phones. Governments and police dislike the move.
Thats nots why Google is doing this. They think geofence warrants put them in a very bad spot, legality and with customers privacy. So they are turning off the data location on the company side and having it only on their phones. Governments and police dislike the move.
Yeah, so they think it is a violation of the 4th amendment and opens them up to lawsuits... Seems to be exactly why google is doing this. I am not a lawyer, and TBH I really don't care to argue about it either.
They lie all the time and do so deliberately. What exactly do you think overcharging is on cases? A lie meant to coerce a plea deal. Something like 90 percent of all cases in our judicial system are now plea deals. Very few go to trial for a jury to consider because the penalty for doing so is so severe. The penalty for standing up for yourself is numerous charges with lengthy sentences and mandatory minimums by prosecutors building their careers. To stand up to them is too high risk and so expensive most can't afford to fight.

These cases are a wonderful example of exactly what happening. Forcing plea deals to try abd hide the fact that the government conducted an illegal search. The government and it agents broke the law. They violated the constitutional rights of every student in those dorms and in those athletic facilities....not just the kids charged. Every single student in those dorms and any student athlete that used those facilities had their rights violated and they need to sue the state. Qualified immunity needs ti removed for those agent and anyone else involved and they need to be sued individually and charged criminally. Yes it is that serious and yes it should happen
Plea deals are done because there are simply no where near the resources needed to conduct a jury trial for every case. We’d be handing out 2030+ dates like those given to immigrants illegally crossing the border.
This clearly targeted investigation has smelled from the beginning.
Not into conspiracy theories, but the ISU players' lawyer IS a Big Gun and in all likelihood wouldn't take the case if he thought the players had no grounds.
Where was the Iowa Attorney General in all of this? Supposedly she and the Governor were getting regular updates on this investigation. This should have screamed potential due process violations and future litigation/settlements.

Someone should have stepped up and said this isn't being handled correctly. Call the university compliance offices and tell them you've seen suspicious activity, and let them handle it.
So I know Aurora semi hit on the subject. The crux of the case is Kibana was used to geo fence a dorm and an athletic facility before a warrant was ever issued.

So the question is, does law enforcement ever have the right to set up a geofence without a warrant? Are fishing expeditions allowed under law? From what I can see it appears in general you need a warrant for any geofence. Which they received for other buildings.
I’d say that if they did so in other cases and not in this one that that is a problem.
Actually, no they can't. They have to present truthful summaries of the facts. A prosecutor can be censured/suspended/disbarred for not being truthful. Now that doesn't mean they can't be wrong at times - but it can't be on purpose.
They can't lie in court, but they can lie to suspects. And deliberately so. If you've ever been in court, people and judges get away with a lot.
Where was the Iowa Attorney General in all of this? Supposedly she and the Governor were getting regular updates on this investigation. This should have screamed potential due process violations and future litigation/settlements.

Someone should have stepped up and said this isn't being handled correctly. Call the university compliance offices and tell them you've seen suspicious activity, and let them handle it.

It's telling watching some of you skip right over the elected county attorneys and go to the AG.
Someone isn’t “truthin’” here….It will be interesting to see how this plays itself out…
(Practice your reading skills)
Players gonna get paid! When you hire Barneys with no screening and training and oversight you will end up with crap like this.
Ex Parte communications are a huge problem in our system. Most people are really naive as to how the system works. Also how universities work at high levels of admin.
The county attorneys are the ones who ultimately did start pumping the brakes on this from a legal perspective, perhaps not hard enough.

But it's not the county's responsibility to keep DCI from getting sued. That's on the state.

The county attorneys could have stopped every case from moving forward.
It's telling watching some of you skip right over the elected county attorneys and go to the AG.

Sure but at the same time these were very high profile cases involving two major universities and a potential gambling scandal.

I’ll concede she wasn’t personally leading anything, but it doesn’t seem logical to me that she wouldn’t have wanted a briefing fairly soon after story broke.