Howard Schultz goes on The View. Makes 5 people mad.

FAUlty Gator

HR Legend
Oct 27, 2017
This is of course, after having to explain to them about the how he still has to win the electoral college. No clue WTF they were talking about there.

All this is proving that this is the perfect year for a third party candidate...because people want Trump out so badly that they can have a real shot. Apparently, the Dems and Republicans have done such a great job over the years that only one of them should be allowed to win the office.

Behar makes the idiotic argument of, "If you run, you will guarantee a Trump Presidency." Of course, she and many others don't understand that its they that will elect Trump if they don't all get on the same page. But, of course, "not letting Trump win re-election" isn't enough. They have to defeat Trump AND have their party represented, as well. Oh well. Either you want Trump out and you all vote for the other guy...or your wish Trump was gone and vote for whatever far left candidate you put up there and watch Trump put his hand on the bible.

Think of the place we are in where millions of people will say, "Man, I really like Schultz and think he's the best candidate, but I can't vote for him because he's not in my party." Then they'll blame the candidate that they like for getting Trump elected. It's gonna happen.

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Which blows up YS’s argument. Good job.

It enhances my argument. The Dems can nominate their "free stuff" candidate. That was gonna happen regardless of where Schultz ran. But to beat Trump, they have to make the tough choice and vote for the other guy. I guess we will find out how bad they want Trump out of office.
It enhances my argument. The Dems can nominate their "free stuff" candidate. That was gonna happen regardless of where Schultz ran. But to beat Trump, they have to make the tough choice and vote for the other guy. I guess we will find out how bad they want Trump out of office.
Trump has been pretty good for the Ds. They might be smart to keep him and prove why 3rd ways will never work without substantial election reforms. Win win.
He has an almost zero percent chance of winning with the way our system is currently setup. He's either delusional or in this for the ego trip.
And that’s where he loses me. Many of his policy ideas sound like winners. Then you realize he has zero experience. I think I could forgive that if he acted sensibly, but this naïve act of egoism shows he lacks judgment. He’s a boy who is following a dream. Not a man with a plan. We don’t need another child in the White House.
You couldn't have found a more middle of the road candidate than Hillary. Did you vote for her?
Maybe she was middle of the road in the past but the tight race and love for Bernie pushed her to far left, much more than people wanted.

Look, I don't think he has a chance based on the way things are set but there were 100 million people that didn't vote in 2016. There are plenty of votes out there if someone can unite them to bring them out.
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Maybe she was middle of the road in the past but the tight race and love for Bernie pushed her to far left, much more than people wanted.

Look, I don't think he has a chance based on the way things are set but there were 100 million people that didn't vote in 2016. There are plenty of votes out there if someone can unite them to bring them out.
What far left ideas did she take? Other than the free state college tuition for those making less than $125000, I don't see anything far left.

1. "For families making less than $125,000 a year, we will eliminate tuition" for in-state students at public colleges.

2. "Pass comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship that keeps families together."

3. "Stand up to Republican-led attacks on this landmark (health care) law—and build on its success to bring the promise of affordable health care to more people and make a ‘public option’ possible."

4. "We will do everything we can to overturn Citizens United."

5. "Fighting for equal pay."

6. "I will not raise middle-class taxes."

7. "Say no to attacks on working families and no to bad trade deals and unfair trade practices, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership."

8. "We’re going to increase the federal minimum wage."

9. "As president, Hillary will expand background checks to more gun sales."

10. "Clinton would increase federal infrastructure funding by $275 billion over a five-year period."
What far left ideas did she take? Other than the free state college tuition for those making less than $125000, I don't see anything far left.

1. "For families making less than $125,000 a year, we will eliminate tuition" for in-state students at public colleges.

2. "Pass comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship that keeps families together."

3. "Stand up to Republican-led attacks on this landmark (health care) law—and build on its success to bring the promise of affordable health care to more people and make a ‘public option’ possible."

4. "We will do everything we can to overturn Citizens United."

5. "Fighting for equal pay."

6. "I will not raise middle-class taxes."

7. "Say no to attacks on working families and no to bad trade deals and unfair trade practices, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership."

8. "We’re going to increase the federal minimum wage."

9. "As president, Hillary will expand background checks to more gun sales."

10. "Clinton would increase federal infrastructure funding by $275 billion over a five-year period."
all of them . Thank goodness she fell off the curb into a van and lost
Schultz endeared me to him even more by ticking off those types.

Schultz is no dummy, me may be leveraging his threat to get the nominee closer to his positions and away from the socialists.
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Lol that this Schultz guy is the new hero of the right, and I do mean "new." Search for mentions of him on this site, and someone brought him up once in 2015 because he apparently sold the Seattle Supersonics. He's quoted in a story Cigaretteman posted about Starbucks Christmas cups angering the Magatards in 2016, and then it's all this week.

No one knew of this dude before this weekend. Stop acting like he's been your guy all along, righties.
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and there's the other reason she lost. She was a radical leftist. People made up stories about her being a righty
Don't downplay the 5 decades worth of baggage that came along with her. All the way back to when she got fired as a young lawyer for blatantly lying.
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And that’s where he loses me. Many of his policy ideas sound like winners. Then you realize he has zero experience. I think I could forgive that if he acted sensibly, but this naïve act of egoism shows he lacks judgment. He’s a boy who is following a dream. Not a man with a plan. We don’t need another child in the White House.

I don't see him as anything like Trump. I also think it's too early to tell if he has a plan. The POTUS is essentially a policy person when it comes to running the various departments. Besides setting general policy, the biggest thing the POTUS has to do is find the right people for his cabinet and other senior roles. That's perhaps Trump's biggest failure.

If the election was today, and my choices for POTUS were Biden, Trump, and Schultz, I'd vote for Schultz. In a two way matchup between Biden and Trump, I'd vote for Biden. In a two way matchup between Harris and Trump, I'd either write in my name, or vote for Trump. I hate Trump, but I will vote for him if he's the lesser evil.
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Lol that this Schultz guy is the new hero of the right, and I do mean "new." Search for mentions of him on this site, and someone brought him up once in 2015 because he apparently sold the Seattle Supersonics. He's quoted in a story Cigaretteman posted about Starbucks Christmas cups angering the Magatards in 2016, and then it's all this week.

No one knew of this dude before this weekend. Stop acting like he's been your guy all along, righties.
You are a strange person
If he was a Democrat, you would be lapping up everything he says
You are a strange person
If he was a Democrat, you would be lapping up everything he says

There are plenty of Democrats who say things I don't lap up. I don't believe a person can be "socially liberal and fiscally conservative." This guy, in the 5 days he's been notable to those who aren't coffee snobs or aggrieved Sonics fans, hasn't passed the smell test for me.

I don't see him as anything like Trump. I also think it's too early to tell if he has a plan. The POTUS is essentially a policy person when it comes to running the various departments. Besides setting general policy, the biggest thing the POTUS has to do is find the right people for his cabinet and other senior roles. That's perhaps Trump's biggest failure.

If the election was today, and my choices for POTUS were Biden, Trump, and Schultz, I'd vote for Schultz. In a two way matchup between Biden and Trump, I'd vote for Biden. In a two way matchup between Harris and Trump, I'd either write in my name, or vote for Trump. I hate Trump, but I will vote for him if he's the lesser evil.
I don’t see him like trump either. Trump was smart enough to work within the party framework. Trump was more realistic than dreamer boy.
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There are plenty of Democrats who say things I don't lap up. I don't believe a person can be "socially liberal and fiscally conservative." This guy, in the 5 days he's been notable to those who aren't coffee snobs or aggrieved Sonics fans, hasn't passed the smell test for me.

I can. I dont oppose gay marriage, etc. I wont fight for it, but I don't oppose it.

However I do want to reign in entitlements and raise the retirement age.
Or...he has ideas that a majority of Americans agree with but get stifled by the lunatics in each party.
So true. Guy has a lot of great ideas and is a self made man. Don’t totally understand why he is getting piled on so much other than the obvious. The left is really far left when it comes to their economic beliefs in 2019.
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So true. Guy has a lot of great ideas and is a self made man. Don’t totally understand why he is getting piled on so much other than the obvious. The left is really far left when it comes to their economic beliefs in 2019.

I think its another unfortunate consequence of Dump
What far left ideas did she take? Other than the free state college tuition for those making less than $125000, I don't see anything far left.


How about eliminating millions of insurance industry jobs with her health care plan? Seems pretty insane to admit on national TV that you want to get rid of an entire industry used by everyone.