Howard Schultz goes on The View. Makes 5 people mad.

I am most impressed with how quickly the Democratic Party has gotten the message out and all their people fall in line against Schulz. The media puppets included. Usually there are a few who go rogue but they have done a good job spreading hate against Schulz.

The DNC is very, very good at telling people what they are against.

Who the f*** even IS Schultz? Can he be a public person more than 5 days before liberals salivate over him? Sorry I’m not impressed with billionaire business guys who want to be president. The current one’s soured me a bit. I don’t think anyone can blame me. And how come it’s all republicans (Dana Loesch???) cheering for this “Dem?” Republicans have proven to be dogshit at choosing politicians for 20 years now. If anything that makes me want to run away from Schultz even faster.
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I get that. What I'm waiting for are all of the people who will idiotically say, "I would have voted for him is he was my party's candidate." Then blame him because Trump wins...even though they'd all rather have Schultz...but didn't vote for him.

Right now I am leaning towards not voting. I dont think it matters much. You get crappy policy from both. Different crappy policies granted.
I get that. What I'm waiting for are all of the people who will idiotically say, "I would have voted for him is he was my party's candidate." Then blame him because Trump wins...even though they'd all rather have Schultz...but didn't vote for him.

So, what you are upset about is the people will actually vote for the actual Democratic candidate that won the primaries instead of this upstart billionaire that's just pissed about a Congresswoman's tax plan that has no chance of ever becoming a reality anyway?

I mean, you're right, I'd probably rather have him than Trump, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to vote for the candidate that actually shares my values. This guy won't win, but he could help Trump. Or not. It shouldn't be too hard to paint him as a more polished Trump.

Before anybody should consider voting for him they need to demand to see his finances. Last time they gave a pass on that they ended up voting a Russian spy into the Office of the President.
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Who the f*** even IS Schultz? Can he be a public person more than 5 days before liberals salivate over him? Sorry I’m not impressed with billionaire business guys who want to be president. The current one’s soured me a bit. I don’t think anyone can blame me. And how come it’s all republicans (Dana Loesch???) cheering for this “Dem?” Republicans have proven to be dogshit at choosing politicians for 20 years now. If anything that makes me want to run away from Schultz even faster.

It's the GOP plan to split the Democratic vote. Not a bad ploy, really. Divide the Democratic vote up to give Trump a chance. It might work, unfortunately.

Democrats have to give something for people to get out and vote for it. The reality is, the majority of the country supports these plans, but unfortunately those people don't all get out to vote. It's no wonder McConnell called the bill to make voting day a National Holiday a "Power grab by Democrats". God forbid everyone has the ability to go vote.
He has an almost zero percent chance of winning with the way our system is currently setup. He's either delusional or in this for the ego trip.

This probably the perfect storm for and independent to win.

Many dislike Trump and the left is crazy out there with their plans that a centrist could actually win this time. After Trump, even though I support him many times, many are looking for a choice that is mainstream without being Trump.

Id even consider voting for him if Trump looks dead in the water, as he does now, and the Dems nominate Goldwater of the 21st century.

I honestly think the Dems see the Trump presidency as a chance to get a candidate elected the is far left that originality would have zero chance.

Schultz scares the hell out of them because he can win, not because he may keep them from doing so.

If I were Schultz no way in hell Id stay in the Democrat party. No way to win the nomination as a Democrat with the current environment in the party.
1...So, what you are upset about is the people will actually vote for the actual Democratic candidate that won the primaries instead of this upstart billionaire that's just pissed about a Congresswoman's tax plan that has no chance of ever becoming a reality anyway?

2...I mean, you're right, I'd probably rather have him than Trump, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to vote for the candidate that actually shares my values.

3...This guy won't win,

4...but he could help Trump. Or not.

5. It shouldn't be too hard to paint him as a more polished Trump.

6. Before anybody should consider voting for him they need to demand to see his finances. Last time they gave a pass on that they ended up voting a Russian spy into the Office of the President.

1...I'm not pissed at all. I think it's funny actually.

2....Then you're not who I'm talking about. I'm referring to peoply saying they would vote for him if he were a Dem or GOP if they're locked in to only
Voting for their parties.

3..He represents the middle. The largest voting block on the spectrum. Winnning should be easy. He would win in a landslide if everyone who liked him vot d for him. Other candidates could win because they weren't on the ballot in all 59 states. He's already addressed that and plans on avoiding that problem.

4... He will only help Trump if the people who like him vote for someone else. So, that's not "him " helping Trump. That's people being weak and stupid, helping Trump.

5...It would be impossible to do so. You'd have to be a real idiot to fall for that. How many times has he declared bankruptcy? How many nasty dumb things had he said? How many egregious lies has he been caught in? How often has Trump been accused to treating his employees better than anyone else has? Those are things you'd have to do to make him another Trump. Not likely happening.

6. The fact that people don't want the most reasonable sounding person to mention a run yet, says much more about those fools than it does him.

Win or lose, I hope this guy runs. The fact that he already has so many blatently people scared and pissed should tell us that he's doing the right thing.
No way to win the nomination as a Democrat with the current environment in the party.

It’s clear that this is the narrative coming from the Ann Coulter’s and Hannity’s and Breitbarts of the world. I’ve seen this same sentiment over and over and over again with no names or examples. AOC! Universal healthcare! Please, a freshman congress woman and the same policies we’ve been discussing for nearly 30 years do not a leftist takeover make. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker have sought Wall Street’s blessing before announcing, just as Hillary did in 2016. These are mainstream centrist candidates who wouldn’t dare act without quadruple checking which was the wind is blowing. You’re using totally baseless fear tactics to convince others (maybe even yourself) that Trump isn’t as terrible a choice as he so clearly is. The test will be if people are dumb enough to buy it again.
Sorry offense....I dont oppose you or anyone else getting married and then suffering in divorce court....I simply think there are a lot bigger problems that affect a lot more people.
Equal rights under the law affects all of us. Some more directly and tangibly than others, but equality is kind of a big deal.
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It’s clear that this is the narrative coming from the Ann Coulter’s and Hannity’s and Breitbarts of the world. I’ve seen this same sentiment over and over and over again with no names or examples. AOC! Universal healthcare! Please, a freshman congress woman and the same policies we’ve been discussing for nearly 30 years do not a leftist takeover make. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker have sought Wall Street’s blessing before announcing, just as Hillary did in 2016. These are mainstream centrist candidates who wouldn’t dare act without quadruple checking which was the wind is blowing. You’re using totally baseless fear tactics to convince others (maybe even yourself) that Trump isn’t as terrible a choice as he so clearly is. The test will be if people are dumb enough to buy it again.

No. Not at all. I'm not trying to convince people for Trump at all.

I'm a fan of Trumps policies but do not like him at all personally. I think he detracts from the conservative message with his personality issues.

But I am worried about that the sentiment of the public is in such a place that he may push people to accept a condidate they otherwise would not. The fact is, most of the country does not agree with your world view. You see this election as a chance to get a real progressive elected and Schultz stands in the way of that. You are not interested in an agenda the majority of Americans believe in. You are interested in pushing policies you believe. Because we stupid "fly over country folks" just don't know what's good for us like you liberal elites do.

I'd honestly consider voting for Schultz if it's him vs Trump vs (Booker,Harris,Bernie,Beto, Gullebrand, Pocahontas or Biden). Damn right I would. I don't want Schultz in as a spoiler. I want him in as an option.
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No. Not at all. I'm not trying to convince people for Trump at all.

I'm a fan of Trumps policies but do not like him at all personally. I think he detracts from the conservative message with his personality issues.

But I am worried about that the sentiment of the public is in such a place that he may push people to accept a condidate they otherwise would not. The fact is, most of the country does not agree with your world view. You see this election as a chance to get a real progressive elected and Schultz stands in the way of that. You are not interested in an agenda the majority of Americans believe in. You are interested in pushing policies you believe. Because we stupid "fly over country folks" just don't know what's good for us like you liberal elites do.

I'd honestly consider voting for Schultz if it's him vs Trump vs (Booker,Harris,Bernie,Beto, Gullebrand, Pocahontas or Biden). Damn right I would. I don't want Schultz in as a spoiler. I want him in as an option.
The libs here are in fly over country too. Get off the cross son, I need the wood.
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And that’s where he loses me. Many of his policy ideas sound like winners. Then you realize he has zero experience. I think I could forgive that if he acted sensibly, but this naïve act of egoism shows he lacks judgment. He’s a boy who is following a dream. Not a man with a plan. We don’t need another child in the White House.
It struck me that your argument fits the untested Barack Obama runs for office being vacated by the adolescent Curious George scenario to a tee.

I don't see the problem. Not only do Americans tolerate mediocrity in their government and politicians, it's almost as if they demand it. Hell, I may throw a hat in the ring and my campaign theme will be MEDIOCRITY FOR THE MEDIOCRACY! ;)
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Reasonable ideas don't belong in the Democratic Party anymore...nor the GOP for that matter. He doesn't have a home there and he would never win a primary. You guys just want everyone playing by your fantasy bullshit rules and he's shitting all over them. Again, if he runs in the General and is on the ballot in all 50 states, there's no reason for anyone to not vote for him who thinks he's the best candidate. Those who don't are mental effing weaklings who should turn in their voting card.

And the current rules essentially hand the election to Trump because Plurality vote is not a good expression of the will of the people.
It's the GOP plan to split the Democratic vote. Not a bad ploy, really. Divide the Democratic vote up to give Trump a chance. It might work, unfortunately.

Democrats have to give something for people to get out and vote for it. The reality is, the majority of the country supports these plans, but unfortunately those people don't all get out to vote. It's no wonder McConnell called the bill to make voting day a National Holiday a "Power grab by Democrats". God forbid everyone has the ability to go vote.
Anything that expands the right to vote is called a power grab by the GOP. They only stand a chance when they can prevent as many people as possible from voting. We can document hundreds...thousands...of people who have been affected by the GOP voter suppression efforts. They can't find a case of in-person voter fraud but voter ID is their big deal. And the morons and racists on here lap it up.
And the current rules essentially hand the election to Trump because Plurality vote is not a good expression of the will of the people.

If the people don't actually vote for who they want to be president out of the choices presented, then it's the people's fault.

If Schultz runs as a Dem and loses to Harris and Harris beats Trump but a pluraity of people in both parties and independent would rather see Schultz, then the vote is still not a good expression of the will of the people. At least this way, all three choices are there to choose from on election day.
Who the f*** even IS Schultz? Can he be a public person more than 5 days before liberals salivate over him? Sorry I’m not impressed with billionaire business guys who want to be president. The current one’s soured me a bit. I don’t think anyone can blame me. And how come it’s all republicans (Dana Loesch???) cheering for this “Dem?” Republicans have proven to be dogshit at choosing politicians for 20 years now. If anything that makes me want to run away from Schultz even faster.

I think the R’s who are commenting on this are not necessarily defending Schulz (since he is a traditional D who is running as an Independent), but more a commentary on the D’s playing politics as usual and eating their own (similar to how they curbstomped Bernie).
Zero chance? This country elected Donald friggin Trump.

If the Candidates are Trump/Harris and him? He’s got a shot.....
Trump ran as a Republican. Republicans are going to vote for the guy with the R next to his name no matter who that is.

He'd have a good chance of winning if he ran as a Democrat. There is no way for an independent or third party to be elected with the current electoral college rules in place.
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If the people don't actually vote for who they want to be president out of the choices presented, then it's the people's fault.

If Schultz runs as a Dem and loses to Harris and Harris beats Trump but a pluraity of people in both parties and independent would rather see Schultz, then the vote is still not a good expression of the will of the people. At least this way, all three choices are there to choose from on election day.

I don't see the second as being closer to the will of the people than the first. The first is closer. However the system is quite frankly a terrible system in the first place. It needs to be changed.
Trump ran as a Republican. Republicans are going to vote for the guy with the R next to his name no matter who that is.

He'd have a good chance of winning if he ran as a Democrat. There is no way for an independent or third party to be elected with the current electoral college rules in place.
I don’t agree...some of the republicans will jump ship if they have a viable option...don’t think the democrats will provide that (in their eyes)

They’d jump ship for a business man centrist IMO
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I don’t agree...some of the republicans will jump ship if they have a viable option...don’t think the democrats will provide that (in their eyes)

They’d jump ship for a business man centrist IMO
Sure, some will. Primarily the moderates who are Republican in name only and often go back and forth between Republicans and Democrats, but it won't be in large enough numbers to actually win an entire state.

If we had popular elections then I'd have no qualms with him running as I do think he could win a popular election. But in a winner take all, electoral process he just isn't going to do it. Maybe he'll win a state or two, enough to throw a wrench into the election, but he's not going to win enough states. He might get around 30% of the popular vote, but it won't be enough to overcome electoral college math. He's also going to have to deal with the same broken debate rules that hampered Gary Johnson. He'll have to be polling high enough to even be allowed in the debates which is a high hurdle, and if he can't make it to the debates his chances fall even lower.

It's one of the reasons I really, really want to see us get rid of the electoral college. I'd be ok with him running just to try and pull the Democrats a bit more moderate through primary season, and maybe to even do so up until debate season. And if he somehow polls high enough to get into the debates then maybe, but that's an extremely high margin to climb. If he's not invited to the debates he has to recognize the gig is up and exit the race at that point.
If the people don't actually vote for who they want to be president out of the choices presented, then it's the people's fault.

If Schultz runs as a Dem and loses to Harris and Harris beats Trump but a pluraity of people in both parties and independent would rather see Schultz, then the vote is still not a good expression of the will of the people. At least this way, all three choices are there to choose from on election day.

Besides making it easier for Trump to win, why should this guy be President? He has zero political experience. Same as the current shitshow. What makes you think he can do anything if he were to win. Remember, you can't just demand Congress to do something.
Sure, some will. Primarily the moderates who are Republican in name only and often go back and forth between Republicans and Democrats, but it won't be in large enough numbers to actually win an entire state.

If we had popular elections then I'd have no qualms with him running as I do think he could win a popular election. But in a winner take all, electoral process he just isn't going to do it. Maybe he'll win a state or two, enough to throw a wrench into the election, but he's not going to win enough states. He might get around 30% of the popular vote, but it won't be enough to overcome electoral college math. He's also going to have to deal with the same broken debate rules that hampered Gary Johnson. He'll have to be polling high enough to even be allowed in the debates which is a high hurdle, and if he can't make it to the debates his chances fall even lower.

It's one of the reasons I really, really want to see us get rid of the electoral college. I'd be ok with him running just to try and pull the Democrats a bit more moderate through primary season, and maybe to even do so up until debate season. And if he somehow polls high enough to get into the debates then maybe, but that's an extremely high margin to climb. If he's not invited to the debates he has to recognize the gig is up and exit the race at that point.

He will win zero states. He might get 10% of the vote in some states. Enough to tip the election for Trump. Or not, I can only hope Democrats aren't dumb enough to fall for this stunt AGAIN.
Sure, some will. Primarily the moderates who are Republican in name only and often go back and forth between Republicans and Democrats, but it won't be in large enough numbers to actually win an entire state.

If we had popular elections then I'd have no qualms with him running as I do think he could win a popular election. But in a winner take all, electoral process he just isn't going to do it. Maybe he'll win a state or two, enough to throw a wrench into the election, but he's not going to win enough states. He might get around 30% of the popular vote, but it won't be enough to overcome electoral college math. He's also going to have to deal with the same broken debate rules that hampered Gary Johnson. He'll have to be polling high enough to even be allowed in the debates which is a high hurdle, and if he can't make it to the debates his chances fall even lower.

It's one of the reasons I really, really want to see us get rid of the electoral college. I'd be ok with him running just to try and pull the Democrats a bit more moderate through primary season, and maybe to even do so up until debate season. And if he somehow polls high enough to get into the debates then maybe, but that's an extremely high margin to climb. If he's not invited to the debates he has to recognize the gig is up and exit the race at that point.
That's a fair analysis.....I do agree he'd have a steep uphill climb.
I don’t agree...some of the republicans will jump ship if they have a viable option...don’t think the democrats will provide that (in their eyes)

They’d jump ship for a business man centrist IMO


But no way in hell id jump ship for a "progressive" leftist. Bernie, Harris et al
This is s joke, right? You want us to think you would vote for Schultz when you won’t vote for Kasich? I sure do believe that, sure do. o_O

Believe it.

Kasich is dead to me. That guy used to be a solid conservative then he fell in love with the press attention after softening on some issues. And he plays the "people are tired of all the divisive politics" crap far to often. In my mind he's a mealy-mouthed, soft, pandering when he says he's not, puss.

I'd rather vote for a lib that became more conservative. No lie.
Believe it.

Kasich is dead to me. That guy used to be a solid conservative then he fell in love with the press attention after softening on some issues. And he plays the "people are tired of all the divisive politics" crap far to often. In my mind he's a mealy-mouthed, soft, pandering when he says he's not, puss.

I'd rather vote for a lib that became more conservative. No lie.
You would rather get less of what you want out of spite. All about feelings.
Besides making it easier for Trump to win, why should this guy be President? He has zero political experience. Same as the current shitshow. What makes you think he can do anything if he were to win. Remember, you can't just demand Congress to do something.

So why shouldn't he be allowed to run then? He has 3 years less governing experience than Obama and a shit ton more business/ leadership/ economy experience then him.

Beto O'Rourke is a front runner after losing a Senate election to Cruz and having no experience.

What make Harris different than any other person in congress with the things she's spouting? Other than being a minority female, what fresh ideas or experience does she bring to the table to generate all of this excitement about her?
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