He spent months posting about some girl he had met over the summer and how he was going to make a trip to visit her in Minneapolis where she went to school. All that week he was posting about it and promising pics afterwards. Bright and early Monday morning after his supposed visit to Minneapolis, he started a thread with a long story about all the details of his sexual exploits from the weekend. It included pics of two different women that he supposedly nailed that weekend, with the first one being the girl he met over the summer, and then he claimed to have hooked up with her friend the second night and the sex was the best he ever had or something.
Some lurker recognized one of the girls as his girlfriend, and he showed them the post. The entire story was made up, the girl from the summer was a coworker of the OP and nothing ever, ever would happen between them once you saw the actual pics. The lurker also told us who the OP was, and then everyone found a bunch of pics of the OP, who turned out to be a chubby Asian named Russell. Photoshops of him commenced.
That thread might still exist somewhere...someone dug it up a couple years ago and posted it when someone asked.