HROT's greatest trolls

No, Russell is the not the same guy who told the sex/coke story.
Russell still posts here, but I'm not going to out him. He took enough abuse already. I think he may have been fired from his summer job or was threatened by the parties involved if he didn't come clean which he eventually did.
Now I'm confused.
He spent months posting about some girl he had met over the summer and how he was going to make a trip to visit her in Minneapolis where she went to school. All that week he was posting about it and promising pics afterwards. Bright and early Monday morning after his supposed visit to Minneapolis, he started a thread with a long story about all the details of his sexual exploits from the weekend. It included pics of two different women that he supposedly nailed that weekend, with the first one being the girl he met over the summer, and then he claimed to have hooked up with her friend the second night and the sex was the best he ever had or something.

Some lurker recognized one of the girls as his girlfriend, and he showed them the post. The entire story was made up, the girl from the summer was a coworker of the OP and nothing ever, ever would happen between them once you saw the actual pics. The lurker also told us who the OP was, and then everyone found a bunch of pics of the OP, who turned out to be a chubby Asian named Russell. Photoshops of him commenced.

That thread might still exist somewhere...someone dug it up a couple years ago and posted it when someone asked.

I'd forgotten all about that. That was hysterically funny.
I met Russell and 444 (RIP) at the first get DM BOYZ get together. Good guys.

Anyway, if I ever get to meet SP. I'm challenging him to a game of teather ball.
I met Russell and 444 (RIP) at the first get DM BOYZ get together. Good guys.

Anyway, if I ever get to meet SP. I'm challenging him to a game of teather ball.
I have doubts that you ever will. Not unless Torbee and Bladel are able to hire or convince someone to play the part. Demand photo ID proof if the chance comes up.
One of my favorites was when Meg (Megridge) was going to post a picture of her bewbs on Christmas day.
Also, does anyone else remember a poster who used Sam in their handle (Samhawk maybe?) and said she was a female who worked at Fareway? Posted a lot for a while and then disappeared.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say if someone creates a thread asking if Caitlyn is punchable, they are a troll. And since those type of threads along with excrement-related threads seem to be prevalent, I'll state for the record that 94.829% of HROT posters are trolls. But then again isn't "troll" really the name people give to posters they simply don't like? In that case 0% of the posters are trolls.
That's right, he pouted about people not believing him and took off after that if I remember right. I'll give him credit was a good story. Probably went to far with the cowboy kicking off his boots in the gator on the ride down to the barn/shop.

He's still a regular poster on the football board, and absolutely refuses to ever talk about the money clip thing if it's ever brought up. Claims that he posted the ultimate conclusion of the story once but has never given any kind of further detail. Just kind of ignores it like it never happened.
Alright, this is the best I could do. I didn't grab the whole thread, but you get the gist of it. Later there were pics of hawkeyes2011, but I'm actually glad I didn't get to save those. No need to have him go thru it again. I had to save it as a pdf, then convert to jpg, so the gifs aren't working, but whatever. Enjoy.

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Well, sweatpants wins poster of the year from me. Sad I missed threads like that. Good stuff. Thanks for posting.
Hey, I was represented in that a fun killer. Sounds about right.
One of my favorites was when Meg (Megridge) was going to post a picture of her bewbs on Christmas day.
Also, does anyone else remember a poster who used Sam in their handle (Samhawk maybe?) and said she was a female who worked at Fareway? Posted a lot for a while and then disappeared.

I think I remember this poster. Claimed (perhaps true) she was joining the Navy and was "shipping out" so that's why she disappeared?
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my fave was that guy hubbins st. hubbins, or was it vincent st. vincent. something like that - i got a kick of his writing....