Don't take all the fun out of HROTTruth be told I'm sure we are all better people in real life. In 2018, I'm hoping to convert a little of that to the boards here. HOPING being the key word.
Don't take all the fun out of HROTTruth be told I'm sure we are all better people in real life. In 2018, I'm hoping to convert a little of that to the boards here. HOPING being the key word.
This is one of those ideas that is fine until they move to my neighborhood.
Once again if I just wait for Eternal Return he says what I'm trying to say, and uses better words and grammar.
many of them have invited themselves into our homes and our cars. Unfortunately it was at 3am when we were sleeping or out of town.
what?? To get people not to steal, you should invite them over for dinner? Wtf is wrong with your head. Seriously. That may be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on here. And that’s saying something.That's why you have to be proactive. Invite them to dinner or BBQ and they'll be less likely to see you as an object with stuff and, instead, real people who actually care about them as real people, too.
This has to be a joke. If I went into that apartment complex as a white male, the end result may not be good for my overall health. You realize that reverse racism is very very real. Hell, my black neighbors are scared of the people that live there. They view life differently than we do.That's why you have to be proactive. Invite them to dinner or BBQ and they'll be less likely to see you as an object with stuff and, instead, real people who actually care about them as real people, too.
That's why you have to be proactive. Invite them to dinner or BBQ and they'll be less likely to see you as an object with stuff and, instead, real people who actually care about them as real people, too.
what?? To get people not to steal, you should invite them over for dinner? Wtf is wrong with your head. Seriously. That may be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on here. And that’s saying something.
This has to be a joke. If I went into that apartment complex as a white male, the end result may not be good for my overall health. You realize that reverse racism is very very real. Hell, my black neighbors are scared of the people that live there. They view life differently than we do.
This has to be a joke. If I went into that apartment complex as a white male, the end result may not be good for my overall health. You realize that reverse racism is very very real. Hell, my black neighbors are scared of the people that live there. They view life differently than we do.
Good, we agree. Liberals recognize victims and try to fix the things that cause problems.
It is very easy to generalize and stereo type. All to often, it comes to fruition from a culture that is embedded in the those that have been on the dole. We have seen it as section 8 people come into our small communities from Chicago. Some of the people are very nice and trying to better themselves while others are using the system and don't care about only themselves. I am all about giving someone a hand up, not a hand out.
How much of this and your one about living in Baghdad are true?I want to tell a personal story of a life experience from 2014. A coworker wanted to get involved in the Big Brother program so I agreed to partake as well. I then met this 13 year old kid named Andre that lived in the Dixie Ct housing projects in Ft. Lauderdale. Lived with his grandma. She wanted him to have a positive male influence in his life. The first 6 months was personally very rewarding. He started doing better in school. His grandmother was very thankful because he was more positive.
He was acknowledged in his math class for a perfect score on his test and it went south from there. His friends turned on him and called him all kinds of names for trying to be white. He didn't want me to pick him up at this house anymore so he would walk down to Broward blvd and meet me so his friends wouldn't see.
Andre was picked on horribly for having a white friend. I could tell he was torn and he wanted to do the right things in life but the pressure from his friends was too great. He out of school. I haven't spoken to his grandma in 6 months but the last time she said that he no longer lived with her and that he was in the streets now.
This kid could have been a good person in life if it wasn't for his shitty friends.
If by fixing the things that cause the problems you really mean giving these people even greater entitlement by paying for them to move to these highly desirable neighborhoods that most of those residents worked their asses off to live in. Then yes, they are fixing the things that cause the problems.
I'll just be honest. Instead of moving in I'd be happy if they attacked, raped and pillaged it. "Worked their asses off"....LOL.
Why are you laughing?
Living in Baghdad? maybe you have me and h-hawk mixed up. Ive never been in the Middle East and have never claimed that.How much of this and your one about living in Baghdad are true?
Legislating from the bench? Did they pass the action? No, they simply upheld the law. Conservative dumbass strikes against.Now you know why so many people had to plug their nose and support Moore. America can ill-afford to have judges like this in the judiciary who struggle with basic understanding of laws and precedents by legislating from the bench like in this case. Maybe I'm misinterpreting this, but this ruling looks like Section 8 housing on steroids upon first read. What a disaster to contributing members of society.