I’m getting tired of all of you skinny ass racists in here.

My flight from Denver to crapids had a ton of fat white women. Since when are white women in Iowa or the US thin? Maybe in parts of California.
Recent national data show that 54.8 percent of Black women and 50.6 percent of Hispanic women are obese compared to 38.0 percent of White women. Rates of obesity are higher for Hispanic men (43.1 percent) compared to White men (37.9 percent) and Black men (36.9 percent).
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With a nationalist tinge:

Jamaica has shown limited progress towards achieving the diet-related non-communicable disease (NCD) targets. 36.9% of adult (aged 18 years and over) women and 18.1% of adult men are living with obesity.
I wonder what the obesity rate is for Africans. Most of them are skinny.
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I wonder what the obesity rate is for Africans. Most of them are skinny.

Except the super corrupt ones in government. Then their weight is actually a sign of wealth because of gluttony. Overall, you are right that most people around the world aren't as fat as us.

Obesity is a problem in this country and it has nothing to do with race. It had to do with being a strain on health resources. It also has to do with our lives being too comfortable in this country. Clean food costs more money than terrible food, we don't exercise, we have sedentary lifestyles including siting at work all day, and people telling you it is okay to be big.

Also, this isn't the 1400s. Most people are not attracted to women that can be the most helpful I'm rural areas.

Now I am done typing the meanest thing I have on this message board (non-Nebraska related).
Lookit... the "fat formula" is very simple and there's no calculus required:

Calories in > Calories burned = You're fat

Race has nothing to do with it.
Recent national data show that 54.8 percent of Black women and 50.6 percent of Hispanic women are obese compared to 38.0 percent of White women. Rates of obesity are higher for Hispanic men (43.1 percent) compared to White men (37.9 percent) and Black men (36.9 percent).
That stat ain't true in Iowa, which is mainly white and super fat.
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