I see we are back to the children throwing tantrums.

It’s behavior like this that led to Trump winning. Most people just want to get up, go to work, come home, spend time with their families, maybe do something fun on the weekend, then do it all over again. In other words, live their lives in peace. Other people just want to cause chaos and stir sh!t up because they actually believe what they’re doing is going to result in change for the better. That, and they have nothing better to do.

Newsflash… it’s not. Whether team red wins or team blue, there’s always going to be something fans … err, voters … from the other side perceives as bad, even if it’s actually good. Then they spend 4 years b!tching and whining and complaining about every little thing until the next election, then depending on which team … err, political party … wins, do it all over again.

Like it or not, humans are not capable of liking everybody and everything. But hey, keep trying to change minds and what not. Likely won’t work, but at least you’re doing something other than sitting around playing video games.

Anyway, what was I saying again? Something about a coupon?
Oh STFU. Maybe they should have gone into the Capital building and tried to kill some Congresspeople, right? There were a lot of reasons Democrats lost but this was not one of them. This just is another excuse to justify not voting for Democrats without having to say it's because they aren't the right......culture.
Oh STFU. Maybe they should have gone into the Capital building and tried to kill some Congresspeople, right? There were a lot of reasons Democrats lost but this was not one of them. This just is another excuse to justify not voting for Democrats without having to say it's because they aren't the right......culture.
What culture is it you think you are looking at there?
It’s just peaceful spring protests. What’s the big deal? No one got harmed and it’s just a little propery damage that’s insured.

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/shrug. A warning. A prediction. But if you think people are just going to sit down and take it, well, most will but there will be some that do these things. I guess we'll find out.
I live my life by a set of standards and mottos, one of which, is "any idiot with a hammer can destroy something".
Maybe they were just trying to melt the eye sore Tesla designs into something more palatable. These people should be celebrated.

Worst. Auto. Design. Team. Ever. (in the modern era)
i'm as concerned about people burning cybertrucks as trump supporters were about people shooting up electric infrastructure facilities a few years ago
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Isn't that what the Trump team has been doing since inauguration?
Still butt hurt from the election I see.

Try some of this Nancy.

i hasn't been on twitter in the last 8 days so it can't be real
2016 was 9 years ago, you will have to accept my apology for not remembering when a guy tried to light a fire in North Carolina or the 12 other examples that have happened since, all things considered.
I don’t condone vandalism, but I do wish Trump would fire Elon. A 40% success rate is pretty bad. OP takes the it’s close enough for government work approach with Elon though.
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And if you lie to yourself to believe things like that you are in a


every piece of evidence from that day supports it. the fact trump knew/was told they had guns... ALL OF IT....
You have to be in a cult to suspend logic and go on feelings. You are one of the most brainwashed people on this board.
Many of our resident tards are just bots. You on the other hand...
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Acts of terror.

I don't support the vandalism, but I am 100 percent all out of f--ks. We have a president who is colluding with our enemies to murder our allies with the full support of an apartheid billionaire who is recklessly destroying most of the federal government. Forgive me if i don't weep over someone who had a dick spray painted on their car.
every piece of evidence from that day supports it. the fact trump knew/was told they had guns... ALL OF IT....
You have to be in a cult to suspend logic and go on feelings. You are one of the most brainwashed people on this board.
Many of our resident tards are just bots. You on the other hand...
See all that shit you believe to be true because your media lied to you and told you to believe it?

They are all unemployed now.

Nancy Pelosi is who you need to be looking at if you want to go down the "knew something and didn't do anything path".

How did that pipe vomiting get there? Why did Pelosi and Ray guh speak before j6?
  • Haha
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I don't support the vandalism, but I am 100 percent all out of f--ks. We have a president who is colluding with our enemies to murder our allies with the full support of an apartheid billionaire who is recklessly destroying most of the federal government. Forgive me if i don't weep over someone who had a dick spray painted on their car.
That government you pretend to care about, has been raping you for decades. "Aparthied", blow me, want to talk about south africa today?
I read the title of the post and thought for sure you were talking about Trump and the cabinet.
I read the title of the post and thought for sure you were talking about Trump and the cabinet.
Because that has ever happened with them?

Shit, there isn't anything burning in Stroms photo. I have some dickhead trying to argue burned vs burned down and you want to cry about a smoke bomb?
For me the irony is, you know damn well that 6 years ago every single one of them would have explained how ICEngines were the devil and we needed to get off fossil fuels......

This does however bring up another topic I thought about this weekend.

Side convo: we knew the war in Ukraine was over resources, we all thought it was the soil, it's the metals under the topsoil they want.

We are watching a war so we can spend a bunch of energy to get metal.out of the ground to ease our dependency on a fuel that's readily available.

It isn't about "wheat" and feeding people, it's about computer chips.
What are your thoughts on the MAGAs attacking the capital while trying to interfere with an election?
What are your thoughts on the MAGAs attacking the capital while trying to interfere with an election?
I think they were incredibly stupid for going inside and or doing anything to the property. They had every right to protest, as these people do, they ****ed up when they went inside and should face appropriate penalties as such.