I side with...

I side with Bernie Sanders on 98% of issues in the 2016 Presidential election

I side with John Kasich on 65% of issues in the 2016 Presidential election

I side with Ben Carson on 13% of issues in the 2016 Presidential election
Rand Paul - 88%
Ted Cruz - 87%
Ben Carson - 84%
Marco Rubio - 80%
Jeb Bush - 77%
TRUMP - 75%
Bernie Sanders - 33%
Hillary Clinton - 23%
Trump comes in 6th for me, but when I click on Show All Candidates, Marco and Carly pop up ahead of him and he is really 8th. A little shady.

Bernie 89%
Hillary 80%
Jeb Bush 72%
Omalley 71%
Rubio 62%
Marco Rubio - 94%
Ted Cruz - 91%
Donald Trump - 91%
Jeb Bush - 89%
Ben Carson - 87%

It doesn't really surprise me. I thought I would probably vote Rubio to begin with, if I did vote (which I won't). Donald is saying all the right things, but I don't believe a word he says.
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Rubio, Carson, Fiorina at 83%
Cruz 82%
Paul 81%
Trump 78%
Bush 76%
Sander and Clinton 52%

I guess this means I lean conservative. Surprised I was so high on Clinton compared to some of you who were in the 20% range.

I answered all questions and did other status for every one I could (instead of just yes/no). I wish you could choose more than one for some such as deport all those who are working here illegally and fine the companies.
86% Rubio

56% Clinton
36% Sanders

Rubio was no surprise. As that's who I am supporting. Neither was Sanders as I find him dangerous. Clinton at 56% did surprise me.
Instead of writing my own answers in to most of the questions if I wanted to be accurate (didn't have the time to screw around with that) I just went with the 'best choice.'

86% Ted Cruz? Not on your freaking life, bud.

If the quiz was written to represent all aspects of each issue most of these circus clowns would have scored right around 0% for me. ;)
Marco Rubio - 94%
Ted Cruz - 91%
Donald Trump - 91%
Jeb Bush - 89%
Ben Carson - 87%

It doesn't really surprise me. I thought I would probably vote Rubio to begin with, if I did vote (which I won't). Donald is saying all the right things, but I don't believe a word he says.

That's the problem with quizzes like this. They align you with what the candidates say they're going to do, which isn't going to be what they actually do.
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Who ya got?

Took the quiz and surprisingly I'm 74% Hillary.

Fun link. Not exactly scientific. Example, it starts out working from the assumption that global warming isn't a theory. It kinda felt like a DNC research op. In the FAQ the founders don't reveal their own political bias. One claims to be a lifelong "undecided voter". The other one claims to be a political analyst. I'm not sure those credentials convey gravitas. Anyway, it was fun, but probably exists to serve a political agenda. Wittingly or unwittingly.
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Fun link. Not exactly scientific. Example, it starts out working from the assumption that global warming isn't a theory. It kinda felt like a DNC research op. In the FAQ the founders don't reveal their own political bias. One claims to be a lifelong "undecided voter". The other one claims to be a political analyst. I'm not sure those credentials convey gravitas. Anyway, it was fun, but probably exists to serve a political agenda. Wittingly or unwittingly.
Do we all get the same questions? I don't recall GW even being on my survey.
I got one question about regulating industry more to protect the environment, but I think that was it.
Three initial questions on the environment. Three more if you expand the topic.

Only one on global warming.

1. Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent global warming?

2. Should National Parks continue to be preserved and protected by the federal government?

3. Should the United States require labeling of genetically engineered foods?

4. Do you support the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources?

5. Should the U.S. expand offshore oil drilling?

6. Should the federal government continue to give tax credits and subsidies to the wind power industry?

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The only person I got higher than 70% with was Rand Paul at 86%. Next closest were Bush, Cruz and Hilly at 68, 67 and 67%. Not surprisingly, the two lowest were Sanders and Trump.
Really not sure what to make of this, I always struggle with these hypothetical yes/no type questions. I suppose I could have used the scale to show importance to more refine the results..

Bernie 79%
Jeb 77%
Rand 77%
Hillary 75%
Cruz 68%
Trump 68%