If Democracy Is Dead, What's Next?

Nov 28, 2010
If, as I suspect, it will be the case that the upcoming election is either the last one that is noticeably democratic, or the first when all remaining pretense that there's any semblance of democracy in our system is washed away, there are 3 questions:

1. What sort of 'ism or 'ocracy do we have now?

2. What sort of 'ism or 'ocracy do we want?

3. How do we get what we want or, alternatively, what will life look like under the system we have?
Maybe a social mediaocracy? We will vote by twitter and our representatives will be locked into the Capital and filmed 24/7 while we manipulate them to have sex. Bills will be put to a tune on an American Idol like show where people will call in to determine if it makes it out of committee. The justice system will move to facebook where a jury of our peers will decide cases. Instead of Prison we will just unlike people. Get enough unlikes and you are voted out of the country.
Maybe a social mediaocracy? We will vote by twitter and our representatives will be locked into the Capital and filmed 24/7 while we manipulate them to have sex. Bills will be put to a tune on an American Idol like show where people will call in to determine if it makes it out of committee. The justice system will move to facebook where a jury of our peers will decide cases. Instead of Prison we will just unlike people. Get enough unlikes and you are voted out of the country.
We have the tech, and at least younger folks have more tech savvy and less big brother phobia. What that could translate into is a lot more direct democracy. Why let undemocratically-selected reps decide things that the people can just as easily decide?

We should, at a minimum, be voting on line and have referendum and recall on line.

Even though some of your comments seemed tongue-in-cheek, there may be merit to them if we ask ourselves how we could use twitter-like, or facebook-like arrangements to help shape policy.
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I've been telling you it's dead and we have totalitarianism and communism, but libs just say communism is caring and helpful to poors, and if you are against it you are racist.

jfk killed , anti-democracy

bush installed, anti democracy

Obama installed twice, anti-democracy

bill Clinton , anti-everything

sanders getting the shaft, par for the course

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