IF KF wins less then 9 with this schedule...

I wonder if the OP is still hoping we can get Mark Stoops to come here and "turn around the program". Then again Kentucky has enough issues of their own this year.

Except for a select few there wasn't many here who had the Hawks 7-0, myself included who I thought my 9-3 was very optimistic, but most of us have loved being proven wrong on our predicitions. But there are a few trolls or doom and gloom fans who it is entertaining to see their early season predictions of being 0-2 vs the ISUs and all the negative comments on this team. And to no surprise basically all of them like the OP haven't been heard from since early-mid September.

Buddy Rydell is the only one I've seen that had the hawks 7-0. who else predicted that?
This team will NOT see 9 wins. It's basically like last y ear's schedule but this year we get to go on the road ...

Road games at:
Wisky - L
Northwestern - Toss up
Indiana - Toss up
Nebraska - L

Home games:
Illinois State - W
Pittsburgh - L
N Texas State - W
Illinois - Toss up
Maryland - L
Minnesota - L
Purdue - W

And don't go telling me Maryland and Minney are wins at home. This is pretty much our schedule from last season ... And will absolutely will NOT be better than last season ... a team that was destroyed by a much better 6-6 Tennessee school.

Iowa will be lucky to notch 6 wins and if it had a tough schedule, this is a 4-win team. Face it folks ... We are the new Minnesota of the league ... Continue to try and offer lame excuses about the direction of the program and that Kirk will once again rebuild the program. Minnesota absolutely embarrassed us, as did Tennessee ... Iowa is in a downward spiral. Kirk knows it. Gary knows it ... and MOST fans know it and most fans know it is time for a change. You still have your stragler fans ... the ones who like to spew: "Careful what you wish for" or Go support another team if you don't like the Hawks" ... or "You aren't a real fan anyway" ... or "You need to support the boys on the field" ... The excuses are wearing thin and even the blind koolaid drinkers can't argue the direction the program is headed.

Kirk knows the end is near. That's why you didn't see any staff shakeups ... Kirk has one more season and that's it. Our roster is like the end of the Hayden regime ... Slow ... Out sized, and outmatched ... We have a two-deep that looks more like a UNI than it does a Big 10 team ...

Keep holding on koolaid drinkers ... And in general, I am guessing the kooilaid drinkers who STILL find a way to make excuses also do the same thing in real life ... No real expectations in life and comfortable with the same 'ol same 'ol ... For the majority of fans who don't want accept mediocrity and who are driven for change, well, they greatly outweigh the few who prefer to just stand quietly on the sideline - afraid to get into the game ... afraid to make a change ... They want to play it safe in life ... So don't go rocking my boat ... Iowa football is the Titanic ... and it is sinking quickly ...

This post was edited on 3/31 2:45 PM by DesMoinesHawki

This post was edited on 3/31 2:47 PM by DesMoinesHawki


You aren't a real fan anyway.

You need to support the boys on the field.

Go support another team if you don't like the Hawks.
Ok, since so many of you are too dense to figure it out. I will post this thread for the 4th time! Yes, the Prophet was BuddyRydell and you can see on this thread what I predicted. I can go back and show you my predictions for other things, but this should do it for my credibility. This is from April 2nd.

Here again is my prediction for the year. Save it or archive it. I'll enjoy my 'told you so's' at the end of the yr. lol

Road games at:
ISU - W ISU WILL BE WORSE THIS YEAR. Vengeance shall be ours 41-10 Iowa
Wisky - W New coach, no gordon=struggles. 24-21 Iowa
Northwestern - W Iowa finally has NW consistantly figured out? 28-17 Iowa
Indiana - W Are you kidding me? No Coleman. No defense. 42-13 Iowa
Nebraska - W New coach, no Bell, no late game miracles this year 14-10 Iowa

Home games:
Illinois State- W Great first test for the year. some kids will grow up before our eyes. 31-20 Iowa
Pittsburgh - W Conner can''t carry the new coach. 21-17 Iowa
N Texas State - W Weiger gets his first action in this blowout. 48-10 Iowa
Illinois - W Someone said Toss up? Are you mad? 35-17 Iowa
Maryland - W No Diggs, No Brownie, no Maryland winnie 27-3 Iowa
Minnesota - W That TE end went pro, thank goodness. The pigs comin home boys! 28-17 Iowa
Purdue - W The boils will be popped by the time they come to Iowa! 31-10 Iowa

B1G Championship. Jake Rudcock leads Michigan to the Championship game with a 28-24 Iowa
last minute score and the upset of Ohio $t. but his 4th and goal
pass from the seven is batted down as time expires allowing Iowa
to escape with the 28-24 victory in the championship game!!!

First round NCAA CJ is hurt in the 1st qtr. and although Weigers performs admirably, he
playoffs can't overcome a very good TCU team. 38-27 TCU

Last edited:
Whatever floats your boat. I still think quoting all the people that are wrong from this old thread in a manner of calling them out is pretty stupid and unnecessary. We are all Iowa fans. Even those you deem vile and disruptive.
I love it. Hold people accountable. Make all the predictions you want, but don't be surprised when they resurface at a later date. Kind of like politicians that make rediculous statements or predictions.
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