If Trump wins, there will be violent riots all over America. If Hillary wins.....

BTW, when i see leftist loons like you breathlessly calling out the fake hate crimes as they happen (like the ripping off the burka lie along with the many dozens of other fake hate crimes you people are perpetrating) i will be much more concerned about wading through thr tbousands of liberal anti trump violence being done all over the country.

The problem is , you wont do anything unless it helps "your side"
Lol this guy was so far off he apparently changed handles to Haw-key or went AWOL
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Such an innocent charming group. Bottom right may still harbor some lingering anger about not getting asked to prom, though.

Robin Williams What Year Is It GIF
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Trump won't win, but if he did, I would stay out of America's cities for a few days.
Wow this tweet didn't age well... Not only did he win, you had to stay out of America's cities for months...not days.

Who knew we'd have a new domestic terror group under the guise of an activist group opposing fascism come out of it?

Nevermind all that. I'm here to say it again...8 years later. Trump isn't going to win.