If you can’t wear a singlet you were never man enough to wrestle anyway


Silver Member
May 10, 2021
Too often in our (increasingly soft) wrestling world I hear about how allowing youth wrestlers to wear shorts and a compression shirt instead of the traditional singlet would help grow the sport. That doing this would help these snowflakes in middle school overcome their fear of performing with their genitals in full view of their friends, family, and strangers. Well guess what? Maybe it’s not such a good idea to grow the sport if it means attracting cowards, weaklings, and degenerates who don’t have the guts to participate in our sport’s traditions. When I was a teenager me and my brothers and and Dads/cousins (from the other side of the family) would all go down in the basement and wrestle without clothes and without a care in the world. Wearing a singlet was a luxury compared to those basement scraps, but it taught me everything I know about perseverance and overcoming adversity. Singlets are the way wrestlers face their demons, by presenting themselves to the public and never taking “no” for an answer. It’s not popular in today’s politically correct climate but the fact is if you can’t wear a singlet you were never man enough to wrestle anyway.
Too often in our (increasingly soft) wrestling world I hear about how allowing youth wrestlers to wear shorts and a compression shirt instead of the traditional singlet would help grow the sport. That doing this would help these snowflakes in middle school overcome their fear of performing with their genitals in full view of their friends, family, and strangers. Well guess what? Maybe it’s not such a good idea to grow the sport if it means attracting cowards, weaklings, and degenerates who don’t have the guts to participate in our sport’s traditions. When I was a teenager me and my brothers and and Dads/cousins (from the other side of the family) would all go down in the basement and wrestle without clothes and without a care in the world. Wearing a singlet was a luxury compared to those basement scraps, but it taught me everything I know about perseverance and overcoming adversity. Singlets are the way wrestlers face their demons, by presenting themselves to the public and never taking “no” for an answer. It’s not popular in today’s politically correct climate but the fact is if you can’t wear a singlet you were never man enough to wrestle anyway.

Did one of your family members play a bit part in Deliverance?
Too often in our (increasingly soft) wrestling world I hear about how allowing youth wrestlers to wear shorts and a compression shirt instead of the traditional singlet would help grow the sport. That doing this would help these snowflakes in middle school overcome their fear of performing with their genitals in full view of their friends, family, and strangers. Well guess what? Maybe it’s not such a good idea to grow the sport if it means attracting cowards, weaklings, and degenerates who don’t have the guts to participate in our sport’s traditions. When I was a teenager me and my brothers and and Dads/cousins (from the other side of the family) would all go down in the basement and wrestle without clothes and without a care in the world. Wearing a singlet was a luxury compared to those basement scraps, but it taught me everything I know about perseverance and overcoming adversity. Singlets are the way wrestlers face their demons, by presenting themselves to the public and never taking “no” for an answer. It’s not popular in today’s politically correct climate but the fact is if you can’t wear a singlet you were never man enough to wrestle anyway.

@artradley Is this you trying some fancy Jersey reverse psychology to get us converted to fight shorts? If so, I have to say it's working a bit.
Too often in our (increasingly soft) wrestling world I hear about how allowing youth wrestlers to wear shorts and a compression shirt instead of the traditional singlet would help grow the sport. That doing this would help these snowflakes in middle school overcome their fear of performing with their genitals in full view of their friends, family, and strangers. Well guess what? Maybe it’s not such a good idea to grow the sport if it means attracting cowards, weaklings, and degenerates who don’t have the guts to participate in our sport’s traditions. When I was a teenager me and my brothers and and Dads/cousins (from the other side of the family) would all go down in the basement and wrestle without clothes and without a care in the world. Wearing a singlet was a luxury compared to those basement scraps, but it taught me everything I know about perseverance and overcoming adversity. Singlets are the way wrestlers face their demons, by presenting themselves to the public and never taking “no” for an answer. It’s not popular in today’s politically correct climate but the fact is if you can’t wear a singlet you were never man enough to wrestle anyway.
Is this like the sexual abuse that we’ve seen certain coaches and singlet-lovin wrestlers at places like Ohio State enabling and covering up.

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Too often in our (increasingly soft) wrestling world I hear about how allowing youth wrestlers to wear shorts and a compression shirt instead of the traditional singlet would help grow the sport. That doing this would help these snowflakes in middle school overcome their fear of performing with their genitals in full view of their friends, family, and strangers. Well guess what? Maybe it’s not such a good idea to grow the sport if it means attracting cowards, weaklings, and degenerates who don’t have the guts to participate in our sport’s traditions. When I was a teenager me and my brothers and and Dads/cousins (from the other side of the family) would all go down in the basement and wrestle without clothes and without a care in the world. Wearing a singlet was a luxury compared to those basement scraps, but it taught me everything I know about perseverance and overcoming adversity. Singlets are the way wrestlers face their demons, by presenting themselves to the public and never taking “no” for an answer. It’s not popular in today’s politically correct climate but the fact is if you can’t wear a singlet you were never man enough to wrestle anyway.
Or is this like that other Republican congressman from Ohio, former speaker of the house, who abused many kids while coaching HS wrestling in Illinois?

Or is this like that other Republican congressman from Ohio, former speaker of the house, who abused many kids while coaching HS wrestling in Illinois?

I'm not sure being Republican has anything to do with being abusive and it is sad someone would support this post simply because of a partisan label. Both sides have their issues and if you are going to call out one side, make sure you hold the other to the same standards.
Too often in our (increasingly soft) wrestling world I hear about how allowing youth wrestlers to wear shorts and a compression shirt instead of the traditional singlet would help grow the sport. That doing this would help these snowflakes in middle school overcome their fear of performing with their genitals in full view of their friends, family, and strangers. Well guess what? Maybe it’s not such a good idea to grow the sport if it means attracting cowards, weaklings, and degenerates who don’t have the guts to participate in our sport’s traditions. When I was a teenager me and my brothers and and Dads/cousins (from the other side of the family) would all go down in the basement and wrestle without clothes and without a care in the world. Wearing a singlet was a luxury compared to those basement scraps, but it taught me everything I know about perseverance and overcoming adversity. Singlets are the way wrestlers face their demons, by presenting themselves to the public and never taking “no” for an answer. It’s not popular in today’s politically correct climate but the fact is if you can’t wear a singlet you were never man enough to wrestle anyway.
Bravo, though I don't know about the whole weird Freudian pop psychology angle.

I race bikes. We wear compression shorts. Because they actually are built for the purpose of cycling (the less surface area down there dealing with seams, the better). We shave our legs (for actual, rational reasons that extend beyond mere tradition). As the saying goes, it's part of the uniform.
Too often in our (increasingly soft) wrestling world I hear about how allowing youth wrestlers to wear shorts and a compression shirt instead of the traditional singlet would help grow the sport. That doing this would help these snowflakes in middle school overcome their fear of performing with their genitals in full view of their friends, family, and strangers. Well guess what? Maybe it’s not such a good idea to grow the sport if it means attracting cowards, weaklings, and degenerates who don’t have the guts to participate in our sport’s traditions. When I was a teenager me and my brothers and and Dads/cousins (from the other side of the family) would all go down in the basement and wrestle without clothes and without a care in the world. Wearing a singlet was a luxury compared to those basement scraps, but it taught me everything I know about perseverance and overcoming adversity. Singlets are the way wrestlers face their demons, by presenting themselves to the public and never taking “no” for an answer. It’s not popular in today’s politically correct climate but the fact is if you can’t wear a singlet you were never man enough to wrestle anyway.
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I'm not sure being Republican has anything to do with being abusive and it is sad someone would support this post simply because of a partisan label. Both sides have their issues and if you are going to call out one side, make sure you hold the other to the same standards.

Wonderful post.
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Couple years ago I gave a wrestling singlet to a buddy in the office (secret Santa deal). The guy didn’t know the first thing about wrestling. He had a young son just getting into wrestling and we told him, wearing the singlet while sitting in the corner coaching his son, would intimidate the opposing wrestler (matching singlets are even better). The singlet had unfortunately hung in the office the last two years. I screenshot this thread to the guys in the office. I think the title of this thread helped convince him to finally wear it while coaching next season! This thread has served a purpose!!!!

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I have a twin brother We had wrestling/fighting bouts everywhere; living room, basement, barn (typical favorite), dorm room, wrestling room, front yard, and one particularly memorable one in a hog lot. Not once did I or my brother (as far as I know) think “ we should strip naked”. Never had a problem with wearing a singlet either.
Couple years ago I gave a wrestling singlet to a buddy in the office (secret Santa deal). The guy didn’t know the first thing about wrestling. He had a young son just getting into wrestling and we told him, wearing the singlet while sitting in the corner coaching his son, would intimidate the opposing wrestler (matching singlets are even better). The singlet had unfortunately hung in the office the last two years. I screenshot this thread to the guys in the office. I think the title of this thread helped convince him to finally wear it while coaching next season! This thread has served a purpose!!!!
That's f**** hillarious....
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I have a twin brother We had wrestling/fighting bouts everywhere; living room, basement, barn (typical favorite), dorm room, wrestling room, front yard, and one particularly memorable one in a hog lot. Not once did I or my brother (as far as I know) think “ we should strip naked”. Never had a problem with wearing a singlet either.

Did you guys have old horse mats in the basement with holes in the blood-stained wall?
This dude started the exact same thread on BWI. So either 1. It’s poorly written satire, or 2. He’s trolling our boards. New member and his first post on both.
Did you guys have old horse mats in the basement with holes in the blood-stained wall?
Old farmhouse basement. Did not normally wrestle down there as there was not much space. Did jump a fair amount of rope wearing insulated coveralls and winter boots. Most of the interesting scraps were after wrestling season when we had a little pent up aggression.
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Old farmhouse basement. Did not normally wrestle down there as there was not much space. Did jump a fair amount of rope wearing insulated coveralls and winter boots. Most of the interesting scraps were after wrestling season when we had a little pent up aggression.
Old farmhouse basement. Did not normally wrestle down there as there was not much space. Did jump a fair amount of rope wearing insulated coveralls and winter boots. Most of the interesting scraps were after wrestling season when we had a little pent up aggression.

Sorry bubba…you said twins and I went with it. This was the scenario as described by Royce in the Terry movie.
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