If you could pick two HROTers for the Presidential Ticket, who would they be?

If you could pick two HROTers to replace Biden/Harris for the 2024 Presidential Ticket, who would they be?

Gold Mom
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Pro abortion
Pro gay rights - however AGAINST born males competing against born females in sports. End it.
Pro environment
Pro secure the border
Harsher punishments for hard crimes
Pro gun rights - however, age 21 to purchase. Not a gun problem, it's a people problem.
Tired of sending money to other countries. Fix America FIRST.
Welfare/handouts need reformed.
Tax law if fine, but I'll add additional funding to the IRS. D's and R's cheat on their taxes. Everyone needs to pay their fair share.
Crack down on hard drug dealers. Rehab for those addicted.

That's all I can think of, I'm sure I'm missing a ton. :)

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Before you there was a poster named IAFB&BB4Life, very similar to your name, and he was the biggest chode in the world. Think Ryan but like 10x dumber, but would brag about really dumb shit like how many steaks he's eaten and how many patents he claimed to have.

He would take a paddling every single day. One day he said Kirksey should never be allowed back in the football building nor ever be an honorary captain because he kneeled during the anthem.

Edit: The best time of the year was when he would make a bet that if Nebraska lost he would leave the board for a month. He would just come back with another handle, but still, it was funny considering Iowa beat Nebraska like 7 times in a row.
I remember that guy. He'd predict a Hawks loss every week. I think he also claimed that he invented the question mark.
A quick background check probably eliminates about 90% of the board.

Having said that...I'd want a balanced ticket.

I'd go with @Moral and @TJ8869 with the caveat they have to fight club any time they differ on policy....and it has to be televised.

I pass a level 2 FBI background check every year for my job.
That’ll put me ahead of some on here…
And that's just it, I don't always agree with @Hawki97 or @Moral , but they're both adults who I'd likely find more in common with than not. And I like them. ;)

We're too divided by politics. My mechanic is a "shirt off your back" type of guy and well respected in the Jeep community. I think his political choice of supporting Trump is sad, but it doesn't kill the relationship. There are those on here, though, who wouldn't step foot in his shop over it.

I can't speak for @Moral but I think you have me confused with someone else.
Thornton for President

VP would be Joes Place. He literally knows everything and there wouldn’t be a need for any other advisors or staff
Yeah, @ThorneStockton is about as level-headed as it gets. But there are a lot of even-keeled posters who get drowned out by some the racket.

I miss mstp1992. Or maybe they’re still here under a different name. Out yourself, you smart sunuvabich!
Pro abortion
Pro gay rights - however AGAINST born males competing against born females in sports. End it.
Pro environment
Pro secure the border
Harsher punishments for hard crimes
Pro gun rights - however, age 21 to purchase. Not a gun problem, it's a people problem.
Tired of sending money to other countries. Fix America FIRST.
Welfare/handouts need reformed.
Tax law if fine, but I'll add additional funding to the IRS. D's and R's cheat on their taxes. Everyone needs to pay their fair share.
Crack down on hard drug dealers. Rehab for those addicted.

That's all I can think of, I'm sure I'm missing a ton. :)

I’m with this candidate except I think we need to ban some of the more popular, people killing weapons mass killers tend to choose. We need stronger background checks, longer waiting periods and much tougher, enforced, gun laws along with lengthier incarceration for those who violate.

At the same time, we need an increased focus on mental health, which includes more hospitals and asylums.
You pair myself with another moderate, such as clarinda or Jimmy or rocky and we actually get shit done.

weed, every state legal and a portion of the taxes go directly to schools.

Violent crimes with weapons.... death penalty.

Large scale asylums for mental health, and actually doing it.

Huge push for legal citizenship and removal of any bad actors.

Don't care who you marry.

A tax code a average high schooler can understand and not one a PhD in accounting can **** over.

I will make us start taking out that deficit, even if it means, a little more tax on the weed to directly go to that.

No more wars. Any foreign leader has a problem I'll catch them in a fair one on one and we will handle that shit.
As long as I’m Pres. and you’re VP.

In an episode of Sliders, the Professor somehow finds himself a candidate in an election where he knows absolutely nothing about the issues. Giving his first speech he says:

"I'm for all the good things and against all the bad things."

Huge applause.

I'm throwing my hat in the ring and that's my campaign slogan.
And that's just it, I don't always agree with @Hawki97 or @Moral , but they're both adults who I'd likely find more in common with than not. And I like them. ;)

We're too divided by politics. My mechanic is a "shirt off your back" type of guy and well respected in the Jeep community. I think his political choice of supporting Trump is sad, but it doesn't kill the relationship. There are those on here, though, who wouldn't step foot in his shop over it.

If @Moral and I were P/VP we’d take everyone’s computers and phones away from you all to finally get some peace. If you like HORT, be careful what you wish for.
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