If you could pick two HROTers for the Presidential Ticket, who would they be?

Some interesting choices. Would be really hard to choose.

Basically it all comes down to which two people would be most likely to turn a blind eye as Iowa cheats its way to the 2024 football national championship.
I'd like to throw my hat in the ring for the cabinet position of "Secretary Of Not In Charge Of Anything But Gets Invited To All Of The High Level Events And Qualifies For That Sweet Sweet Insurance And Pension".

I'll wear a suit, if required.
Ribbon cuttings. That’s transportation. Or it was until Pete came along at least.
From the other thread, here are my picks:

@Moral - Prez
@Hawki97 - VP
@alaskanseminole - Chief of Staff (someone has to keep them focused)
@binsfeldcyhawk2 - Secretary of State
@SSG T - Secretary of Defense
@Tom Paris - Secretary of Education
@seminole97 - DNI
@DFSNOLE - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
@Joes Place - Surgeon General (what choice did I really have?)
@SolarHawk - Secretary of Energy
@Tenacious E - Secretary of Veterans Affairs
@Jimmy McGill - Attorney General
@RagnarLothbrok - Secretary of Commerce
@TJ8869 - Secretary of Transportation
@Greenway4Prez - Secretary of Agriculture

Up for grabs:
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
From the other thread, here are my picks:

@Moral - Prez
@Hawki97 - VP
@alaskanseminole - Chief of Staff (someone has to keep them focused)
@binsfeldcyhawk2 - Secretary of State
@SSG T - Secretary of Defense
@Tom Paris - Secretary of Education
@seminole97 - DNI
@DFSNOLE - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
@Joes Place - Surgeon General (what choice did I really have?)
@SolarHawk - Secretary of Energy
@Tenacious E - Secretary of Veterans Affairs
@Jimmy McGill - Attorney General
@RagnarLothbrok - Secretary of Commerce
@TJ8869 - Secretary of Transportation
@Greenway4Prez - Secretary of Agriculture

Up for grabs:
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Goddamn, applaud the effort. Can I instead be appointed Secretary of DEEZ NUTZ BOIIIIII!!!!!!!!

Much more in my wheelhouse😎
From the other thread, here are my picks:

@Moral - Prez
@Hawki97 - VP
@alaskanseminole - Chief of Staff (someone has to keep them focused)
@binsfeldcyhawk2 - Secretary of State
@SSG T - Secretary of Defense
@Tom Paris - Secretary of Education
@seminole97 - DNI
@DFSNOLE - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
@Joes Place - Surgeon General (what choice did I really have?)
@SolarHawk - Secretary of Energy
@Tenacious E - Secretary of Veterans Affairs
@Jimmy McGill - Attorney General
@RagnarLothbrok - Secretary of Commerce
@TJ8869 - Secretary of Transportation
@Greenway4Prez - Secretary of Agriculture

Up for grabs:
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor

PMCs and weapons manufacturers would hate my guts.
In an episode of Sliders, the Professor somehow finds himself a candidate in an election where he knows absolutely nothing about the issues. Giving his first speech he says:

"I'm for all the good things and against all the bad things."

Huge applause.

I'm throwing my hat in the ring and that's my campaign slogan.

“The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best.”​

― Thomas Sowell
Pro abortion
Pro gay rights - however AGAINST born males competing against born females in sports. End it.
Pro environment
Pro secure the border
Harsher punishments for hard crimes
Pro gun rights - however, age 21 to purchase. Not a gun problem, it's a people problem.
Tired of sending money to other countries. Fix America FIRST.
Welfare/handouts need reformed.
Tax law if fine, but I'll add additional funding to the IRS. D's and R's cheat on their taxes. Everyone needs to pay their fair share.
Crack down on hard drug dealers. Rehab for those addicted.

That's all I can think of, I'm sure I'm missing a ton. :)

We are close