I'll Beat Ronda Rousey, Then She'll Make Me A Sandwich


HB King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Former UFC fighter and pro wrestler David “Tank” Abbott says he could easily “bash” up undefeated UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion Ronda Rousey. His reasoning? “She’s a girl.”

Weighing in on the debate over who would win a fight between Rousey and Floyd Mayweather on “The Proving Ground” podcast this week, Abbott said the boxer would “knock the living stuffing out of Rousey.”

“She’s a girl. It’s all about this emotional stuff,” he said.

Abbott, an icon from the early days of UFC, went on to issue a formal challenge to “any woman on this Earth.”

“I don’t care, I will fight any woman on this Earth for free … I won’t even train,” he said on his podcast. “I will fight you and if I win, which is going to happen, and you’re going to get bashed up good, you have to make me a sandwich. If you win, I’ll give you a hundred thousand dollars.”

Abbott added a caveat to his offer: “You can’t be, like, a tranny … you gotta be a female. Born a female.”

Earlier this year, Rousey one-upped Mayweather at the 2015 ESPY Awards, snagging the title of “Best Fighter.” At the time, UFC president Dana White said that Rousey would easily crush the boxer in a fight.

Ronda would rag doll him,” White told TMZ.

During his podcast, Abbott argued that anyone who believed such a thing had to be high on drugs.

“What kind of medical marijuana are people smoking?” he asked.

As Bleacher Report notes, Rousey has “dominated the women's bantamweight division in UFC, winning all 12 of her fights under the banner, 11 of which were inside the opening round.” Abbott, on the other hand, has a “meagre 10 wins from 25 bouts.”

In a Reddit AMA in August, Rousey said she believes she could “beat anyone on this planet” in a “no rules fight.”

She's said previously, however, that she doesn't think it would wise for her to fight a man, mainly because of the message it would send.

“I don't think it's a great idea to have a man hitting a woman on television,” she told the Daily Beast in March.
Is this really an argument? Most UFC male fighters would get her to tap out early. She'd get destroyed.

She knows this, and we all ought to realize there never will be a (real) fight between her and any man. So she can pop off without recourse.
Say she's 145 pounds...get a guy who weighs 145, sure. I bet she can hold her own. Might not win, but she'd hold her own (not get killed).
His "no trannies" caveat is outstanding. That would be some embarrassing shit to get beat up by Caitlin Jenner.
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If he doesn't train, and is fatter than this right now, I believe she'd kick his ass. I honestly don't think he'd have the speed or agility to handle her.

If he doesn't train, and is fatter than this right now, I believe she'd kick his ass. I honestly don't think he'd have the speed or agility to handle her.


I'd agree. I also like her "no rules fight" qualifier. Better wear a strong cup.

The quickness aspect is key. As tough as she is, if a fight was limited to standing around and punching, then most any man with average or better strength would probably beat her.....but as it is in a UFC style fight (rules or not), she'll get all up in your **** really quickly. I outweigh her by a significantly margin and probably own a pretty significant strength advantage, but she'd destroy me with quicks and agility.
If he doesn't train, and is fatter than this right now, I believe she'd kick his ass. I honestly don't think he'd have the speed or agility to handle her.


Maybe. Tank never could wrestle worth a crap. That's why he was never a Champ outside of Tough Man competitions.

That being said, that would be a lot of weight for a 145 lbs gal to handle if he got his hands on her.
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Say she's 145 pounds...get a guy who weighs 145, sure. I bet she can hold her own. Might not win, but she'd hold her own (not get killed).

Maybe against an average weekend fighter at her weight, but a pro would mop the floor with her. It's not a knock on her as a woman, it's just nature....but enough with all the talk on her part. We get it, you have a loop hole that allows you to talk shit to men without STFU.
Maybe. Tank never could wrestle worth a crap. That's why he was never a Champ outside of Tough Man competitions.

That being said, that would be a lot of weight for a 145 lbs gal to handle if he got his hands on her.
I looked them up. She's 5'7" 135 and he's 6'0" 255 (might be more in that pic). She's good but I doubt this would work out for her.
Tank's money is pretty safe. Ronda may be the best female MMA fighter on the planet, but she has two big things going against her:

1. Size--There are weight classes for a reasons. Ronda's whole strategy is based around eating shots and then quickly getting to the clinch where she could work her magic. Guess what? She won't be able to handle anything from even a washed-up guy the size of Tank Abbot. Simple physics.

2. Gender--She is a woman. When it comes to athletic competition, women are just physically inferior versions of men. They have less muscle mass and bone density per pound than a man. When you take this scientific fact and couple it with the fact that (because of cultural factors) the pool she has been swimming in is very small, she wouldn't stand a chance. I'll grant that women's judo is more competitive than most other female combat sports, it still doesn't face anything approximating what a male combat athlete faces.
In her favor she is young, well-trained, and the beneficiary of more than a decade of evolved MMA knowledge. But it still won't matter. My prediction: Tank by murder death kill in the first round. it just me or is the real story here the fact that this FPOS said he would be willing to fight any woman and would bash them up good. What real man even makes that statement.
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Polar bears are surprisingly agile.

I bet that fat old f---k Abbott is slower than molasses in January.

Dude, all he has to do is catch her once. She may have to get her jaw wired shut. It's one thing to beat up on women, it's another to fight men. Especially trained fighters, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if just some regular schmuck off the street could do a lot of damage to her.
Dude, all he has to do is catch her once. She may have to get her jaw wired shut. It's one thing to beat up on women, it's another to fight men. Especially trained fighters, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if just some regular schmuck off the street could do a lot of damage to her.

Bingo. Think of it this way. While male vs. female fights are disgusting and grotesque, we are talking about fight promoters here. These are some of the most vile and slimy characters known. If they could sell such a fight, they would.

Why don't they put on such a fight? The b.s. answer is that it may "promote violence against women" or something similar. The real answer is probably that it would sour legislators and the general public to the sport in general, thereby ruining the product (MMA). But I can't help but think that a large part of the reason Dana has been so adamant about not booking Ronda against a dude is because he is smart enough to know that any joe would wreck her.

Again, there are weight classes for a reason, and sports are segregated by gender for a reason. That isn't knock against Ronda, it is just a fact of life.
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So, the way to stop those 280 lb defensive tackles is NOT will 300 lb offensive linemen but with quick, little guys?

And weight classes in contact sports are to protect the big guys?

Guys, the reason speed is important is so that people can RUN AWAY. The second a big guy gets his hands on you, which he will in an enclosed space, it's over.

Recall when College Wrestling had to do away with the mega-huge guys like Chris Campbell.

As to Rousey, I'll give her props for being a great fighter in her weight class. But there is no way in Hades she's faced the competition that men of the same size, in the sport, have faced.
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Tank's money is pretty safe. Ronda may be the best female MMA fighter on the planet, but she has two big things going against her:

1. Size--There are weight classes for a reasons. Ronda's whole strategy is based around eating shots and then quickly getting to the clinch where she could work her magic. Guess what? She won't be able to handle anything from even a washed-up guy the size of Tank Abbot. Simple physics.

2. Gender--She is a woman. When it comes to athletic competition, women are just physically inferior versions of men. They have less muscle mass and bone density per pound than a man. When you take this scientific fact and couple it with the fact that (because of cultural factors) the pool she has been swimming in is very small, she wouldn't stand a chance. I'll grant that women's judo is more competitive than most other female combat sports, it still doesn't face anything approximating what a male combat athlete faces.
In her favor she is young, well-trained, and the beneficiary of more than a decade of evolved MMA knowledge. But it still won't matter. My prediction: Tank by murder death kill in the first round.
Ayup. Pretty much what I'm thinking.
So, the way to stop those 280 lb defensive tackles is NOT will 300 lb offensive linemen but with quick, little guys?

And weight classes in contact sports are to protect the big guys?

Guys, the reason speed is important is so that people can RUN AWAY. The second a big guy gets his hands on you, which he will in an enclosed space, it's over.

Recall when College Wrestling had to do away with the mega-huge guys like Chris Campbell.

As to Rousey, I'll give her props for being a great fighter in her weight class. But there is no way in Hades she's faced the competition that men of the same size, in the sport, have faced.
You had me scratching my head there for awhile until I remembered the name. You mean Chris Taylor. Chris Campbell is a black guy and wrestled for Iowa in the light heavyweight.

I always remember in the 72 Olympics when that Russian who only weighed about 230 lbs grabbed Taylor around the waist, lifted him up and planted him.
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You had me scratching my head there for awhile until I remembered the name. You mean Chris Taylor. Chris Campbell is a black guy and wrestled for Iowa in the light heavyweight.

I always remember in the 72 Olympics when that Russian who only weighed about 230 lbs grabbed Taylor around the waist, lifted him up and planted him. names are getting all molded together the older I get. names are getting all molded together the older I get.
Tell me about that old age stuff. I was looking him up because I couldn't remember exactly what he weighed at the Olympics and Chris Campbell kept showing up as this kind of skinny black guy. I finally did some search on Iowa State wrestlers and finally got Taylor. I forget my own family's names sometimes.

eta: i see that I lied above. I didn't actually remember the name, I just finally stumbled across it.
I think you guys are forgetting one key element - she said NO RULES.

A cat-like quick AND tough/strong Rousey quickly attacking the groin, gouging at eyes, clawing the face etc. would be a gd nightmare for a lumbering beast like Abbott to face.

I talk with our local cops quite a bit and they are TERRIFIED of breaking up fights with females, even when they CAN use non-deadly force. They are like wild animals inchoate with rage. I've had them tell me they'd rather take on three or four big dudes fighting than two women.

I agree 100 percent that IF Abbott could get her in the clinch or catch her with one solid hit, she'd be toast. I'm just not sure she couldn't inflict a significant amount of damage before he got that chance though.
Tank doesn't have to break up a fight, he just has to win it. That is a much simpler, and often much less risky, task.

Somebody can correct me on this if I'm wrong, but Tank fought in the UFC when the only rules were "no eye-gouging" and no "fish-hooking". One of the early UFCs had a guy named Joe Son get repeatedly punched in the nuts if I remember correctly. I don't think Tank will be troubled.

Ronda's best chance to win using her speed is it to run away and hope that Tank falls over in exhaustion as a result. Sadly for her, the cage eliminates this as a strategy.

I knew that Chris Taylor toss as a poster long before I got to see the YouTube video. It takes huge balls to fall into a bridge with that kind of guy.
Rousey won't even move up a weight class to fight a female. Most male fighters won't do it either.

Tank talks crap and she talks crap because they both know it's never going to happen.
He's a fat f---k.

It would be like a spider monkey taking down an elderly gorilla.

The gorilla is bigger, stronger and tougher - but my money is on the spider monkey.

I will take that money and buy something nice with it.
I think you guys are forgetting one key element - she said NO RULES.

A cat-like quick AND tough/strong Rousey quickly attacking the groin, gouging at eyes, clawing the face etc. would be a gd nightmare for a lumbering beast like Abbott to face.

I talk with our local cops quite a bit and they are TERRIFIED of breaking up fights with females, even when they CAN use non-deadly force. They are like wild animals inchoate with rage. I've had them tell me they'd rather take on three or four big dudes fighting than two women.

I agree 100 percent that IF Abbott could get her in the clinch or catch her with one solid hit, she'd be toast. I'm just not sure she couldn't inflict a significant amount of damage before he got that chance though.

Lol, there may be someone on this board of degenerates who would probably end her.

Remember, you said cops using non lethal force. I'm doubting they are throwing hay makers at these chicks. I'm starting to wonder if some tough SOB high school wrestler wouldn't make her tap.

I'm not doubting her skill, but when she starts talking about what she would do to guys (especially other professional fighters) she should just concentrate on moving up classes and beating women.
Say she's 145 pounds...get a guy who weighs 145, sure. I bet she can hold her own. Might not win, but she'd hold her own (not get killed).
Doubt that to be honest. At 145lbs, she'd be fighting someone like Connor McGregor. Someone like him would wipe the floor the with her in a matter of seconds if he wanted to.
I think you guys are forgetting one key element - she said NO RULES.

A cat-like quick AND tough/strong Rousey quickly attacking the groin, gouging at eyes, clawing the face etc. would be a gd nightmare for a lumbering beast like Abbott to face.

I talk with our local cops quite a bit and they are TERRIFIED of breaking up fights with females, even when they CAN use non-deadly force. They are like wild animals inchoate with rage. I've had them tell me they'd rather take on three or four big dudes fighting than two women.

I agree 100 percent that IF Abbott could get her in the clinch or catch her with one solid hit, she'd be toast. I'm just not sure she couldn't inflict a significant amount of damage before he got that chance though.
It wouldn't matter Torbee, he lands one hit, regardless of where he lands it, and he's doing heavy damage. She's wrestled around with men his sizer or smaller, and she was completely outclassed and dominated. Tanks an idiot, but he's not your average joe. He would walk right through her, and end it quick. He's used to dealing with punches and kicks from men over 200lbs, there is nothing she's going to show him that he can't handle.
Lol, there may be someone on this board of degenerates who would probably end her.

Remember, you said cops using non lethal force. I'm doubting they are throwing hay makers at these chicks. I'm starting to wonder if some tough SOB high school wrestler wouldn't make her tap.

I'm not doubting her skill, but when she starts talking about what she would do to guys (especially other professional fighters) she should just concentrate on moving up classes and beating women.
Exactly, she refused to fight Fallon Fox, who is that transgender fighter, based on his/her biological advantages. Why is she suddenly thinking she can beat a man who isn't taking estrogen therapies? She's good, even someone as small as Demetrius Johnson or John Dodson would wreck her in seconds, if they didn't hold back.