Illegal Immigrant Offending Rate Lower Than U.S.-Born Citizen Rate

Utilizing today's immigration rules, just about all of our grandparents or great grandparents would have entered here illegally by just showing up on a boat, with the expectation of being processed and allowed entry. People tend to lose sight of that....
Irrelevant if they obeyed the laws in place at the time.
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An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for violent and drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property crimes.[1]

Can I ask you a simple question, so what? Is every minor that has been raped or citizen that was killed or robbed by an illegal, supposed to take solace in that study? All crime is bad and every crime committed by an illegal is a crime that could have been prevented. The authors of this study only conducted it in an attempt to divert attention from the facts. If those criminal illegals were not here, those victims would not be victims, percentages be damned.
Can I ask you a simple question, so what? Is every minor that has been raped or citizen that was killed or robbed by an illegal, supposed to take solace in that study? All crime is bad and every crime committed by an illegal is a crime that could have been prevented. The authors of this study only conducted it in an attempt to divert attention from the facts. If those criminal illegals were not here, those victims would not be victims, percentages be damned.

How about just for the pursuit of understanding reality and accuracy? Rather than pretending and just swallowing a political narrative that there's millions of violent criminal, murdering rapists with prayer rugs that eat pets and have invaded the country, we could try to be adults about the issue.

Maybe focus on the principle of a orderly and secure border. That the current system isn't working well. That there are systemic improvements that could be made via Congress. That it's a joke that immigration court dates are years in the future. Maybe speak to the issues that schools face with non-English speaking students. The issues with housing and providing services and the strain that it places on municipalities and other migrant focused organizations.

That's opposed to just having a faith based belief regarding criminal activities, or other unfounded conspiracies regarding migrant voting, and garbage replacement theory stuff.

But, I realize in the Trump era, you're entitled to your own reality that makes you feel comfortable.
Utilizing today's immigration rules, just about all of our grandparents or great grandparents would have entered here illegally by just showing up on a boat, with the expectation of being processed and allowed entry. People tend to lose sight of that....

No,.. people simply understand that the rules are what they are at the time you play the game,... They might change but they're still the rules.
Gotta love the fakeness of Trump supporters. Cry fake tears over immigrants. But then support a felon rapist. Damn you guys suck.
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According to the Umited States Sentencing Commision:

Of the 64,124 cases reported to the Commission in fiscal year 2023, 21,504 involved non-U.S. citizens. Non-U.S. citizens accounted for 33.7% of all individuals sentenced in fiscal year 2023.

5,005 of those were convicted of non-immigration offenses such as drug trafficking, firearms, money laundering etc.

So 7.8% of the federal defendants in 2023 were non-citizens commiting real non-immigrant crimes.

Lets say there are 15 million illegals in the country - 5005 is .0334% of that population.

Citizens accounted for 42,620 individual sentenced in federal court in 2023. That's, .0123% of our 346 million citizens.

Under this apples to apples metric, the illegals crime rate is 3.68 times higher than citizens. That's very significant.

US Sentencing Commision
How about just for the pursuit of understanding reality and accuracy? Rather than pretending and just swallowing a political narrative that there's millions of violent criminal, murdering rapists with prayer rugs that eat pets and have invaded the country, we could try to be adults about the issue.

Maybe focus on the principle of a orderly and secure border. That the current system isn't working well. That there are systemic improvements that could be made via Congress. That it's a joke that immigration court dates are years in the future. Maybe speak to the issues that schools face with non-English speaking students. The issues with housing and providing services and the strain that it places on municipalities and other migrant focused organizations.

That's opposed to just having a faith based belief regarding criminal activities, or other unfounded conspiracies regarding migrant voting, and garbage replacement theory stuff.

But, I realize in the Trump era, you're entitled to your own reality that makes you feel comfortable.
If leftists were honest about the situation from the jump, and were actually concerned about the issues you describe above, harping on the crime many illegals commit wouldn't have been necessary. If the dems wouldn't have denied there were problems and reversed all of Trump's attempts to slow illegal immigration, maybe common ground could have been found. Only now after the American people slapped the lefts immigration lies down on Nov. 5, you still wouldn't be admitting to the problems of illegal immigration.
If leftists were honest about the situation from the jump, and were actually concerned about the issues you describe above, harping on the crime many illegals commit wouldn't have been necessary. If the dems wouldn't have denied there were problems and reversed all of Trump's attempts to slow illegal immigration, maybe common ground could have been found. Only now after the American people slapped the lefts immigration lies down on Nov. 5, you still wouldn't be admitting to the problems of illegal immigration.
Have you ever thought about gainful employment? Or would you rather continue going the Nick Fuentes route?
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Utilizing today's immigration rules, just about all of our grandparents or great grandparents would have entered here illegally by just showing up on a boat, with the expectation of being processed and allowed entry. People tend to lose sight of that....
Not even remotely close to historical accuracy.
Irrelevant if they obeyed the laws in place at the time.
Here’s the thing - a very large chunk of illegal immigrants are considered “undocumented”. As in, they entered legally - work or student visas for example; but they’re now in the illegal branch because the visas expired; and far more often than not they’re attempting to have those renewed but the visas expired while they’re waiting in the backlogged system.

For people that crossed illegally, and made zero attempts to legalize their status at Al, I’m totally okay with having them deported when caught.
Not even remotely close to historical accuracy.

What % of immigrants were turned away at Ellis Island? Did our German or other European forbears require a visa to enter the country? Or just the Chinese/Asians via exclusion acts? Or the quotas limiting immigrants from eastern/southern Europe? Many of you are just parroting the same Nativist dialogue from 100 years ago, but lack the self-awareness to realize that.
No he and you are definitely missing the point. Rs like you like to pretend that immigrants are violent criminals but homegrown Americans are way more dangerous. You know this is true and you can't refute it, so your new game is to shift to semantics.
What about all of the “got aways” that we know nothing about? If they were such upstanding citizens, why not just come into this country legally? Any violent crime committed by an illegal alien is one too many as they shouldn’t be in this country in the first place. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?
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Utilizing today's immigration rules, just about all of our grandparents or great grandparents would have entered here illegally by just showing up on a boat, with the expectation of being processed and allowed entry. People tend to lose sight of that....
However, that growth was spread out over time so people could assimilate into American culture. Now, immigrants often don’t even try to speak English, etc. Even when foreign-born Arnold Schwarzenegger was the governor of California, he proposed that to become an American, you should be required to learn English.
Themes from this discussion - our local MAGA dum dums are:
- afraid of experiencing other cultures
- don't care about or think we can do anything about the 2/3s of crime committed by legal residents.

Carry on...
How about just for the pursuit of understanding reality and accuracy? Rather than pretending and just swallowing a political narrative that there's millions of violent criminal, murdering rapists with prayer rugs that eat pets and have invaded the country, we could try to be adults about the issue.

Maybe focus on the principle of a orderly and secure border. That the current system isn't working well. That there are systemic improvements that could be made via Congress. That it's a joke that immigration court dates are years in the future. Maybe speak to the issues that schools face with non-English speaking students. The issues with housing and providing services and the strain that it places on municipalities and other migrant focused organizations.

That's opposed to just having a faith based belief regarding criminal activities, or other unfounded conspiracies regarding migrant voting, and garbage replacement theory stuff.

But, I realize in the Trump era, you're entitled to your own reality that makes you feel comfortable.
No doubt, some of the concerns about illegal immigration were sensationalized by the R’s, but it worked as Trump got elected. Now, hopefully something can be done to fix the issue. If Kamala would have won the election, high illegal immigration would have continued.
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However, that growth was spread out over time so people could assimilate into American culture. Now, immigrants often don’t even try to speak English, etc. Even when foreign-born Arnold Schwarzenegger was the governor of California, he proposed that to become an American, you should be required to learn English.
The language issue has always been a problem with every wave of immigrants we’ve experienced, this is nothing new.
The language issue has always been a problem with every wave of immigrants we’ve experienced, this is nothing new.
However, with fewer/more controlled immigration #’s, it wasn’t near the issue it is currently.
An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for violent and drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property crimes.[1]

Who cares? Only freaking morons act as if these two groups are the same.
However, with fewer/more controlled immigration #’s, it wasn’t near the issue it is currently.
If you compare the immigration numbers as a percentage vs the US population as a whole it’s not nearly as big a difference as you’d think. Raw numbers are more now because the world population has exploded to the previous periods of mass immigration in our history.
That’s bass-ackwards.
Why? Democrats pushed a bipartisan immigration bill last year that gop opposed overwhelmingly, yet you’re not painting them as pro-illegal immigration are you?
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No, I don't think he is. Being on your best behavior while activily committing a crime isn't some great outcome.
The crime isn't state of mind. The state of mind possessed by most of these people would be the same as most of our ancestors immigrating the US: opportunity.

Where as crime associated with murder, theft etc is met with a problematic state of mind.

So I don't consider them bad people.

Nevertheless, we just need to make immigration an orderly processes, which means curbing illegal immigration.
Who cares? Only freaking morons act as if these two groups are the same.
Because people on the right seem to paint an inaccurate picture of these people as dangerous criminals. I was criticizing the misleading rhetoric by many right wingers.

I was pointing out that we don't have good data for this... and in fact, they seem less of a threat.

If anything I have less reason to fear an illegal immigrate where my safety is concerned. (As compared to the threat posed by your average American)
So illegal aliens are so virtuous that not only is their crime rate less than that of U.S. citizens, but it's also less than documented immigrants?

The best and the brighest immigrants who follow the laws and obtain legal status in the U.S. have a higher crime rate than illegal aliens?
There’s people dumb enough on this board to believe it
Here’s the thing - a very large chunk of illegal immigrants are considered “undocumented”. As in, they entered legally - work or student visas for example; but they’re now in the illegal branch because the visas expired; and far more often than not they’re attempting to have those renewed but the visas expired while they’re waiting in the backlogged system.

For people that crossed illegally, and made zero attempts to legalize their status at Al, I’m totally okay with having them deported when caught.
Nope. No such thing as a legal illegal aliens.
According to the Umited States Sentencing Commision:

Of the 64,124 cases reported to the Commission in fiscal year 2023, 21,504 involved non-U.S. citizens. Non-U.S. citizens accounted for 33.7% of all individuals sentenced in fiscal year 2023.

5,005 of those were convicted of non-immigration offenses such as drug trafficking, firearms, money laundering etc.

So 7.8% of the federal defendants in 2023 were non-citizens commiting real non-immigrant crimes.

Lets say there are 15 million illegals in the country - 5005 is .0334% of that population.

Citizens accounted for 42,620 individual sentenced in federal court in 2023. That's, .0123% of our 346 million citizens.

Under this apples to apples metric, the illegals crime rate is 3.68 times higher than citizens. That's very significant.

US Sentencing Commision
Stop using facts and data… our approved media sources say it’s right wing conspiracy… that’s our story and we are sticking to it
Let's try this so even [retarded] leftists can understand this and can't spin it:

Say you have an island with a population of 1000 citizens. On this island are 10 sexual predators that are free to do as they please because the island has no jails and the mayor loves everyone. Now--here's the tricky part--if you add just one more sexual predator to the island's population, does the risk of assault for the females and children of the island go up or down with 11 perverts instead of 10?
You don't get to call anyone stupid while making that point.

In your hypothetical (which uses assumptions about data cited in my post) you bring another illegal that murders so that there are now 11 on the island. What you're forgetting is that they would come in with a bunch of people that don't murder, so the number of citizens (now 1000) would also increase.

And since the data points towards illegals murdering less, that would mean their inclusion would improve our citizen to murderer ratio and thereby reduce a person's odds of being murdered.
You don't get to call anyone stupid while making that point.

In your hypothetical (which uses assumptions about data cited in my post) you bring another illegal that murders so that there are now 11 on the island. What you're forgetting is that they would come in with a bunch of people that don't murder, so the number of citizens (now 1000) would also increase.

And since the data points towards illegals murdering less, that would mean their inclusion would improve our citizen to murderer ratio and thereby reduce a person's odds of being murdered.
You are one dumb MF'er........
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According to the Umited States Sentencing Commision:

Of the 64,124 cases reported to the Commission in fiscal year 2023, 21,504 involved non-U.S. citizens. Non-U.S. citizens accounted for 33.7% of all individuals sentenced in fiscal year 2023.

5,005 of those were convicted of non-immigration offenses such as drug trafficking, firearms, money laundering etc.

So 7.8% of the federal defendants in 2023 were non-citizens commiting real non-immigrant crimes.

Lets say there are 15 million illegals in the country - 5005 is .0334% of that population.

Citizens accounted for 42,620 individual sentenced in federal court in 2023. That's, .0123% of our 346 million citizens.

Under this apples to apples metric, the illegals crime rate is 3.68 times higher than citizens. That's very significant.

US Sentencing Commision
This does nothing to counter my original point. In fact, it perhaps strengthens it.

Which was pointing out that illegals commit less crimes of a nature that directly endangers people.

You point to federal level crime (where something like illegal immigration might be handled) data where the crime is actual illegal immigration itself.
You are one dumb MF'er........
Then you should be able to point out the err in my ways.

So if you're only interested in absolute numbers -- num of murders period -- then you'd also be against any sort of legal immigration. Because some of those people will murder as well, even if at rate far less than existing citizens. They could be a great net benefit, but, they're going to up the murder total.

Anything that increases population increases absolute murder totals. (in a direct sense)

So you're going to have to figure out how that works and where you stand.

And no, this isn't an argument for illegal immigration. I'm in the camp that wants to control it much better than we do now, so as to create an orderly process that brings useful people in, and leaves out those likely to (or that have already) cause trouble.
This does nothing to counter my original point. In fact, it perhaps strengthens it.

Which was pointing out that illegals commit less crimes of a nature that directly endangers people.

You point to federal level crime (where something like illegal immigration might be handled) data where the crime is actual illegal immigration itself.
I excluded the immigration offenses. You didn't read my post or the linked data.