Impossible Dream Realized: Media Falls Below Congress in Trust Survey


HB Legend
Jun 14, 2005

Gallup's annual confidence survey shows 69% of Americans will not relieve themselves on a journalist in flames​

The just-released results from Gallup’s Trust in Media Survey leave no doubt that members of my profession are officially America’s lowest life form. Gallup asked:

In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media — such as newspapers, T.V. and radio — when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly — a great deal, a fair amount, not very much, or none at all?

  • A great deal 8
  • Fair amount 23
  • Not very much 33
  • None at all 36
The Great Deal/Fair Amount number of 31% roughly ties* Gallup’s lowest-ever number, first recorded in 2016. The more shocking result is the combined Not much (33%) and None at all (36!) number of 69%. That is four points worse than the 65% figure posted by the usual standard-setter for mistrust: “The legislative branch, consisting of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.” It’s really not that close, as most distrust of Congress is of the softer, “Not very much” variety (46%), while the press laps elected counterparts by 17 points (36%-19%) in the far more hardcore None at all category.

It’s impossible to overstate this embarrassment. There are necrophiliacs who wouldn’t touch a congressional corpse. You may not hesitate to sacrifice a congressman in a lifeboat, but you think twice about eating him, even starving. Record fines for misconduct, and more informational access to behaviors like legal insider trading mean the elected officials Twain called America’s only “distinctly native criminal class” are hated more than ever. Yet expectations for journalists are now lower than those for Congress. Asked about trust in a politician, “None at all” is what people say when they expect nothing to get done. With media, it’s what you say if you don’t even trust a reporter to tell the time. It’s an extraordinary indictment.

The new horror show figures are driven by a 16% drop among Democrats over the last two years. That’s important because press watchdogs for years blew off low survey results, saying they were artificially weighted because “being ‘anti-media’ is part of [Republicans’] political identity,” as FiveThirtyEight once put it. That was back when most corporate media companies were proudly in the doling-shit-out business. Now they’re eating it.
All you have to do is continually push stories against one party that you know aren't true. If you work hard, you also can achieve goals like these.
Do you have a clue what you spout on here? I didn't think so. Like I said in another post, recent roadkill is your best hope.
Yes actually I do. If you want to take off your blue glasses there are about a thousand studies about the media and their bias. I know you don't want to hear it, but it doesn't make them any less true.
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Would be interested in the confidence level these same folks would ascribe to social media posts (that are selected for them).
We literally just had a Sunday Show anchor on one of the three major networks argue that it's perfectly acceptable that only a handful of apartment complexes have been taken over by deadly Venezuelan gangs. Totally trustworthy.
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More evidence of media bias (in addition to paying 3/4ths of a billion) - Fox helped write Trump’s speech and then interviewed him this morning on how great his speech was - usual suspects would have a thrombo if this was CBS.

I suspect we won’t see them on this issue …

Yes actually I do. If you want to take off your blue glasses there are about a thousand studies about the media and their bias. I know you don't want to hear it, but it doesn't make them any less true.
Some of the media has biases, but it appears the right wing media will just out and out lie. And the worst part of it is you believe them.
Kamalas water is equally heavy but it has more carriers...


The Blaze
Washington Times
NY Post
Epoch Times
The American Spectator
Daily Wire
National Review
Washington Free Beacon
Real Clear Politics
Franklin Graham
Ben Shapiro
Charlie Kirk
Red State
Town Hall
Gateway Pundit
Michelle Malkin …

were all unavailable for comment.

Gallup's annual confidence survey shows 69% of Americans will not relieve themselves on a journalist in flames​

The just-released results from Gallup’s Trust in Media Survey leave no doubt that members of my profession are officially America’s lowest life form. Gallup asked:

In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media — such as newspapers, T.V. and radio — when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly — a great deal, a fair amount, not very much, or none at all?

  • A great deal 8
  • Fair amount 23
  • Not very much 33
  • None at all 36
The Great Deal/Fair Amount number of 31% roughly ties* Gallup’s lowest-ever number, first recorded in 2016. The more shocking result is the combined Not much (33%) and None at all (36!) number of 69%. That is four points worse than the 65% figure posted by the usual standard-setter for mistrust: “The legislative branch, consisting of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.” It’s really not that close, as most distrust of Congress is of the softer, “Not very much” variety (46%), while the press laps elected counterparts by 17 points (36%-19%) in the far more hardcore None at all category.

It’s impossible to overstate this embarrassment. There are necrophiliacs who wouldn’t touch a congressional corpse. You may not hesitate to sacrifice a congressman in a lifeboat, but you think twice about eating him, even starving. Record fines for misconduct, and more informational access to behaviors like legal insider trading mean the elected officials Twain called America’s only “distinctly native criminal class” are hated more than ever. Yet expectations for journalists are now lower than those for Congress. Asked about trust in a politician, “None at all” is what people say when they expect nothing to get done. With media, it’s what you say if you don’t even trust a reporter to tell the time. It’s an extraordinary indictment.

The new horror show figures are driven by a 16% drop among Democrats over the last two years. That’s important because press watchdogs for years blew off low survey results, saying they were artificially weighted because “being ‘anti-media’ is part of [Republicans’] political identity,” as FiveThirtyEight once put it. That was back when most corporate media companies were proudly in the doling-shit-out business. Now they’re eating it.
Authoritarianism is hard work. One of the distrust in the media. The radical right is making it happen.
Yeah, that darn 90% liberal media just can't handle the other 10% of free speech. Just let Hillary get in there to get full control.
You're making the've been duped. You believe what the far right, that is only peddling lies to sow your distrust, has been telling you.

The second article is what Trump threatens pretty consistently now.

Gallup's annual confidence survey shows 69% of Americans will not relieve themselves on a journalist in flames​

The just-released results from Gallup’s Trust in Media Survey leave no doubt that members of my profession are officially America’s lowest life form. Gallup asked:

In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media — such as newspapers, T.V. and radio — when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly — a great deal, a fair amount, not very much, or none at all?

  • A great deal 8
  • Fair amount 23
  • Not very much 33
  • None at all 36
The Great Deal/Fair Amount number of 31% roughly ties* Gallup’s lowest-ever number, first recorded in 2016. The more shocking result is the combined Not much (33%) and None at all (36!) number of 69%. That is four points worse than the 65% figure posted by the usual standard-setter for mistrust: “The legislative branch, consisting of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.” It’s really not that close, as most distrust of Congress is of the softer, “Not very much” variety (46%), while the press laps elected counterparts by 17 points (36%-19%) in the far more hardcore None at all category.

It’s impossible to overstate this embarrassment. There are necrophiliacs who wouldn’t touch a congressional corpse. You may not hesitate to sacrifice a congressman in a lifeboat, but you think twice about eating him, even starving. Record fines for misconduct, and more informational access to behaviors like legal insider trading mean the elected officials Twain called America’s only “distinctly native criminal class” are hated more than ever. Yet expectations for journalists are now lower than those for Congress. Asked about trust in a politician, “None at all” is what people say when they expect nothing to get done. With media, it’s what you say if you don’t even trust a reporter to tell the time. It’s an extraordinary indictment.

The new horror show figures are driven by a 16% drop among Democrats over the last two years. That’s important because press watchdogs for years blew off low survey results, saying they were artificially weighted because “being ‘anti-media’ is part of [Republicans’] political identity,” as FiveThirtyEight once put it. That was back when most corporate media companies were proudly in the doling-shit-out business. Now they’re eating it.
Why wouldn’t “media” be at the bottom if the list? All these inter-web sights blowing smoke up folks ass 24/7…. There are by percentage very few “news sights” that can be trusted as factual. At least most Americans know they are having smoke blown up their collective ass.
How many editorial departments of a major American news channels or publications do you trust to "follow the news" and not omit or slant stories based on a political or social agendas of said publications?
Why don't you list them all for us and we will tell you. FWIW, there is on outlet, most likely the one where you get your information, that has a 787 million dollar judgement against them for out and out lying. Slanted, biased? Give me a break.