Inflation hits three-year low

25k per home will increase price of home and increase inflation- any economist will tell you this.
- controlling prices is a terrible idea. Government shouldn’t tell Iowa farmers how much they can sell corn and soy beans to consumers
- taxing unrealized gains is the dumbest unrealistic strategy ever mentioned. Not possible
- raising corporate tax will only hurt middle America, that trickles down to employees.
- student debt forgiveness- would only add to inflation as we borrow against the future to pay for other peoples loans.

Kamala wants to squeeze as much as she can from corporations and everyday Americans, paints corporations as the bad guy. If Trump tax cuts expire you will feel it. There’s a reason she will probably extend them and why she kept tariffs on imports. It’s because it worked but she doesn’t want to give Trump credit. Kamala doesn’t understand trade and economy, she’s never worked private sector- ever! She’s a lawyer, what does she know about trade and policy?

If you want more of the same- high inflation, open borders and more international wars, vote Kamala. If I’m wrong please tell me her economic plan?
LOL. Just as I figured. GOT.NOTHING. Just more attacks on VP Harris

I remember when Newt Gingrich hysterically declared that the 1993 budget bill passed by the Democrats (without a single Republican vote) would cause a depression. It's been the same bullshit for over 30 years.

I'll try once again. I'll even put it in bold font if that will help? Please enlighten us as to Donald John Trump's policy agenda to combat inflation?
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Gas is always the cheapest in Mason City / Clear Lake area. I assume it’s because it’s a central distribution point for gasoline. But I always make a point if I am going to be driving by, to fill up off I35 by Mason city.
Magellan has a pipeline terminal adjacent to I-35 in Mason City, so, yes. Cheaper to distribute there.
Let's compare our portfolios. I can easily show you. Stock market at record levels. Didn't your hero say it was going to cash like never before?
Haha! Markets go up they go down. They went down under Trump because a pandemic, the whole world felt it. There wasn’t a country on the planet that didn’t suffer.
2022 has only happened 3x in history when bonds and stocks fall over 20%. That’s due to policy, nothing more. Inflation is still too high, core CPI and headline.
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It’s amazing gas is coming down like it is with Ukraine blowing up Russian facilities, Venezuela having issues, and Libya suffering production cuts.
LOL. Just as I figured. GOT.NOTHING. Just more attacks on VP Harris

I remember when Newt Gingrich hysterically declared that the 1993 budget bill passed by the Democrats (without a single Republican vote) would cause a depression. It's been the same bullshit for over 30 years.

I'll try once again. I'll even put it in bold font if that will help? Please enlighten us as to Donald John Trump's policy agenda to combat inflation?
You can always tell when someone has lost the debate. You try and turn the convo to Trump. We’re talking inflation and Kamala, keep it on the tracks. With Trump you will get the same from 16-20 without pandemic. We were winning super bowls before the pandemic and replaced him with a coach that’s been in the league 40 years and never won the big game. Please tell me how Kamala will keep from increasing inflation? Price gouging? Haha!
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You can always tell when someone has lost the debate. You try and turn the convo to Trump. We’re talking inflation and Kamala, keep it on the tracks. With Trump you will get the same from 16-20 without pandemic. We were winning super bowls before the pandemic and replaced him with a coach that’s been in the league 40 years and never won the big game. Please tell me how Kamala will keep from increasing inflation? Price gouging? Haha!
Just as I thought, you've got nothing. Trump will wave the magic wand and make it 2019 again.

The truth is that inflation has been essentially defeated for the last 18 months in the United States, it's been under 4%, which should probably be the Fed target anyway to ensure a growing economy and full employment. If Trump manages to scam his way back into the White House, he'll be inheriting another strong high employment and low inflation economy handed over to him by the Democrats.
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Only 20% before this year. Thank the Mag 7- for the other 20%- not policy. Trump was up over 70% before pandemic.
70%> 40%
No wars > 3 wars
2% inflation> 9% inflation
Oh FFS, the United States was engaged in multiple wars during Trumps years in office. Way more soldiers died in Afghanistan and other hot spots when Trump was President than under Biden. You're just another completely full of shit MAGA. You pick your time periods for max positive for Trump and max negative for the Dems. And of course you still haven't said a peep about Trump's policy agenda to combat inflation.
Off the top of my head, I’d say my retirement numbers are about 15% higher than 3 1/2 years ago….and that includes us taking annual minimum distributions from the funds all during that time. These numbers are probably a little conservative in reality. Our retirement has done pretty well for us. The big scare for us was back in 2008 (25-30%) but thankfully we recovered the loss by 2011….Covid loss (2020) was about 15-20% but we were more conservatively positioned (portfolio-wise) then….
Quite honestly, Democrats in the WH is the common thread to retirement fund growth…….Clinton was very good to us…..Junior lost us a bunch with the mortgage/insurance crash……Obama got us back to healthy with some actual gains…..Trump in 2019-20 wiPed out most of out gains from Obama and Trump’s first 3 years….and honestly, the past 3 years has been quite strong. Im just telling you the truth here… 401k has been better under Dems in the WH than with GOPers in the WH.
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Oh FFS, the United States was engaged in multiple wars during Trumps years in office. Way more soldiers died in Afghanistan and other hot spots when Trump was President than under Biden. You're just another completely full of shit MAGA. You pick your time periods for max positive for Trump and max negative for the Dems. And of course you still haven't said a peep about Trump's policy agenda to combat inflation.
Died under Trump? Who died? How many? I know 17 that died under Bidens disastrous withdrawal. Russia and china weren’t attacking any countries or sending their nuclear submarines to Cuba when Trump was in office. Say what you want but nobody fears Biden or his administration. If you can’t see that your (in your words) a pice of shit libtard that only sees what they want.
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Haha! Markets go up they go down. They went down under Trump because a pandemic, the whole world felt it. There wasn’t a country on the planet that didn’t suffer.
2022 has only happened 3x in history when bonds and stocks fall over 20%. That’s due to policy, nothing more. Inflation is still too high, core CPI and headline.
Yet they are up huge now. Sorry you missed out. No wonder why you Magas are so angry. You were to nieve to make money.
Off the top of my head, I’d say my retirement numbers are about 15% higher than 3 1/2 years ago….and that includes us taking annual minimum distributions from the funds all during that time. These numbers are probably a little conservative in reality. Our retirement has done pretty well for us. The big scare for us was back in 2008 (25-30%) but thankfully we recovered the loss by 2011….Covid loss (2020) was about 15-20% but we were more conservatively positioned (portfolio-wise) then….
Quite honestly, Democrats in the WH is the common thread to retirement fund growth…….Clinton was very good to us…..Junior lost us a bunch with the mortgage/insurance crash……Obama got us back to healthy with some actual gains…..Trump in 2019-20 wiPed out most of out gains from Obama and Trump’s first 3 years….and honestly, the past 3 years has been quite strong. Im just telling you the truth here… 401k has been better under Dems in the WH than with GOPers in the WH.
How old are you? If you’re going back to the Clinton administration you’re in your mid 80’s. I hope the economy grows and you get double digit returns. I don’t wish a brutal retirement upon anyone. Running out of money the the biggest fear, I’m sure you’re very conservative if you’ve been in retirement since the 1990’s.
Yet they are up huge now. Sorry you missed out. No wonder why you Magas are so angry. You were to nieve to make money.
Never said I didn’t make money. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about, or know me. I’m not angry, I got in early, stayed the course and rode the high. I believe in the markets, the only long term risk with equities is not owning them.
Died under Trump? Who died? How many? I know 17 that died under Bidens disastrous withdrawal. Russia and china weren’t attacking any countries or sending their nuclear submarines to Cuba when Trump was in office. Say what you want but nobody fears Biden or his administration. If you can’t see that your (in your words) a pice of shit libtard that only sees what they want.
That's from a 30 second google search. 45 combat deaths just in Afghanistan during the Trump administration.

As for the rest of your blathering, oh yeah sure MAGA man, nobody fears the Biden administration and Donald Trump is universally feared and respected.

Just as I thought, you've got nothing. Trump will wave the magic wand and make it 2019 again.

The truth is that inflation has been essentially defeated for the last 18 months in the United States, it's been under 4%, which should probably be the Fed target anyway to ensure a growing economy and full employment. If Trump manages to scam his way back into the White House, he'll be inheriting another strong high employment and low inflation economy handed over to him by the Democrats.
You don’t understand inflation. Are you talking core or headline? What is the 4% based on? And no - 4% is way too high, you know nothing about economics. 2% is target, you could make a case for 3% but 4% is a number someone would say that doesn’t understand.
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How old are you? If you’re going back to the Clinton administration you’re in your mid 80’s. I hope the economy grows and you get double digit returns. I don’t wish a brutal retirement upon anyone. Running out of money the the biggest fear, I’m sure you’re very conservative if you’ve been in retirement since the 1990’s.
You need to work on your math skills……1992 was what….32 years ago…….I could be early 50’s if that is the case….Still…..understand, minimum distributions… have no real control over the amount….but Im mid 70’s and been drawing off 401 for almost 10 years….BUT I realized very early in this game, Democrats are better times for investors like me (middle class)…but everyone ought to have a 8 year run like I did with Bill Clinton! Jeeeebus, I made some money then! (I never started a 401 Retirement until 1992…my bride made me! I listened…)
You don’t understand inflation. Are you talking core or headline? What is the 4% based on? And no - 4% is way too high, you know nothing about economics. 2% is target, you could make a case for 3% but 4% is a number someone would say that doesn’t understand.
Still got nothing do you? Again, I'll put it in bold and a big font:

Please enlighten us as to Donald John Trump's policy agenda to combat inflation?
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You need to work on your math skills……1992 was what….32 years ago…….I could be early 50’s if that is the case….Still…..understand, minimum distributions… have no real control over the amount….but Im mid 70’s and been drawing off 401 for almost 10 years….BUT I realized very early in this game, Democrats are better times for investors like me (middle class)…but everyone ought to have a 8 year run like I did with Bill Clinton! Jeeeebus, I made some money then! (I never started a 401 Retirement until 1992…my bride made me! I listened…)
You made it sound like you’ve been in retirement since Clinton. RMDs are only 3.65% your first year (70) and roughly 4.2% by age 75. If you’re only taking RMDs you should be growing your nest egg unless you’re very conservatively invested. I don’t like 60/40 but I suspect thats where you are. You got hammered in 2022- no way around it.

Consider lifetime income- you’ll sleep better.
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It’s pretty easy to be a 3 year low when we were a 40 year high 3 years ago.
Not sure if you know how inflation works but 2.5% means we are 2.5% higher than this time last year, 6% higher the year before and 9% before that. Compound them altogether and that is where we are today. Fed goal is 2% so we are still too high. But I thought it was price gouging not inflation?
Are you one of the numpties that advocates for zero inflation? Or, better yet, negative inflation? Because we are saving money then!

You're a moron.
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Died under Trump? Who died? How many? I know 17 that died under Bidens disastrous withdrawal. Russia and china weren’t attacking any countries or sending their nuclear submarines to Cuba when Trump was in office. Say what you want but nobody fears Biden or his administration. If you can’t see that your (in your words) a pice of shit libtard that only sees what they want.
63 US troops died in Afghanistan during the Trump presidency. 13 died on the Biden watch.

Can't wait to see you try to explain that away.
You made it sound like you’ve been in retirement since Clinton. RMDs are only 3.65% your first year (70) and roughly 4.2% by age 75. If you’re only taking RMDs you should be growing your nest egg unless you’re very conservatively invested. I don’t like 60/40 but I suspect thats where you are. You got hammered in 2022- no way around it.

Consider lifetime income- you’ll sleep better.
No I really didn’t…..I had a lot of cash that was sitting around looking for an investment. Im really not heavily in stocks/bonds…any way, Im thinking Im doing quite well for an old man who is smart enough to know there are professionals out there that know how to grow my $$$….Just send me the checks and I will spend it.
In 1990, I walked away from my ex with $62 in my pocket and a 8 year old Pontiac….I needed Bill Clinton!