Lots of interesting comments in here regarding the Big12/8. Here are a few:
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/campus-corner/article79794447.html#storylink=cpy
Also, the Big 12 evolution. Wefald was Chairman of the Association of Big Eight schools in 1990, when the college sports landscape started trembling. Over the next couple of years, the Big Ten, Southeastern and Atlantic Coast conferences expanded. The Southwest Conference was wobbling and the Big Eight needed to change or would be left behind.
Initially, Wefald talked about a merger of the 16 schools. But on a conference call in February 1994, Wefald recalled then-Texas president Bob Berdahl shaping the league. “’Here is what we decided,’” Wefald quoted Berdahl. “’We encourage the Big 8 Conference to invite Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Baylor and Texas to form a new conference.’”
Wefald: “For four years, I had hoped we could convince Texas to join the Big 8. I did not want to ask Bob Berdahl any questions about the fate of Rice, Houston, SMU and TCU. I knew there was only one difference between K-State and them: we were in the Big 8.”
On picking the first Big 12 commissioner, a choice between Southwest Conference commissioner Steve Hatchell and Kansas athletic director Bob Frederick: “I liked them both. I had known Bob for years. He was an outstanding AD and a classy person … But I was shocked to find out that Charles Kiesler, the Missouri Chancellor, would not vote for any KU candidate. If Kiesler had set aside his pettiness, Bob Frederick would have been the new Big 12 Commissioner.”
On the academic rule that limited the number of Proposition 48 qualifiers — the SWC didn’t allow them, the Big Eight did and new league settled on one such qualifier for football and men’s basketball: “It was aimed directly at (Nebraska) Cornhusker football. By the late 1990s, this new Big 12 rule has seriously damaged the quality of Nebraska football. In fact, you could say it brought the era of Bob Devaney and Tom Osborne to a close.”
Wefald recalled Berdahl harmed Nebraska after leaving Texas. Berdahl was the president of the Association of American Universities (AAU) in 2011 when Nebraska was voted out of the prestigious group. Wefald said Berdahl could have used his influence to sway a close vote.
“The truth is,” Wefald wrote, “no outside academic leader has dented Nebraska’s athletic and academic standing over the years more than Bob Berdahl.
“In another irony, if Nebraska had not been a member of the AAU in 2010 when the Big 10 was adding a new school, the University of Missouri, an AAU school, would likely be a member of the Big 10 today.”
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/campus-corner/article79794447.html#storylink=cpy