Iowa City pastor being deported

So is where I'm confused...

Max Villatoro came to the United States from Honduras in 1995.

Was he on a visa. E4 Religious worker maybe.. Come on press citizen dig.

Vondra said Villatoro was convicted in 1999 in Johnson County for drunken driving and in Muscatine County for using a fake name while trying to obtain a state ID, and served a suspended sentence.

A statement from ICE, an agency of the Department of Homeland Security, said the department is "focused on smart, effective immigration enforcement that prioritizes the removal of convicted criminals and public safety threats.

if license fraud and DUI are such crimes, its a good thing most UI students are citizens

Vondra said U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services had granted Villatoro a work permit about 10 years ago that was valid until he was arrested.

"The Green card" If this is true, then it seems he did not come here illegally.

I'm guessing, there is something else between coming here in 1999 and getting a green card in 2005 that is F'n things up for him. I'm guessing those convictions, is what this deportation is about. There may have been some retroactive rules applied since 9/11.

For instance. I have a ready lane and a passort for the US Border, but I can't get a SENTRI. I had a SENTRI from 2000 to 2005. However, when I attempted to renew in 2005. I was disallowed a SENTRI due to public intox charge in 1989 a DUI in 1991 in Iowa City. Post 9/11 rules now in effect.