Iowa Gov. Reynolds to pitch barring students from having cellphones in classrooms

I don’t understand why they need a phone on them all the time anyway. Couldn’t imagine being a teacher constantly telling a kid to get off their phone.
I generally quit fighting that war. I'll tell a kid a few times to get off the phone but I'm done trying to prevent a kid from failing because of the phone. I step in enough times to be able to say I tried but if a kid is going to fail because of the phone than they need to fail because of their phone. Sometimes its the only way they learn their lesson.

And for the "what about the children??" folks, this method works. Most of those kids come back the next year and realize sitting through the same class twice really sucks and end up passing on round two. My argument is this is thinking about the children. Mistakes like this have far less severe consequences in high school than they do later on.
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Now we just got to figure out a way to restrict kids from using AI for all their homework. We are quickly building the next generation of tech dependent kids that just Google or ask AI for everything and don't actually learn anything.
That will be the next big education debate of the future. How much do people really need to “know” or memorize versus a shift towards being taught to be able to effectively find the correct answers, to the correct questions, in the correct context, using artificial intelligence and other technologies.
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I can’t believe they ever let the phones in the classroom in the first place. I couldn’t even wear a hat, and they can have a phone? How did they lose control so quickly? It surprised the hell out of me when I realized my oldest could just have his phone all day at school.
Our school district imposed a ban on phones starting this year. Personally, and I mean just for my family, I am glad my son graduated last year. He hated school. Zero point zero chance he was going to college. It was nice to be able to reach him at any time.

Now he's working full time and he's been saving 10 percent of every dollar he's made since 3rd grade. Him having his phone all day had no effect on his schooling or his future success whatsoever. I know that is not the case for everyone.
Maybe he may have learned more if his phone wasn’t distracting him in school.
You have zero knowledge that his phone habits weren’t detrimental. How it affected his attention span, sleeping habits, study skills. I could go on because you will never agree with me and admit that as a parent you should have and could have done a better job.
It’s great your kid has a job and save a some money. But you closed doors that he may never have known he needed opened.
Through high school, I'd say smart phones have no place in the classroom, so I fully support banning them. Use laptops or tablets, especially if they can be restricted to academic content only. Make them keep their phones in their lockers, can be used in between class or the cafeteria at lunch. Parents will have to resort to the old-school means of calling the school if they need to reach their kids urgently. Make sure classrooms have some kind of regular hardwired phone and/or radio for emergencies, which all mine always had phones.

Now we just got to figure out a way to restrict kids from using AI for all their homework. We are quickly building the next generation of tech dependent kids that just Google or ask AI for everything and don't actually learn anything.
Asking the age-old question of education in the Information it more important to know how to reach the correct answer or find the correct answer? This question has been the focus of discussion regarding modern education for 50 years or more.
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I hope this includes iWatches. I have seen maybe five cell phones all year but at least a third of my students are wearing an iWatch. I’m at an elementary building.
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You should really read the thread again. Slowly. Sound out the big words.

I said in my first post I'm not against this. I pushed back on northerns whiny comment about the teacher's union. Then you decided to white knight for northern. I hope your running form is good, otherwise he'll still want nothing to do with you.

Why should the teacher's union trust a damn thing said by the governor?
So like I originally said. You admit that it is a good thing but you still had to throw the governor under the bus.
What part of why should the teachers union trust Kim, is not a direct slam on Kim and her being a republican?
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Kim is too late! Des Moines Public Schools hit the jump on her at Hoover High starting this school year. I believe the entire District is ready to adopt Hoover’s plan very shortly. Of course Kim will sweep in and claim credit for this idea… which is really a “district by district” decision… but Kim is big in “the mother state” ….imagine the crap that would hit the ceiling ( from Republicans) if this legislation would be suggested by a Democrat?
You're such an old curmudgeon.
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Maybe he may have learned more if his phone wasn’t distracting him in school.
You have zero knowledge that his phone habits weren’t detrimental. How it affected his attention span, sleeping habits, study skills. I could go on because you will never agree with me and admit that as a parent you should have and could have done a better job.
It’s great your kid has a job and save a some money. But you closed doors that he may never have known he needed opened.
Oh well yeah. I guess it's possible a random anonymous dude on a message board who read a couple paragraphs could know us better than a father who has been with his son every step of the way for 18 years. :rolleyes:
So like I originally said. You admit that it is a good thing but you still had to throw the governor under the bus.
What part of why should the teachers union trust Kim, not a direct slam on Kim and her being a republican?
It was a response to northerns whining, which you conveniently left out. It's not that she's a Republican. It's that she and her party have enacted several policies detrimental to teachers in this state. Not the least of which is neutering collective bargaining. Or giving public tax money to wealthy private schools. Those are just facts.

Now run along before you hurt yourself trying to "think".
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It was a response to northerns whining, which you conveniently left out. It's not that she's a Republican. It's that she and her party have enacted several policies detrimental to teachers in this state. Not the least of which is neutering collective bargaining. Or giving public tax money to wealthy private schools. Those are just facts.

Now run along before you hurt yourself trying to "think".
dumb and dumber thread GIF
I have had kids put their phones in a case in the front of the room since 2012. The kids can see where it's at, just not hear it.
The only real problems i've had is:
1. Trumper parents: "I bought that phone you will not take it from my child". This isn't a political statement, just a statement of fact. I have had problems with 3 parents. ALL OF THEM have trump signs all over their house/yard and are highly agitated people whose MO is: You will not tell me what to do.....
2. When the younger grades told kids to keep them in their lockers: the logical problem, is they just lie and learn that if they lie they get rewarded. I make them go get them as a pass to get into the room. It's amazing how many kids tell me they are in their locker but when asked to go get them with me, they all the sudden forgot that they left them at home....
Sooo you're stalking some of your students and their families to the point you know where they live and what they put it for yard signs. Awesome. Do the world a favor and find another profession.
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Oh well yeah. I guess it's possible a random anonymous dude on a message board who read a couple paragraphs could know us better than a father who has been with his son every step of the way for 18 years. :rolleyes:
Do you “need to reach him” at all
Times during work as well?
That will be the next big education debate of the future. How much do people really need to “know” or memorize versus a shift towards being taught to be able to effectively find the correct answers, to the correct questions, in the correct context, using artificial intelligence and other technologies.
AI will be an essential tool in the workplace and it is unlikely that anyone in school right now will do their job without the extensive help of AI entities. However, AI has no place in schools from k-10th grades. In my professional opinion, you have to prove you have mastered skills and topics on your own before you can start using shortcuts for them. Because it's one thing to know how to do things, but what never gets talked about are the reasons we learn to perform certain tasks, and it's not so that we will know how to find the volume of a cone on the off chance the opportunity pops up when we are 35. The process of learning how to perform those tasks trains our brains to learn how to systematically approach a problem and solve it. I tell my students that Geometry isn't a math class. Geometry is a class that teaches you how to make a valid and reasoned argument. They just use geometry facts as a context to teach it.

Likewise for the "well everything is on the internet". In order to be able to effectively solve problems, you have to have a readily accessible knowledge base for your brain to draw on. No school can ever know the exact information you will need 20 years from now so they do their best to give basic knowledge on as many topics as possible. This keeps you from being a complete idiot, but it also gives a well of information that you can draw on to help solve problems in the future. We can't predict how that happens, only that it does. No computer is going to be able to replace that unless we want a population that is 100% dependent on a computer doing all of their thinking for them in 100 years. That's not a society I would want to live in.

To put it another way, we could teach 1st graders how to do long division on a calculator. They can easily be taught how to type numbers into a calculator and get a correct answer. That doesn't mean they understand what long division is or how to use it in daily life. The same goes with other tasks like writing a paper. AI can write a 5 paragraph argumentative essay pretty well. Well, not to the trained eye...current AI's put out about D+ to C- work from different English teachers I have talked to (and there are plenty of students who would be perfectly fine with that). However, that doesn't mean the student knows how to write. They need to do it by actually practicing doing it. Not only will they be better writers, their brain will develop more complex thought patterns and people will be generally smarter all around.

AI is here and we will all be adapting to it over the next few decades. However that doesn't mean we need to stop teaching our kids how to think and solve problems.
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You're such an old curmudgeon.
Because I see the truth in this situation? Kim was “upstaged” by the DMPS here and she HATES that particular school district for professional reasons (they openly opposed much of her education agenda)…Kim has never been afraid of stealing other folks ideas and claiming credit for them…. This is another case in point, DooBi. Sorry for the dose of reality here. Kim, like Trump has learned that if you speak the same bullshit, loud enough and long enough, folks will become tone deaf and acquiesce over time.
So like I originally said. You admit that it is a good thing but you still had to throw the governor under the bus.
What part of why should the teachers union trust Kim, not a direct slam on Kim and her being a republican?
IA… the fact is that the governor STOLE the idea from the DMPS…and the union that she hates the most! This was not the Governor’s idea until last week when initial reports about the program as run at Hoover Hugh came back from parents as overwhelmingly positive! Kim is no dummy…. She knows which way the wind blows…. Now she is claiming it as her idea?!Bullshit…there is a truth out there to be told.
Haven't read the whole thread, but I'm pretty sure she will make private schools exempt from this ban.
I know my old high school already started doing this this year. So they would probably keep doing it even if they were exempt.

One issue with my kid's school is that no one uses lockers so they would have to be kept in their backpacks or given to the teacher. The school is too large that kids don't have time to hit lockers between classes, so they just started carrying everything with them. and most of their information is now on laptops so they don't have all the books to carry. No one wears coats.
I can’t believe they ever let the phones in the classroom in the first place. I couldn’t even wear a hat, and they can have a phone? How did they lose control so quickly? It surprised the hell out of me when I realized my oldest could just have his phone all day at school.
The "slippery slope" remains undefeated over history
IA… the fact is that the governor STOLE the idea from the DMPS…and the union that she hates the most! This was not the Governor’s idea until last week when initial reports about the program as run at Hoover Hugh came back from parents as overwhelmingly positive! Kim is no dummy…. She knows which way the wind blows…. Now she is claiming it as her idea?!Bullshit…there is a truth out there to be told.
How lame is this critique? That a politician took a good idea from somewhere and implemented it? That is something that we criticize now? I thought that would be something we would want our leaders to do.
And, this idea did not just come from Hoover. Plenty of other schools, including private schools, have been starting to implement it.
Because I see the truth in this situation? Kim was “upstaged” by the DMPS here and she HATES that particular school district for professional reasons (they openly opposed much of her education agenda)…Kim has never been afraid of stealing other folks ideas and claiming credit for them…. This is another case in point, DooBi. Sorry for the dose of reality here. Kim, like Trump has learned that if you speak the same bullshit, loud enough and long enough, folks will become tone deaf and acquiesce over time.
Doubling down on political induced stupidity. Very nice. You do realize there are 328 school districts in iowa right?
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Doubling down on political induced stupidity. Very nice. You do realize there are 328 school districts in iowa right?
Yep…and each one is different from the next. What ever happened to “ local control” you dipshit? A couple of years ago “local control” was a mainstay of Iowa Republicanism. Now, not so much. Apparently. Why a “state law” banning phones? Are independent districts incapable of making their own decisions? Will the rule apply to private schools?
How lame is this critique? That a politician took a good idea from somewhere and implemented it? That is something that we criticize now? I thought that would be something we would want our leaders to do.
And, this idea did not just come from Hoover. Plenty of other schools, including private schools, have been starting to implement it.
Yep…and each one is different from the next. What ever happened to “ local control” you dipshit? A couple of years ago “local control” was a mainstay of Iowa Republicanism. Now, not so much. Apparently. Why a “state law” banning phones? Are independent districts incapable of making their own decisions? Will the rule apply to private schools?
Triple down. Very impressive. Really stupid but impressive none the less.
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Again, it is a local control issue…let the individual school boards bake their rules he at work for their district. No place for government interference.
In what way is cell phone usage a local control issue? I can see it as a state issue for sure. Now, I don't want them "banned" per say....but simply some kind of control during the classroom time. Yes, I know some schools already do it, our district does.....but lets give every kid the chance to learn without that distraction during class. What could be so bad about this?

Now, as I have said before, I do have a problem with the state sending tax money to private schools for vouchers....and I say this as someone who LOVES my private Catholic gradeschool.
With the way kids can now freely transfer through open enrollment and school choice, should not be a district by district choice.
You do not want families making important education decisions based on where little johnny and susie can use their cell phones all day.
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With the way kids can now freely transfer through open enrollment and school choice, should not be a district by district choice.
You do not want families making important education decisions based on where little johnny and susie can use their cell phones all day.
Then change the “open enrollment” rules..that would be a legislative responsibility…but let the independent districts make their own rules about cell phones, specific curriculum content and stuff like that! Maybe we should have the Governor and Legislature ban tatoos too, because we all know those kids are bad.