Iowa Gov. Reynolds to pitch barring students from having cellphones in classrooms

And what a cop out by the union.

A spokeswoman for the Iowa State Education Association, the statewide union that represents public schoolteachers, said the union will not comment at this time since there is not yet a “specific proposal.”
Of course, the union won't take a stand on it, they want nothing to do with anything that might improve the classroom.
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Asking the age-old question of education in the Information it more important to know how to reach the correct answer or find the correct answer? This question has been the focus of discussion regarding modern education for 50 years or more.
I would argue that without a solid, instantly attainable knowledge base, then you won't know the difference between either of those two things. You need to know stuff to critically think. You can't look up information you don't know you need to know on Google. You just know it and can apply it. More importantly, it can provide a basis for solving problems. Maybe there was a random example in an English class that provides a lead to a completely unrelated situation. You just never know where those answers come from and most of the time we don't even realize where the original seed for that idea came from because it becomes integrated knowledge. You can't get that if you aren't ever actually forced to remember anything.

Plus, kids need to be taught how to complete boring tasks and still be successful with them. Memorizing crap is boring, but so is 90% of whatever most people will be doing as an adult. Kids need to learn ways to get through the stuff that sucks without dropping their performance level to get the success they are looking for. That's also one of the most powerful arguments for youth sports too because they teach similar lessons.
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Then change the “open enrollment” rules..that would be a legislative responsibility…but let the independent districts make their own rules about cell phones, specific curriculum content and stuff like that! Maybe we should have the Governor and Legislature ban tatoos too, because we all know those kids are bad.
So do you think there should be a department of education?
Oh well yeah. I guess it's possible a random anonymous dude on a message board who read a couple paragraphs could know us better than a father who has been with his son every step of the way for 18 years. :rolleyes:
As a teacher and coach of 30 years with a masters in education and a high level knowledge of cognitive psychology that has taught thousands of students and dealt with thousands of families, yes I can tell you that his phone was detrimental to his education.
As a teacher and coach of 30 years with a masters in education and a high level knowledge of cognitive psychology that has taught thousands of students and dealt with thousands of families, yes I can tell you that his phone was detrimental to his education.
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