Iowa really is a great place to live. One the lowest cost of living!!!

Well yeah, for Kimi and her multimillionaire buds. The rest of us, not so much.
I am raising my family here and LOVE Iowa. It's one of the best places and the cost of living is one of the reasons. I have been to Cali and don't care to go back. And for sure, would never live there. My friends in Illinois HATE living there and want to get out.
Gets cheaper when you run all the young educated people out due to abhorrent political leadership, true.
This. Iowa is a dying shithole state. The only redeeming quality is Iowa City. I was able to swing down to Big Sur and Pebble Beach today for a day trip just for shit and giggles. I know CSB.

big sur waterfall GIF
I am raising my family here and LOVE Iowa. It's one of the best places and the cost of living is one of the reasons. I have been to Cali and don't care to go back. And for sure, would never live there. My friends in Illinois HATE living there and want to get out.
I don't know your friends, but I live just outside Chicago. I have no desire to leave, nor any desire to live in Iowa again. To each his own.
Oh wow....are you and oilchecker comparing ideas on how to respond? That's awesome.
On the plus side, given your obvious stupidity, your kids likely aren’t college material, so they’ll probably stay here.

So you have that going for you.
On the plus side, given your obvious stupidity, your kids likely aren’t college material, so they’ll probably stay here.

So you have that going for you.
Is that REALLY all you libs have is calling names? I haven't done that and won't. And, this is all because I posted a pro-Iowa post with true data. Sad. LOL!!
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May I ask your level of education and occupation?

Be truthful.
I have a 4 year business degree, with a major in Business and a minor in Marketing. I am the President and CEO of and Iowa based firm here in Iowa that deals in RE. Our company's history dates back to 1930 and we are blessed to have been very successful.

Can I ask you the same?
I have a 4 year business degree, with a major in Business and a minor in Marketing. I am the President and CEO of and Iowa based firm here in Iowa that deals in RE. Our company's history dates back to 1930 and we are blessed to have been very successful.

Can I ask you the same?

That's why the Iowa GOP is playing the trans card again. It's the modern equivalent Lee Atwater's Southern strategy. The numpties don't care about how bad your policies are for them as long as you give them someone to punch down on.
The mistake with the trans issue is that we are not dealing with the real issue....that it is a mental illness. We do need more money going for that...and I hate that it is not happening on any level.
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What I see are people that return to Iowa to retire after careers out-of-state for the slower paced life-style, cheaper cost of living, and lower taxes.
You keep mentioning these anecdotal examples. The demographics tell a different story.
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On the plus side, given your obvious stupidity, your kids likely aren’t college material, so they’ll probably stay here.

So you have that going for you.
Look at this fudge packer with his worthless college degree thinking he’s better than everyone else. The only thing you have going for you is taking in the back door from little flick.