Iowa really is a great place to live. One the lowest cost of living!!!

Look at this fudge packer with his worthless college degree thinking he’s better than everyone else. The only thing you have going for you is taking in the back door from little flick.
Nice talk for a man of great success and a pivotal leader in his community, Hitman. If only I could have worked for a man like you.
I have a 4 year business degree, with a major in Business and a minor in Marketing. I am the President and CEO of and Iowa based firm here in Iowa that deals in RE. Our company's history dates back to 1930 and we are blessed to have been very successful.

Can I ask you the same?
Retired for several years and hate living in this State. Was a registered Republican until recently.

Attended college in the 70s until I needed to return home to help on family farm.

BTW...I'd move tomorrow, but my wife doesn't want to live too far from grandkids.
Retired for several years and hate living in this State. Was a registered Republican until recently.

Attended college in the 70s until I needed to return home to help on family farm.

BTW...I'd move tomorrow, but my wife doesn't want to live too far from grandkids.
Where would you like to live?
Pacific Northwest? New England? Atlantic Coast?
Do you want to live where more people are or less people?
I am not trying to be a smart alec.

Could you vacation in your desired spot a couple of times a year? Do you think that would satisfy your appetite for someplace different? Or just make you more hungry to be live somewhere else?
I am raising my family here and LOVE Iowa. It's one of the best places and the cost of living is one of the reasons. I have been to Cali and don't care to go back. And for sure, would never live there. My friends in Illinois HATE living there and want to get out.
You’ll all likely be dead from cancer in the next 10-15 years due to the application of excess pesticides and herbicides. If they don’t get you all the fertilizer and manure runoff in Iowa’s dirty, shitty water will.
The GOP is succeeding in turning Iowa into Mississippi North. Christian Sharia Law. Declining schools. A penchant for child labor. Surging cancer rates. But, the taxes are LOW!!
So much wrong here (except for the cancer rate...which has to do with Ag I am sure). But lets take the schools. Yes, Iowa used to be top five back in the 1990 under Republican Terry Brandstad (83-99). But, under Dem Tom Vilsack (99-07) Iowa started to decline. But today, Iowa is still top 15/16 in the nation in Education...ulike the liberal stronghold of Cali which is next to dead last at 49.
What I see are people that return to Iowa to retire after careers out-of-state for the slower paced life-style, cheaper cost of living, and lower taxes
I come from a very large family and 15 years ago the younger nieces and nephews would graduate college and head out of state thinking life was better. Well, all but one have returned after starting a family because they realized Iowa was simply a better place to do that and that their dollar went farther here.
Retired for several years and hate living in this State. Was a registered Republican until recently.

Attended college in the 70s until I needed to return home to help on family farm.

BTW...I'd move tomorrow, but my wife doesn't want to live too far from grandkids.
What is the biggest thing you hate about this state? And, what state would you move to if you could? Thanks
You’ll all likely be dead from cancer in the next 10-15 years due to the application of excess pesticides and herbicides. If they don’t get you all the fertilizer and manure runoff in Iowa’s dirty, shitty water will.
We have our well water tested yearly and it is perfect. Our spring aquifer is better then what you can get in NY city.
I am raising my family here and LOVE Iowa. It's one of the best places and the cost of living is one of the reasons. I have been to Cali and don't care to go back. And for sure, would never live there. My friends in Illinois HATE living there and want to get out.

It's nice to see someone as happy as a pig in shit. Enjoy your shit!
What is the biggest thing you hate about this state? And, what state would you move to if you could? Thanks
From a human standpoint, I'm disgusted by how Republicans have targeted legal action against immigrants who are here to earn a living to support their families.
I'm appalled how Republicans have refused to properly fund public education, and have instead chosen to subsidize parochial schools with public $$$.
I'm pissed that Republicans have attacked women's rights with the ENTIRE anti abortion legislation including Planned Parenthood(I have granddaughters).
You get the idea.

I'd only move to States like Minnesota, Colorado, or Arizona.

I realize politics have influenced many of my views, but this State is so Deep Red that I don't see things changing in my lifetime...and I am in my 70s.
End of rant.
Because, if you do not live here, then your opinion of the state has no basis. And, if you live in a place like Cali or NY, then I REALLY could understand your view of Iowa. Why are you so affraid to tell? LOL!
Because if you weren't some MAGA propagandist and actually paid attention to the people who posted here you would already know where I live as I have made no secret of that. If you don't know, then that is your problem, not mine. But again, this thread was about Iowa, which suffers the same problem all midwestern states do and why the midwest has consistently lost population over the last several decades. It's not tax policy, it's not blue vs. red, it's cold as f**k winters. That's it. If economic policy had anything to do with it then Indiana and Iowa would have booming populations, which they don't.
Because if you weren't some MAGA propagandist and actually paid attention to the people who posted here you would already know where I live as I have made no secret of that. If you don't know, then that is your problem, not mine. But again, this thread was about Iowa, which suffers the same problem all midwestern states do and why the midwest has consistently lost population over the last several decades. It's not tax policy, it's not blue vs. red, it's cold as f**k winters. That's it. If economic policy had anything to do with it then Indiana and Iowa would have booming populations, which they don't.
The reality is it is difficult to make shitty weather a political issue. You can use it as a “deflection devise” to make social changes and mask political arguments but the fact remains…Iowa’s #1 problem has always been December, January and February… not taxes! I have never met an Iowan here in Az or Texas who has ever told me they “moved from Iowa” because of Iowa’s tax rates. The retirees will tell you they left because of “the weather” and younger Ex-Iowans will tell you they left for a better job/lifestyle than what they had in Iowa. But not one has ever told me….with a straight face, Iowa’s tax rates are what drove them away.
From a human standpoint, I'm disgusted by how Republicans have targeted legal action against immigrants who are here to earn a living to support their families.
I'm appalled how Republicans have refused to properly fund public education, and have instead chosen to subsidize parochial schools with public $$$.
I'm pissed that Republicans have attacked women's rights with the ENTIRE anti abortion legislation including Planned Parenthood(I have granddaughters).
You get the idea.

I'd only move to States like Minnesota, Colorado, or Arizona.

I realize politics have influenced many of my views, but this State is so Deep Red that I don't see things changing in my lifetime...and I am in my 70s.
End of rant.
I REALLY appreciate the honest answer. I can understand with your political leanings where Iowa would not be the state for you...and that is fine. I would never live in MN because of politics...nor would I live in Colorado. I like visiting them and Colorado is beautiful. For me...this how I view those same topics:

Illegal Immigration - I am disgusted that the Dems want to give government handouts to people who crossed here illegally and do NOT have a job (of which, there are millions that fit that situation), while at the same time seeing so many American citizens who are in need and neglected. BTW, I have said many times, that we need to let those folks stay who have come here and are working and paying taxes.

Education - If you look back at my posting history, you will see that, although I personally have supported and sent my kids to our Catholic grade school, I am NOT for public money being sent for private schools. If you choose to go that route, it is on you and other tax payers should NOT be paying for my choice. We ALL need to support public education.

Abortion - I believe it is murder. How many millions of girls (and boys) have been taken by abortion. Preganacies are preventable. Now, I am ALL for getting money in the system to avoid unwanted pregnancies. And, I absolutly should not have to have my tax dollars going to fund PP and abortion. Bill Clinton was the best Dem on this topic.

Again, thanks for the honest response.
Because if you weren't some MAGA propagandist and actually paid attention to the people who posted here you would already know where I live as I have made no secret of that. If you don't know, then that is your problem, not mine. But again, this thread was about Iowa, which suffers the same problem all midwestern states do and why the midwest has consistently lost population over the last several decades. It's not tax policy, it's not blue vs. red, it's cold as f**k winters. That's it. If economic policy had anything to do with it then Indiana and Iowa would have booming populations, which they don't.
I am no more a MAGA propagandist, taen you are a Extreme Lib Propagandist...I mean unless you are one of those.

Now, unlike you, I don't live on here night and day. I am simply am too busy with family and no, I would not know where you live by your previous post. LOL.

But, of course, you live in a blue state and that is fine. But again, your thoughts on Iowa have no real relavence to the grand scheme of things. If you don't like winters, thats fine. I happen to love all the seasons. But, that is not why I think Iowa is a great place to raise a family.
And, where do you live? BTW, I don't have any hog farms within 10 miles of me. But, you must be a you would be glad if there were none at all. LOL!

I live in Ioway. Not for long though, bought a place in New England and will be heading there in a couple months. Finally getting out of this boring ass state. my
M departure has zero to do with politics. Ioway is great for a certain kind of person. Sounds like you’re that kind of person and you’re happy as a pig in shit living here.