In the end, it will not matter what anyone on here thinks. Some people on here truly believe Ukraine is going to bring Russia and that idiot Putin to his knees. They are probably the same ones who thought it was ok to be in Afganistan for all those years as well.
Ukraine is Russia's freaking is not remotly like the other areas of that block of countries. But, many of these people on here simply want to hate on Trump and tow the party line.
Oh, and now Zalenski is back to saying he wants peace, but not at the cost of the 500 billion in rare earth minerals. This is what he ALREADY agreed to for pete sakes and why he was in Washington to begin with. He is a liar. End this war, let us get our money back, just like he has agreed to do with the Europeans. That will provide security as we will be tied economically in a whole new way.
My position is
1) The US meddled in Ukrainian affairs and really messed things up about 2013-2013, if not earlier.
2) The US aided in starting all of this. Ukraine didn't help itself.
3) Russia isn't innocent, but few take the time to understand Russia's position.
4) Russia invaded Ukraine.
5) Zelenskyy is not a good guy.
6) We're going to get some sort of peace.
7) The peace might be temporary and there are no guarantees. Bill Clinton was correct about this approach with Putin.
8) We absolutely need to take the chance.
9) In negations, based on past documented events, Putin has a better track record at keeping his word than does Zelenskyy.
10) #9 is partially verified by Bill Clinton. I posted this yesterday.
11) #9 is partially verified by Zelenskyy's recent behavior. The recent video in it's entirety, along with previous Zelenskyy statements verify this.
12) Everyone is all of the sudden an expert in foreign affairs and diplomacy.
13) No one is actually an expert except the experts.
14) There is disagreement among the serious experts.
15) People selectively pick the expert that supports their word view. Media has picked a side.
15) Few amateurs take the time to understand the issues as evidenced by numerous misleading posts on this board.
16) Fewer amateurs have taken time to review Ukraine history and the US involvement
17) The current POTUS gets an opportunity to implement his policy
18) Time will tell who is right, and it is likely a combination of both sides in some proportion.
To expand on #15, during Viet Nam we had video every day. We don't here. There is some video on other sources. Both sides are brutalizing the enemy in what is very likely war crimes. Leaving aside which side one might support, there is a reason this isn't being shown to the American people. If this was shown I believe the vast majority of Americans would take the position tis needs to end immediately, and would be in favor of both Russia and Ukraine taking a a haircut to get it ended.
Having been in combat, the bluster on here is laughable. Watching people getting killed is no fun, and most couldn't stomach it.
This is how I see it, and I'm open to input, but not from the vast majority of person who post n tis site. They have proven to be partisan and uninformed in my view, and I have no time for that. I'm fair, so I wouldn't expect most on here would give a cra about what I think, and I don't care about that either. I have some things on my side in my opinion.