Iowa really is a great place to live. One the lowest cost of living!!!

That's YOUR job, to justify Voter ID as a solution.

Heritage Foundation TRIED and FAILED
All voter registrations and voting records are PUBLIC records. Ergo, if there is significant in-person voter fraud, those SHOULD be fairly straightforward to identify and disclose. are the one who wants to change the will of the people. Again, fraud HAS happened. Just because you think it is not an issue to worry about has no consequence on if the majority of Americans (like me) want this done.

Now unlike you, I happen to be against sending millions of wasteful dollars to other countries for trans issues.....but you do you.
Yes, you are chode. 😂
sam winchester yawn GIF
Oh, I’m sure Pennsylvania has some cool Amish people. 🥴
Yep , cool Amish, Poles, Ukrainians, Jewish, Germans, ect., but you would get bored in Penna. with NO tornados,large areas of flooding, hurricanes , and derichos, what ever they are, can't even spell them. are the one who wants to change the will of the people. Again, fraud HAS happened. Just because you think it is not an issue to worry about has no consequence on if the majority of Americans (like me) want this done.

Now unlike you, I happen to be against sending millions of wasteful dollars to other countries for trans issues.....but you do you.
Where has fraud indeed found and “fraud” to date? To my knowledge they have not, yet. Remember, all tge are expenses funded by USAid were passed via Congress.
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Practically zero cases is a bold faced lie. Secondly, how many voter fraud cases is enough to take a stand against it?

How many more than zero is practically zero?

How many cases of voter fraud were there in 2020 for example?

I’ll provide you with a database of them from a right wing think tank:

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How many more than zero is practically zero?

How many cases of voter fraud were there in 2020 for example?

I’ll provide you with a database of them from a right wing think tank:

Holy Moly---

TX alone had EIGHT cases of Voter Impersonation at the polls from 1982 thru 2024.

We need to totally spend millions on Voter ID cards!!! 🙄

(FYI: Iowa had ZERO cases)
How many more than zero is practically zero?

How many cases of voter fraud were there in 2020 for example?

I’ll provide you with a database of them from a right wing think tank:

Looks like they identified 31 TOTAL cases of "impersonation fraud"

So, basically 3 cases per election since 1982.
And a public database where they could easily identify the vast majority of those that actually occurred.

If we compare 31 ACTUAL cases that Voter ID will "fix", how many cases of voter disenfranchisement can we anticipate from "inaccurate" Voter IDs (people who got married, moved, etc); Imma guess it'd be 100x to 1000x more disenfranchisements vs. in-person fraud preventions.

Holy Moly---

TX alone had EIGHT cases of Voter Impersonation at the polls from 1982 thru 2024.

We need to totally spend millions on Voter ID cards!!! 🙄

(FYI: Iowa had ZERO cases)

Looks like they identified 31 TOTAL cases of "impersonation fraud"

So, basically 3 cases per election since 1982.
And a public database where they could easily identify the vast majority of those that actually occurred.

If we compare 31 ACTUAL cases that Voter ID will "fix", how many cases of voter disenfranchisement can we anticipate from "inaccurate" Voter IDs (people who got married, moved, etc); Imma guess it'd be 100x to 1000x more disenfranchisements vs. in-person fraud preventions.
Are you guys implying that the fraud was caught every single time? I’m guessing it was rarely caught.
Iowa is fine. I’ve chosen to make my life here and I have an awesome life.

I lived in Sydney, Australia for a few months and what I always tell people is that I did basically the exact same thing there as I do here. I didn’t take advantage of city life, so it makes no sense for me to deal with the downsides of it.

I also could never go fully rural again.

Ultimately I’d like to live again in a college town, I think the dynamism of young people does a lot for me.
Are you guys implying that the fraud was caught every single time? I’m guessing it was rarely caught.

I’m claiming we have a very robust system, it’s pretty easy to see who voted and when, and if you’re going to propose a big change you better have strong evidence, not a hunch.
Where has fraud indeed found and “fraud” to date? To my knowledge they have not, yet. Remember, all tge are expenses funded by USAid were passed via Congress.
Who is saying it is just fraud? I believe BOTH fraud and waste are an issue. It is crazy how some on this board are ok with hundreds of millions being sent oversees to other counties for things that are rediculous....but the thought of securing our elections is supposed to be some far off nutty idea. Like others on this board, I am with the majority of Americans and think this is a solid idea.
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You are the one that wants to add unnecessary layers of bureaucracy to voting.
Unnecessary layers? As has been said, you and the extreme Dems seem really defensive about an issue that 80+ of both Dems and Reps want. That is for sure a mandate.

Do a check of all the countries that require voter ID and then tell me a legitimate reason we can't do that here. It would not be hard to provide a FREE voter ID to those that don't have it.
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I’m claiming we have a very robust system, it’s pretty easy to see who voted and when, and if you’re going to propose a big change you better have strong evidence, not a hunch.
How is providing a FREE ID to vote a huge change? Good grief.....we allowed millions of people across our borders in the last 4 years and I am sure they were all going to get some sort of ID soon enough. Unless you are claiming that they would never need an ID here in the US.

Again, 80%+ of American's want this......lets get it done.
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How is providing a FREE ID to vote a huge change? Good grief.....we allowed millions of people across our borders in the last 4 years and I am sure they were all going to get some sort of ID soon enough. Unless you are claiming that they would never need an ID here in the US.

Again, 80%+ of American's want this......lets get it done.

Honestly I don’t have a huge problem with it.

What I do have a problem with is people claiming we have some voter fraud problem. We don’t at all.
Unnecessary layers?


In-person voter fraud has been demonstrated to be in the "10-20 incidents" range.
Creating an entire bureaucracy around "Voter ID", which will need to be re-issued EVERY TIME someone moves, is married or divorced, will "fix" a problem that is practically non-existent.

Far BETTER solution is ensuring people are not "double-registered" in two precincts or states (which can be checked by public databases of info) and verification of legit registrations.
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Because it's worthless against the most common modes of fraudulent voting.

Guess that's something a beta-Gimp wouldn't understand...
Well as a guy who has helped people through the voting process and helped them register, thst line would move a hell of a lot faster if we had an actual standardized process.

But Joe gonna be Joe and keep himself a safety net of "most".

Figure that one out bud.
What does that have to do with "Voter ID", Gimp?
What does voter ID have to do with a standardized process.....

It's the standardization.

Gimpy gimp gimp Joe, I actually have a fun sex life, your words don't mean shit, you on the other hand, post like someone who has never seen a vagina let alone felt one around your cock. Keep swinging little buddy.
Who is saying it is just fraud? I believe BOTH fraud and waste are an issue. It is crazy how some on this board are ok with hundreds of millions being sent oversees to other counties for things that are rediculous....but the thought of securing our elections is supposed to be some far off nutty idea. Like others on this board, I am with the majority of Americans and think this is a solid idea.
This $$ has all been approved by Congress…and a lot of the “discoveries” being banned about are nothing but half-truths and falsehoods…but the make great headlines!
Some waste….yep probably…. Fraud…. Nit much.
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