Iowa / Rutgers PBP

Sorry- I got lost there.
Gunther got whipped over but no points.
He's out.
They throw the cube.
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Is there a limit to how many challenges they get? Or is it like if they keep winning challenges they get it back?
Hee hee, sorry about that. The BTN Plus thread has some good PBP (as I was posting there instead of here)
Grello is going for RU
TD for Grello right off the restart.
Ride out.

2nd period.
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Joey on top.
Riding hard.
30 seconds gone by.
Wanting a SW
Riding at 1:15
53 seconds
Shot and around.
Go behind and TD for Joey!
30 seconds left.
Ride him!
Lift and put him down
53 seconds.
ride out.
End of 2

Joey goes down.
Neutral start.
1 min
High crotch and then I lose it.
lose vidoe
joey gets a tD with 22 seconds
no challenges left.
4-3 joey.
But they review it anwyay?
Morning* is livid
Joey was easily in
Got to ride him out.
Roll and almost cover.
Want locked hands but no
more bricks.13 seconds.
Watch the SW or RV?!?
Esc for Grello but RT for Joey!
Winner Joey.
McCormick gifted that match to the Hawks. That was definitely oob on the takedown.
what did i say earlier in the week. Bowman needs to stay away from Gravina's slide by.also you would think he would have practiced how to get out of a leg ride after he got rode out the same was against Illinois.
Sounds like the Hawks came to wrestle and win and Rutgers came to keep it close and hope for a divine intervention. It doesn't sound like they (Rutgers) are even wrestling. Of course, I am basing that off what Ironside is saying.