Iowa vs. Pitt Predictions

Yeah. Iowa has me believing too. I see a 14 or more point victory.

Iowa loses if: turnovers and comes out flat. Odds? Very unlikely
Iowa wins by 1-13: Iowa either comes out flat or turns it over several times.
Iowa wins by 14-28 Iowa is playing well for morenthan halfnthe game.
Iowa dominates at 28+: Iowa puts it all together and limits turnovers. Or they beat Pitt up and get into their heads.

Kirk has this machine rolling and I believe you guys are in for a great year.
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Don't have a score in mind yet but Pitt WILL NOT win this game. The mojo is back a bit in Iowa City. The Hawks SHOULD be sky high after starting 2-0 and playing a night game in Kinnick in front of a racious crowd.
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Greetings from Pittsburgh - just thought I'd share that the Akron game was a weather disaster. It rained continually the entire game - it NEVER let up from 4 PM on. It's hard to imagine how bad it was unless you were there. Having said that, I think that any stats should be taken with a grain of salt. It was the kind of game where you just wanted it to end with no injuries. The line is Iowa +5.5 right now and with good reason. Another new coach, the loss of Conner and a QB quandary that raises huge question marks for Pitt. Hoping it's a great game with no injuries. We love our homeboy Ferentz. Good Luck the rest of the season.
Line continuing to climb,. Vegas is a believer in Iowa or is Narducci sending resumes to his dream job. Seriously Pitt-Girl, I feel sorry for you guys and girls. Don't want to be sexist. :). Coaches keep bolting and I don't know why. Fertile recruiting gounds, a once proud tradition. Is your AD a jackass or what is the deal up there. Speaking of Ferentz I always assumed if he got fired that's where he would have ended up and stayed until he retired.
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Line continuing to climb,. Vegas is a believer in Iowa or is Narducci sending resumes to his dream job. Seriously Pitt-Girl, I feel sorry for you guys and girls. Don't want to be sexist. :). Coaches keep bolting and I don't know why. Fertile recruiting gounds, a once proud tradition. Is your AD a jackass or what is the deal up there.
Well, our previous coach, Paul Chryst, went back home. Hardly a slap to Pitt and arguably many were happy about it. I'm more in the middle - Chryst wasn't the best game day coach and he hired a questionable DC, but recruited somewhat well especially on the OL and did not leave the cupboards bare. Our Chancellor retired last year (already has a dormitory named after him - he did a terrific job on the academic side, not so much on the athletics) and we have a new administration including AD. We shall see what happens with Narduzzi, but he is on the record that he turned down multiple HC overtures in the past but felt Pitt was the right fit for him especially having grown up less than an hour away. Sometimes it's tough to be a Pitt fan, but for whatever reason we certainly churn out NFL talent. I think this Pitt edition is a giant question mark plus it IS a home game for you, hence the line. We shall see!
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This is going to be a tough game. Pitt returns a lot of players and Narduzzi knows what he is doing on defense. I can see this being a pretty low scoring game. I can see Iowa winning something like 17-13.

Youngstown State hung 37 on Narduzzi. I think they are still learning his system...and he also doesn't have the depth of athletes he had at MSU on defense. You can play that attacking style when you have the defensive linemen he was great DB's who can play the physical press coverage.
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Youngstown State hung 37 on Narduzzi. I think they are still learning his system...and he also doesn't have the depth of athletes he had at MSU on defense. You can play that attacking style when you have the defensive linemen he was great DB's who can play the physical press coverage.
Pitt has good defensive linemen. Iowa wanted both Price and Render pretty bad - but Pitt landed both of them. And Pitt has plenty of other talented guys on the DL.

My guess is that Pitt has DL to do what Narduzzi wants to do. Furthermore, the front 7 should be pretty stout against the run.

The primary issues is that the D may still be transitioning into the new system to some degree. Furthermore, he may not quite yet have all the personnel he'd want in the secondary. At MSU, Narduzzi had a secondary that he could trust in man-coverage ... so he could do a bit more with his front 7.
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Haven't posted in a rivals forum in a long time, but this thread intrigues me..

As many of you have already acknowledged, Pitt is a true question mark, even here in W. PA. But, that's what having 18 coaching changes in a 5 year period will do to you..

In the last two years under Chryst, Pitt lost numerous games that they shouldn't, but, most importantly, their defense was a mess.. Chryst promoted a D.C. after year 1 that was clearly unqualified and undeserving of that position. In fact, there are rumors floating around that Narduzzi used our D.C. AGAINST Pitt when recruiting Michigan State's starting safety, Monte Nicholson (out of Pittsburgh).. Not only did he whiff on some elite Pittsburgh defensive talent, the schemes were terrible.. However, the offense is a different matter.. The o-line is full very good players, with Bookser and Johnson having the opportunity to play at any college in the country.. The two QBs fighting for the starting spot are also 4* recruits.. Voytik showed last year that he is a very capable QB, but Peterman, a transfer from Tennessee (who our new OC, Chaney from Arkansas, seems to like) showed to be very capable as well.. While the position is technically "unsettled", they are both extremely adequate at what they do..

Outside of Boyd, who is a first round draft pick next year, the WR is thin.. A former 4* WR, who saw the field last year (Jennings), transferred out, leaving us very thin.. And there doesn't seem to be anyone stepping up to take pressure off Boyd.. Regardless, Boyd will get his targets, and Boyd will probably make a few plays, even being the only true passing threat..

Losing Conner just plain sucks.. He was fun to watch.. We've been spoiled getting to watch McCoy, Dion Lewis, and then Conner run the ball.. It's a shame his season ended so early as we expected big things.. (70+ yards in the first quarter before going down).. However, we have 3 4* recruits taking his place in Ollison, James and Hall.. Ollison is most like Conner, a bigger back, the other two can move.. Hall is only a true freshman, so, as expected, he's raw..

On defense, its already night and day.. But, there are some glaring holes, one being middle linebacker.. You will expose them for a big play at some point Saturday night.. One player to keep an eye on is defensive end Rori Blair.. Very neat story out of Pittsburgh.. He was well on his way to being another highly touted high school recruit out of the WPIAL when he suffered a stroke and almost lost his life.. Following his recovery, (if memory serves) he had 0 scholarship offers.. Pitt offered him, he played as a freshman, and was a wrecking ball at Akron.. Another year in a college football program and he will be VERY good..

If your interested in the potentially next great Pitt Panther to be in the pros (outside of Tyler Boyd), watch #9 at safety, Jordan Whitehead.. He is a true freshman who could have played anywhere in the country.. The "crystal ball" predictions had him going to PSU, OSU, or Alabama, and he chose to stay home at Pitt... You might not see him make too many plays Saturday night as he is only a few months removed from high school, and this will be his first experience against a P5 team (at night, on the road no less) but remember his name, he is a stud and the sky is the limit for him..

Lastly, like pitt-girl said, I wouldn't look at Pitt's first two games as good indicators (I know we at Pitt don't).. Being 2-0 is nice, but we have no clue what kind of team we have.. YSU game was high scoring, but we lost the turnover battle 3-0 (one pick 6), were beat in the time of possession, and lost our workhorse RB in the first quarter..The Akron game was a complete wash out.. I've been to hundreds of sporting events, Pirates, Steelers, Pitt, etc., and have never sat through weather like that.. Truly miserable and could not wait for the game to end, just hoping Pitt was on the right side of it..

As for the coaching carousel, we're hoping that we finally have an administration in place to end it.. Our previous Chancellor (who pitt-girl mentioned) made Pitt a highly respected academic institution, but somewhat of a laughing stock in athletics.. Our former A.D. Steve Pederson, left Pitt for Nebraska (his alma mater), was run out of town in Nebraska, and was for whatever reason welcomed back to Pitt.. Right before our Chancellor retired, he extended his buddy, the A.D.'s contract, knowing that the new chancellor would most likely can him for his incompetence.. That's exactly what happened; and we're still paying this clown that fired a coach who won the most games in a three year span since the Marino era to hire... Mike Haywood and his staff of 74 year old coaches, and essentially started this circus..

Our new Chancellor brought in Utah State's A.D., has brought back Pitt "script" to the program (which fans have been asking for a decade, but the former A.D. wouldn't budge), upgraded the football facilities, and gave Narduzzi money to hire the coaches he wanted (Chaney from Arkansas being one of them).. If the administration is willing to get behind the sports programs, Pitt can be an attractive job; but we shall see..

Best of luck the rest of the season..
Like my Pitt friends said, not really sure what we have so far after 2 games. However, I really can't see either team lighting up the scoreboard. I already really like Narduzzi and Ferentz is one of my favorite coaches in the country. They've faced each while Narduzzi at MSU so that should be a good matchup.
I think both teams also have a lot of good players that really don't get much attention. Last year's game was like watching the same team scrimmage itself. Both teams played smash-mouth and with Iowa's huge O-Line that should usually be what they try to do. Even with our new staff though, I think we still play a similar style and try and grind out the W.
Being most of you will be watching in Iowa, you're probably not aware of what we're dealing with in Pittsburgh. Out here the Penn State-Rutgers game will be on BTN and our game will be on the BTN alternate channel. Irrelevant, but just wanted to hear thoughts from the other side about this matchup. I personally think this might be one of the best matchups between unranked teams, if not this year, at least early on in the season.
Hoping the Panthers pull out the W but best of luck to Iowa the rest of the way. As I said, big Ferentz fan so it'd be nice to see the Hawkeyes challenge for the Big Ten title. (Not to mention that would make our schedule look a lot better lol)
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This has all the makings of a classic KF letdown loss. This will be a better indicator of how different this team really is than last week, IMO.

I don't think Iowa is so far ahead of Pittsburgh that this game could be a let down game. Unless you are thinking let down and getting blown out. These 2 teams played just last year in Pittsburgh and Iowa won a tough game.

IF Iowa loses this game 27-24 is that a let down? I think the teams are probably pretty even.
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I don't think Iowa is so far ahead of Pittsburgh that this game could be a let down game. Unless you are thinking let down and getting blown out. These 2 teams played just last year in Pittsburgh and Iowa won a tough game.

IF Iowa loses this game 27-24 is that a let down? I think the teams are probably pretty even.

It would be a HUGE letdown, because people are finally starting to feel optimistic again and getting back on the bandwagon. Here you have an extremely average opponent coming in for the first home night game since 2012, with a chance for Iowa to start 3-0 for the first time since 2009.

Iowa fans are hungry and waiting for another great season out of this staff, and a loss in this spot just absolutely kills all of that momentum, especially with Wisconsin looming in a couple of weeks and a very real chance of being 3-2 after 5 weeks. Kinnick will continue to be a ghost town for the rest of the season if that's the case, and the type of malaise that we've all been experiencing for the last year likely continues unabated into the future.
Supreme, spot on.

Pitt was some revenge motive, but they also took a huge injury hit last week last week. That could help their early momentum but hurt them in the course of the game. That Conner guy ripped us hard last year as I recall. (Could be wrong).

On the other hand, Hawks are playing pretty good ball right now. Iowa has momentum and the home field, in a night game. We historically haven't played great at night but this atmosphere does feel different.

I'm thinking another 31-17 score. See some new trick play as well. Maybe fake punt to an up back.
Conner had ripped us apart in the first half. He started the 2nd half doing the same on his first two runs. After that I don't know if Iowa found a key to when he was running but after the first half and those 2 runs to start the 3rd quarter he was completely shut down.

Tyler Boyd killed us all day but I dont' recall us ever getting close to the QB.
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Regarding Youngstown dropping 37 on us.... 7 of those points were a pick 6 thrown by the QB you're not going to see much of this Saturday. 21 of those were long, broken assignment touchdowns against still-figuring-out-units-that-work-together rotating groups of players in the final 15 minutes of a really hot game that was not as close as the score (YSU started 4 second half drives down only 8 points and gained 9 total yards in those situations). Sure, a great D doesn't have the break downs on those 3 long scores, but considering it was the first game for the guys playing a totally different style of D, 2 of our starting DL were out the whole game, our starting veteran FS wasn't on the field in the second half during all those breakdowns, our superstar freshman SS was barely used before Akron, and it was by far our hottest game of the year so players on both teams were pooped and letting all sorts of huge plays happen over the final 20 minutes, I'd hardly put much into that score.

LONG STORY SHORT: There are specific things you can pick apart with Pitt's defense (cue up the positioning of MLB Galambos and the bad PI penalties CB Pitts often gets), but believing Iowa's offense will do well because of how many points YSU scored on us would be a mistake. If Pitt played them again this weekend with our current players and rotations in place after 2 weeks of adjustments, most fans would consider holding them to single digits a ho-hum outing. Again, Pitt does not have a great D because a great D doesn't have that many breakdowns in any game, regardless of weather or overused backups or unit rotations, but an analysis of our D based simply on the score of the YSU game is a poor one.
It would be a HUGE letdown, because people are finally starting to feel optimistic again and getting back on the bandwagon. Here you have an extremely average opponent coming in for the first home night game since 2012, with a chance for Iowa to start 3-0 for the first time since 2009.

Iowa fans are hungry and waiting for another great season out of this staff, and a loss in this spot just absolutely kills all of that momentum, especially with Wisconsin looming in a couple of weeks and a very real chance of being 3-2 after 5 weeks. Kinnick will continue to be a ghost town for the rest of the season if that's the case, and the type of malaise that we've all been experiencing for the last year likely continues unabated into the future.

I'll give credit where and when credit is due. You have done a superb job of defining and to an extent, identifying 'bandwagon' fans.

Congrats on that.
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i think both teams are similar but I don't think Iowa is winning 48-14. I can see Iowa winning a very close game though but no more than 10 points. Good luck to you guys the rest of the year.
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The PK for Pittsburgh is a guy named Blewitt.,

My prediction this week is made for the sole purpose of incorporating Mr. Blewitt.

Pittsburgh's ball on the Iowa 12 yard line, Quarter 4, Iowa ahead by 2 with 00:01 to go in the contest After a Pitt time-out, Narduzzi calls for a FG to win the game..........if he makes it, Pitt goes to 3-0, the Panther's pick-up a big road win against a B10 opponent, and Pitt is on cloud no.9 heading into ACC play......Iowa fans are anxious and look worried, the players seem resigned to a loss....... out trots Chris Blewitt .....the FG attempt for the win is spotted at the 18 yard line......... the fans hold their breath...... as the broadcasters make the call.........

Hawkeyes 23
Panthers 21

(apologies for the lame humor)
I'll give credit where and when credit is due. You have done a superb job of defining and to an extent, identifying 'bandwagon' fans.

Congrats on that.

Or, more accurately, the people that are sick and tired of supporting the medicore garbage that Iowa football has become.

It may shock you to realize, but not everyone is dumb enough to continue blindly supporting one of the most profitable athletic departments in the country as they stumble to a 7-5 finish every year in on of the weakest divisions on the planet.
Or, more accurately, the people that are sick and tired of supporting the medicore garbage that Iowa football has become.

It may shock you to realize, but not everyone is dumb enough to continue blindly supporting one of the most profitable athletic departments in the country as they stumble to a 7-5 finish every year in on of the weakest divisions on the planet.

So because I am seeing changes that started off the field in January and have continued through the first two games of this year, I am "dumb" for supporting that? Don't get me wrong, last year I was at the end of my rope with KF as many were. I could not bear to see another season like that. Then came the change at QB and the changes keep coming. Certainly wasted opportunities the last few years and we have some catching up to do in recruiting but I like the product I seeing the field right now. I think at the very least the players deserve the benefit of the doubt right now. THEY are a team.
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So because I am seeing changes that started off the field in January and have continued through the first two games of this year, I am "dumb" for supporting that? Don't get me wrong, last year I was at the end of my rope with KF as many were. I could not bear to see another season like that. Then came the change at QB and the changes keep coming. Certainly wasted opportunities the last few years and we have some catching up to do in recruiting but I like the product I seeing the field right now. I think at the very least the players deserve the benefit of the doubt right now. THEY are a team.

You have absolutely no idea if this team is actually any better or not. They've beaten a DII team and the worst Power 5 team in the country, a game they were tied in until the very end and easily could have gone the other way.

They might be better, they might not. Saturday will help determine that. Stating that they're head-and-shoulders better than last year after just 2 weeks is beyond stupid. We've seen this show from KF time and time again. Just when you think momentum is on our side, here comes an inexplicable, crushing defeat.
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Haven't posted in a rivals forum in a long time, but this thread intrigues me..

As many of you have already acknowledged, Pitt is a true question mark, even here in W. PA. But, that's what having 18 coaching changes in a 5 year period will do to you..

In the last two years under Chryst, Pitt lost numerous games that they shouldn't, but, most importantly, their defense was a mess.. Chryst promoted a D.C. after year 1 that was clearly unqualified and undeserving of that position. In fact, there are rumors floating around that Narduzzi used our D.C. AGAINST Pitt when recruiting Michigan State's starting safety, Monte Nicholson (out of Pittsburgh).. Not only did he whiff on some elite Pittsburgh defensive talent, the schemes were terrible.. However, the offense is a different matter.. The o-line is full very good players, with Bookser and Johnson having the opportunity to play at any college in the country.. The two QBs fighting for the starting spot are also 4* recruits.. Voytik showed last year that he is a very capable QB, but Peterman, a transfer from Tennessee (who our new OC, Chaney from Arkansas, seems to like) showed to be very capable as well.. While the position is technically "unsettled", they are both extremely adequate at what they do..

Outside of Boyd, who is a first round draft pick next year, the WR is thin.. A former 4* WR, who saw the field last year (Jennings), transferred out, leaving us very thin.. And there doesn't seem to be anyone stepping up to take pressure off Boyd.. Regardless, Boyd will get his targets, and Boyd will probably make a few plays, even being the only true passing threat..

Losing Conner just plain sucks.. He was fun to watch.. We've been spoiled getting to watch McCoy, Dion Lewis, and then Conner run the ball.. It's a shame his season ended so early as we expected big things.. (70+ yards in the first quarter before going down).. However, we have 3 4* recruits taking his place in Ollison, James and Hall.. Ollison is most like Conner, a bigger back, the other two can move.. Hall is only a true freshman, so, as expected, he's raw..

On defense, its already night and day.. But, there are some glaring holes, one being middle linebacker.. You will expose them for a big play at some point Saturday night.. One player to keep an eye on is defensive end Rori Blair.. Very neat story out of Pittsburgh.. He was well on his way to being another highly touted high school recruit out of the WPIAL when he suffered a stroke and almost lost his life.. Following his recovery, (if memory serves) he had 0 scholarship offers.. Pitt offered him, he played as a freshman, and was a wrecking ball at Akron.. Another year in a college football program and he will be VERY good..

If your interested in the potentially next great Pitt Panther to be in the pros (outside of Tyler Boyd), watch #9 at safety, Jordan Whitehead.. He is a true freshman who could have played anywhere in the country.. The "crystal ball" predictions had him going to PSU, OSU, or Alabama, and he chose to stay home at Pitt... You might not see him make too many plays Saturday night as he is only a few months removed from high school, and this will be his first experience against a P5 team (at night, on the road no less) but remember his name, he is a stud and the sky is the limit for him..

Lastly, like pitt-girl said, I wouldn't look at Pitt's first two games as good indicators (I know we at Pitt don't).. Being 2-0 is nice, but we have no clue what kind of team we have.. YSU game was high scoring, but we lost the turnover battle 3-0 (one pick 6), were beat in the time of possession, and lost our workhorse RB in the first quarter..The Akron game was a complete wash out.. I've been to hundreds of sporting events, Pirates, Steelers, Pitt, etc., and have never sat through weather like that.. Truly miserable and could not wait for the game to end, just hoping Pitt was on the right side of it..

As for the coaching carousel, we're hoping that we finally have an administration in place to end it.. Our previous Chancellor (who pitt-girl mentioned) made Pitt a highly respected academic institution, but somewhat of a laughing stock in athletics.. Our former A.D. Steve Pederson, left Pitt for Nebraska (his alma mater), was run out of town in Nebraska, and was for whatever reason welcomed back to Pitt.. Right before our Chancellor retired, he extended his buddy, the A.D.'s contract, knowing that the new chancellor would most likely can him for his incompetence.. That's exactly what happened; and we're still paying this clown that fired a coach who won the most games in a three year span since the Marino era to hire... Mike Haywood and his staff of 74 year old coaches, and essentially started this circus..

Our new Chancellor brought in Utah State's A.D., has brought back Pitt "script" to the program (which fans have been asking for a decade, but the former A.D. wouldn't budge), upgraded the football facilities, and gave Narduzzi money to hire the coaches he wanted (Chaney from Arkansas being one of them).. If the administration is willing to get behind the sports programs, Pitt can be an attractive job; but we shall see..

Best of luck the rest of the season..

One other factoid for you Hawkeye fans on the above discussion and that is Rori Blair, the strating Pitt DE, is from the same town in Western Pa. as your head coach, Upper St. Clair. Looking forward to to a great game. And please never forget: Penn St. Sucks!
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I think Barta owes you a hu
One other factoid for you Hawkeye fans on the above discussion and that is Rori Blair, the strating Pitt DE, is from the same town in Western Pa. as your head coach, Upper St. Clair. Looking forward to to a great game. And please never forget: Penn St. Sucks!

What ever happened to that rivalry. Late 70s early 80s that was as good as any of them.

Im sure you guys felt great pain for you local brothers in their loss to Temple or maybe you are from the Philly area and like those guys to. :)
You have absolutely no idea if this team is actually any better or not. They've beaten a DII team and the worst Power 5 team in the country, a game they were tied in until the very end and easily could have gone the other way.

They might be better, they might not. Saturday will help determine that. Stating that they're head-and-shoulders better than last year after just 2 weeks is beyond stupid. We've seen this show from KF time and time again. Just when you think momentum is on our side, here comes an inexplicable, crushing defeat.

You predicted Iowa would lose to Illinois State, didn't you?
Looked rainy but watching highlights Pitt averaged 2.7 yards a carry against Akron. UGH.

Key matchup for Iowa offense will be Cox and Plewa trying to get a hat on Nic Grigsby. That is an active LB.
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You have absolutely no idea if this team is actually any better or not. They've beaten a DII team and the worst Power 5 team in the country, a game they were tied in until the very end and easily could have gone the other way.

They might be better, they might not. Saturday will help determine that. Stating that they're head-and-shoulders better than last year after just 2 weeks is beyond stupid. We've seen this show from KF time and time again. Just when you think momentum is on our side, here comes an inexplicable, crushing defeat.

"I have no idea".....I see with my eyes and I see by the results we are currently performing better than last year at this time. It is NO guarantee of the future but what was basically a first team shutout in game one, and then going on the road and beating ISU in a very charged up stadium is better than last year at this point. And it is not just the wins, it is the approach that is different, the play calling and the QB making plays. If you can't see that so far then I can't really convince you in a note.

"beyond stupid".....Please see above. Anyone that gets to a point where they feel the need to call a great deal of the fan base "beyond stupid" at this point after what we can SEE the first two weeks is frankly immature at best.

We may lose Saturday. I don't think we will if we call AND play the same type of ball we have played in the first two weeks. Now, if we pull in our horns and call a game like last year and lose, I will be pissed because we will not be giving the guys on the field the opportunity to make and execute the plays they have shown they are capable of making. I just don't think we will go back to that. Last year we played predictable football, game in and game out and the only time that changed was when we were in panic mode and forced to open it up. THIS year we are spreading it around and it is creating more opportunities in the run game as well because teams are not going to be able to load the box on us as they did all last year.

If KF reverts back to what he has been the past few years then I will be the first to say it is a big mistake. If they continue to "do what they are doing" and even expand the playbook a bit more as the season progresses, they amen brother, I think it will be a fun year.

Feel better.
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Game Day Prediction:
This game last season was a mirror between two same teams with the same talent. This year Pitt new head coach Pat Narduzzi & Staff has more talent but can they coach it to beat Iowa away? Kirk Ferentz is on the Hot Seat a tad at Iowa and needs more solid seasons he used to produce his first 10 years. He will have his Defense ready and Peterman and Chad Voytik both had two picks. If I was sure Coach Pat & Chaney would run Voytik, I would pick Pitt? Boyd, Orndoff & Holtz can catch and score and block. The Hawkeyes need to continue to win big and Beathard has pass for over 400 yards, 4 TD’s without any Interceptions? Even worse, Iowa is averaging over 230 yards per contest, but Defensively is allowing 15.5 points and over 270 yards per game. Boy, I know Pitt on Offense is really good and some Players returning for this game but James Conner is out? At the same time, Iowa is very physical at home and Pitt should win this game, but too many unknowns with New Coaching, New Game Plans, New Defense, New QBs, and New Players? Only if Iowa’s Defense struggles with young Linebackers can Pitt win? Therefore, my Head tells me the Game is Away, Coach Pat & is a New Head Coach, Chaney has Pitt QB competing but Offense is still looking for another Wide Out to take pressure off of Boyd, Connor is out and Running Backs will be in and out, and Pitt has 5 New Players on Defense? Thus, Pitt won't lose by a few but many if it falls at Iowa! Still, "True Intelligence Come From The Heart," and my Heart has a Hunch that Coach Pat Narduzzi's Heart is as BIG as his Head Coaching and will prove he too is a very good coach, but Pitt wins a close one! So, do I go with Coach Pat & Staff showing they can beat a Very Good Veteran Coach in the caliber of Ferentz, you betcha, my money in on Pitt!
Game Day Result:
23 PITT Iowa 21

@Iowa Preseason Prediction:
Once again, Kirk Ferentz is in his 17th year and has his staff and systems down as Coach Pat & Staff will be just in their third game? Pitt is going up against a Junior QB and that will not be easy. However, PItt matches up quite well against this team just like last year. There is mixture of sophomores and seniors with dabs of juniors. The problem for Pitt is may be playing 3 freshmen. There is an old coach adage for every freshmen that Starts expects to lose one game per freshmen as they learn the game by making mistakes. Yet, I sense the Pitt coaching Staff will take risks that Chryst was shy to take, so I am going with another close Pitt Win!
Preseason Prediction:
PITT- 27 Iowa-24 (3-0)

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