Is ActBlue a Money Laundering Front for Democrats?

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Two different donors on camera stating they did not make the donations in their name as asserted by ActBlue.

Which means whoever did make the donations likely violated federal campaign laws.

I’m certain all Democrats hope the Biden Administration investigates this subversion of the US political process and prosecutes the perpetrators to the fullest extent of the law. Right?
The investigative journalism report was from 2021 in North Carolina. They have receipts. Yet dismiss? Why?
Because you posted about it. That's why I'd dismiss it. Your credibility as a poster has dropped off a cliff the last year or so. You used to be somewhat normal, then went balls deep in Elon and conspiracies.

As I've said about all sorts of different kinds of shit like this regarding politicians, if someone is breaking the law then lock them up. This is clearly something that's been looked into multiple times and nothing has come from it. If they did the crime, I hope they do the time, regardless of party affiliation.

Now I know you're going to respond to this with some more stupid questions. I'll let ya know now that I will not be responding to you anymore in this thread. I'll wait for your next gem.

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