Is Fran's youngest any good?

He's a sophomore in HS, so who knows what he becomes. Not gonna be overly critical of the kid.

I saw him play once this year vs. Kennedy. Pretty smooth. Nice looking shot (certainly better than his brothers). Not terribly quick or strong, but this may improve as he matures.

My only criticism is how he plays to the crowd (flashing the three), and complains too much about officiating.

He certainly didnt stand out, but seems like a good player.
Kinda like Catlin?
Fran's here through 2029 boys. No sooner, no longer.
Not necessarily, if Barta is forced into retirement the new AD may decide to pull the plug on Fran’s dynasty.

For the record, I feel Fran is a top 40 coach. Just like Tom Davis was before he was shown the door. After a while, lack of any quantifiable success in late March is relevant.
Stop the insanity of the narrative of Conner was the glue....the glue of what? A team that except for Filip and occaisonally Perkins had no physicality? A team that lacked size and quickness? lack of quickness...definately the glue of that. A team that had trouble getting shots off from offensive sets or lack of sets where time and time again there was dribbing into trouble and poor attempts at screens and picks. Lack of offensive skills...yep glue of that. He was emotional at times out there...I'll give him that, and acted like he was an assistant coach so there's that.

I have a problem with Fran's tunnel vision of coaching that grew worse as soon as Patrick returned. His focus was his kids play.

The Elephant in the room of discussing the woes of the Hawks is that a percentage of fanbase cant seem to find anything wrong with the McCafrey's play this year in particular the Patrick effect. Face it, before Patrick took his leave of absence, the team was in a funk, while he was gone, we saw the team start to gell with Sandfort finding his shot, Dix looking like a future star, and others contributing. The young centers were getting valuable minutes now and then and actually showing promise. Then Patrick returns....just a few minutes here and there at first....then at the end seemly Fran did not want to ever take him out no matter what he was doing or not doing. Meanwhile all the improvements I mentioned about other players disappeared as Fran choked off their playing time and confidence.

By the way, Patrick nevers bothers to set picks and seems like he's just aimlessly hop skipping from corner to corner when he's just standing in the corner observing instead of involved or actively attacking boards on missed shots.

The real glue and MVP of this team was Filip.

Nepotisim is an issue.
You do realize Connor was basically the best in the country for assist/TO ratio and when Brad Underwood of Illinois was asked who he would want from another Big Ten team he picked..Connor. If other Big Ten coaches respect his play, maybe the fans should get past him being Fran’s son and respect what he brings to the game. He was never going to be a big scorer, nor a program saver, but he busted his butt for Iowa. Are there better players out there Fran could have recruited? Sure, but continually trashing a kid because of his dad and that he was not all world is not a good look.
I am grateful for Connor’s contribution this year, and throughout his career. We will miss him.

That said, I wonder how many of the teams in the Sweet 16 prioritize having a “glue guy”/“coach on the floor” in the starting lineup, at the expense of added athleticism, defense, or consistent scoring ability.
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You do realize Connor was basically the best in the country for assist/TO ratio and when Brad Underwood of Illinois was asked who he would want from another Big Ten team he picked..Connor. If other Big Ten coaches respect his play, maybe the fans should get past him being Fran’s son and respect what he brings to the game. He was never going to be a big scorer, nor a program saver, but he busted his butt for Iowa. Are there better players out there Fran could have recruited? Sure, but continually trashing a kid because of his dad and that he was not all world is not a good look.
Assist to turnover ratio isn't really a big deal unless you're getting a high number of assists and you're a primary ballhandler.

3.7 isn't bad but not really impressive for a guy whos main skill is passing.

Obviously theres no way Underwood was being litteral about that. Connor would be the 4th or 5th guy you take from Iowa.
Stop the insanity of the narrative of Conner was the glue....the glue of what? A team that except for Filip and occaisonally Perkins had no physicality? A team that lacked size and quickness? lack of quickness...definately the glue of that. A team that had trouble getting shots off from offensive sets or lack of sets where time and time again there was dribbing into trouble and poor attempts at screens and picks. Lack of offensive skills...yep glue of that. He was emotional at times out there...I'll give him that, and acted like he was an assistant coach so there's that.

I have a problem with Fran's tunnel vision of coaching that grew worse as soon as Patrick returned. His focus was his kids play.

The Elephant in the room of discussing the woes of the Hawks is that a percentage of fanbase cant seem to find anything wrong with the McCafrey's play this year in particular the Patrick effect. Face it, before Patrick took his leave of absence, the team was in a funk, while he was gone, we saw the team start to gell with Sandfort finding his shot, Dix looking like a future star, and others contributing. The young centers were getting valuable minutes now and then and actually showing promise. Then Patrick returns....just a few minutes here and there at first....then at the end seemly Fran did not want to ever take him out no matter what he was doing or not doing. Meanwhile all the improvements I mentioned about other players disappeared as Fran choked off their playing time and confidence.

By the way, Patrick nevers bothers to set picks and seems like he's just aimlessly hop skipping from corner to corner when he's just standing in the corner observing instead of involved or actively attacking boards on missed shots.

The real glue and MVP of this team was Filip.

Nepotisim is an issue.
Good post. Pat is lazy and you can tell he is a coaches kid that has had many things handed to him
Believe Jack himself has been quoted that h e would like to look at other schools. Don't think the Patrick thing has not impacted how the family may want to approach his recruiting and where he plays.. With their connections with ND would not surprise me if he ended up there and not play for his dad or some other school.
If next year is more of a rebuild and a .500 record the noise around program will get louder
Believe Jack himself has been quoted that h e would like to look at other schools. Don't think the Patrick thing has not impacted how the family may want to approach his recruiting and where he plays.. With their connections with ND would not surprise me if he ended up there and not play for his dad or some other school.
If next year is more of a rebuild the noise around program will get louder
Wouldn’t that be the kick in the nuts if he’s actually really good and doesn’t come to Iowa lol
Directly?,. no,.. Just rumors I've heard about her being really tired of what the boys have experienced living under the microscope of UI athletics, with Fran as coach.
That's what come with playing for your Dad. Duh.
Both the CMac and PMac are solid players worthy of scholarships. All they all Bi Ten? No, but are worth of scholarships. If Jack is better I want him at Iowa.

The question shouldn't be: "are they worthy of scholarships", the question should be: "is this the best player who would accept this scholarship."

If it's true for both CMac and PMac, our biggest problem is that Fran is a terrible recruiter.

I honestly can't even believe there are fans who actually want another one of his kids at Iowa....but...jeezus...there are.

Q: How much warmed over shit can you eat and still smile and ask for more?

A: "*Smiling* infinity warmed over shit because we're Iowa fans. *Still smiling*"
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You do realize Connor was basically the best in the country for assist/TO ratio and when Brad Underwood of Illinois was asked who he would want from another Big Ten team he picked..Connor. If other Big Ten coaches respect his play, maybe the fans should get past him being Fran’s son and respect what he brings to the game. He was never going to be a big scorer, nor a program saver, but he busted his butt for Iowa. Are there better players out there Fran could have recruited? Sure, but continually trashing a kid because of his dad and that he was not all world is not a good look.

You do realize that all coach's try to outdo each other in kissing the other's rear parts? izzo and Crean said lIckliter was a good coach and Iowa should keep him. If you hadn't picked up on that, which seems to be the case from your post, then I'm sure you believe wholeheartedly what your wrote. More power to you...every opinion is open to debate, so lets debate.

If Underwood loved CMAC's game, you would have seen a player similar to CMAC getting PT on Illinois. Illinois style and roster was decidedly opposite CMAC's style.

CMAC is seems like fine young man and he will probably be highly successful in life, but not as a basketball player

CMAC played hard. Lots of young men would play hard when given a scholarship or playing time CMAC was a 3 year starter, including 1 year where he started ahead of Keegan Murray and Kris Murray. CMAC would not have been a 3 year starter at any of the other B1G schools, but he was because his Father grooves on it.

The criticism of CMAC/PMAC really should be towards their Father who set different standards of play for his two boys vs the rest of the team. If Jack goes elsewhere, that is fine.
You do realize Connor was basically the best in the country for assist/TO ratio and when Brad Underwood of Illinois was asked who he would want from another Big Ten team he picked..Connor. If other Big Ten coaches respect his play, maybe the fans should get past him being Fran’s son and respect what he brings to the game. He was never going to be a big scorer, nor a program saver, but he busted his butt for Iowa. Are there better players out there Fran could have recruited? Sure, but continually trashing a kid because of his dad and that he was not all world is not a good look.
Neat. Underwood -- another coach who won't ever make the sweet sixteen without a ticket.

Underwood also said the most overrated basketball stat was "scoring." (Not kidding) lol

Also note, Underwood was not audacious enough to give his own kid significant minutes at Illinois. Probably because he knew that Illinois fans and media would (rightly) crucify him for doing it. At Iowa we smile and ask if there's anyone else at home who could use a scholarship. lol
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You do realize Connor was basically the best in the country for assist/TO ratio and when Brad Underwood of Illinois was asked who he would want from another Big Ten team he picked..Connor. If other Big Ten coaches respect his play, maybe the fans should get past him being Fran’s son and respect what he brings to the game. He was never going to be a big scorer, nor a program saver, but he busted his butt for Iowa. Are there better players out there Fran could have recruited? Sure, but continually trashing a kid because of his dad and that he was not all world is not a good look.
Underwood and Fran are friendly. If you truly think that if BU could choose another player he'd come up with CM I've got a lot of cool stuff I'd like to sell you
It's been a consistent narrative/theme that Jack is likely the best of the group for a couple years now and that hasn't seemed to change from anywhere I've looked. However, in my humble opinion, both of his brothers haven't been as good as their rankings in highschool indicated so color me a tad skeptical. I'm definitely no insider or anything either.
I wonder if Jack is like his 2 older brothers. Both turned 19 as HS seniors. I think that has to play a little bit into inflated recruit rankings where 99% of recruits are a year younger. You wonder where both Connor and Patrick would’ve been ranked if they were actually were normal HS aged seniors. Plus like it or not last name helped. Not a knock on Fran just saying being a coaches son helps. Like I’m sure helped juwan Howard’s boys too.
Underwood and Fran are friendly. If you truly think that if BU could choose another player he'd come up with CM I've got a lot of cool stuff I'd like to sell you
Saw his interview where he stated that. If he was lying then that is on him then. I tend to take folks at their word until proven that I cannot.
Not this shit again. "glue" LOL. And Fran's insistence that Connor take over as PG down the stretch was IMO a major factor in the consecutive embarrasing losses to Nebraska, Ohio State, and Auburn to end the season..... not to mention the inexcusable decision to steal developmental minutes from Desonte Bowen.
esther povitsky comedy GIF by Alone Together
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Saw his interview where he stated that. If he was lying then that is on him then. I tend to take folks at their word until proven that I cannot.
Dude. Comon. He was being nice, he said his reasoning was something about fighting in a parking lot. Did you take that litteral too?

Every coach in the world is going to take Zach Edey or TJD if they have get to take a bigbten player.
The question shouldn't be: "are they worthy of scholarships", the question should be: "is this the best player who would accept this scholarship."

If it's true for both CMac and PMac, our biggest problem is that Fran is a terrible recruiter.

I honestly can't even believe there are fans who actually want another one of his kids at Iowa....but...jeezus...there are.

Q: How much warmed over shit can you eat and still smile and ask for more?

A: "*Smiling* infinity warmed over shit because we're Iowa fans. *Still smiling*"
Are you for real or just a troll. They were both 4*. You would have been peeing your pants if they were from out of state. Fans (I use that generosity) make me sick!
Not this shit again. "glue" LOL. And Fran's insistence that Connor take over as PG down the stretch was IMO a major factor in the consecutive embarrasing losses to Nebraska, Ohio State, and Auburn to end the season..... not to mention the inexcusable decision to steal developmental minutes from Desonte Bowen.
Led the nation in assists to turnover margin. Probably responsible for 4-5 wins. Remember 13 assists. Your memory must be bad from sitting on your thumb. Do you know anything about basketball? Have you ever played? Come out of your parents’ basement!
Are you for real or just a troll. They were both 4*. You would have been peeing your pants if they were from out of state. Fans (I use that generosity) make me sick!
Are you developmentally disabled?


"4*" wowee!!! lol It should have been painfully obvious to anyone with a brain who watched him play a few games at the high D1 level that Connor's rating (as a 3* not 4) was, even then, wildly inflated. Still, idiots like you drooled at his "even better" *4 brother. And how is that working out, dummy?

Well...blockheads like you are now drooling over their "even better" younger brother. lol And you say other fans make you sick? lol Look in a mirror, dipshit. I swear, you can't make this stuff up...

The question remains -- were they the best recruits we could have given schollys to?

And if the answer is yes, then our head coach is really a poor recruiter. Period.

The McCaffrey family sure picked the right AD and fan base for the long con. lol
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I've seen quite a few HS games from all 3 McCaffery boys. For being somewhat highly rated as they are, none really stood out in the MVC. I'd expect a highly rated D1 prospect to somewhat dominate at that level. I've seen several D1 football, swimming, baseball, and softball prospects come through the MVC and they all played at a noticeably higher level than their competition. If the McCaffery boys last names were different, I don't think I'd really noticed them. In several cases they were outplayed by their competition.
Using TOS as reference, Conner was the 152nd best player in the country. Pat was 86. Jack is currently 51. It tells you they overrate them because their Fran’s kids.

I think it tells you that rating high school kids is a crap shoot,.. For Jack, I doubt that being Fran's kid is an advantage, particularly after his two older brothers have displayed their talent.
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lol at 5*.

Pmac was a "4*" lol

Do you think we could have landed better players than Pmac with that scholly?

What am I saying? ...No. No, you probably don't. Because you're an idiot.
It's pretty obvious you know little to nothing about college basketball or recruiting especially when all you got is name calling.
Are you developmentally disabled?


"4*" wowee!!! lol It should have been painfully obvious to anyone with a brain who watched him play a few games at the high D1 level that Connor's rating (as a 3* not 4) was, even then, wildly inflated. Still, idiots like you drooled at his "even better" *4 brother. And how is that working out, dummy?

Well...blockheads like you are now drooling over their "even better" younger brother. lol And you say other fans make you sick? lol Look in a mirror, dipshit. I swear, you can't make this stuff up...

The question remains -- were they the best recruits we could have given schollys to?

And if the answer is yes, then our head coach is really a poor recruiter. Period.

The McCaffrey family sure picked the right AD and fan base for the long con. lol
We all have differing opinions, with some opinions seemingly being headscratchers. But, man, in one post you used "developmentally disabled", "anyone with a brain", "idiots like you", "dummy", "blockheads like you", and "dipshit". Is it possible for you to voice disagreement without being disrespectful?