Is Israel Becoming a "Pariah State"?

Is Israel becomeing a pariah state

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Genocide. Attacks on the ICC. The rise of a theocratic extreme right. Illegal settlements. Killing and banning journalists. ... And now they are attacking nations who support a 2-state solution (which is also the US position the last time I checked, but we won't actually do anything about it).

Ireland, Spain and Norway to recognise Palestinian state

Irish leader declares ‘unequivocal support’ for two-state solution, as Israel recalls ambassadors from Dublin, Madrid and Oslo

Israel-Gaza war live: Palestinian state should be realised through negotiations, White House says, as Norway, Ireland and Spain say they will recognise it

You Nazi!
you don't think winning world war 2 would have given him reign over 90%+ of the jewish population on the planet?
His goal was to kill every one of them he could. The comparison of the two is stupid and childlike. They aren't comparable simply due to scale but to the fact one certainly would have happened given the opportunity and hitler was actually systematically exterminating people. Nowhere near what is happening

What would happen if hamas/palestine laid down their weapons? What would happen if isreal laid down their weapons.
The comparison is absolutely stupid and intellectually dishonest.
LOL...not to the people in Gaza. That you don't recognize how the comparison can be made is an intellectual shortcoming on your part.

I'll also be interested in learning how Hitler would have had "reign over 90% of the Jewish population on the planet" when he couldn't even invade Great Britain. How - exactly - does he manage to subdue the Americas?
you don't think winning world war 2 would have given him reign over 90%+ of the jewish population on the planet?
His goal was to kill every one of them he could. The comparison of the two is stupid and childlike. They aren't comparable simply due to scale but to the fact one certainly would have happened given the opportunity and hitler was actually systematically exterminating people. Nowhere near what is happening

What would happen if hamas/palestine laid down their weapons? What would happen if isreal laid down their weapons.
The comparison is absolutely stupid and intellectually dishonest.
Hamas doesn’t want to become the modern day Native Americans or Kurds. Having to accept whatever terms Israel gives them now and in the future. While Israel wants to expand its way of life without terror attacks. Crazy situation.
LOL...not to the people in Gaza. That you don't recognize how the comparison can be made is an intellectual shortcoming on your part.

I'll also be interested in learning how Hitler would have had "reign over 90% of the Jewish population on the planet" when he couldn't even invade Great Britain. How - exactly - does he manage to subdue the Americas?
The comp is silly and trumpian.
I am still waiting on an answer to my question.
Let’s stick with your Nazi comp;
If the allies put their weapons down, would hitler have ended the war and stopped killing Jews?
In this comp Islam and hamas are the nazis and a much more apt comparison.
LOL...not to the people in Gaza. That you don't recognize how the comparison can be made is an intellectual shortcoming on your part.

I'll also be interested in learning how Hitler would have had "reign over 90% of the Jewish population on the planet" when he couldn't even invade Great Britain. How - exactly - does he manage to subdue the Americas?
America turned its back on the oppressed then; and is turning its back on the oppressed now.

Hey, at least we are consistent.
LOL...not to the people in Gaza. That you don't recognize how the comparison can be made is an intellectual shortcoming on your part.

I'll also be interested in learning how Hitler would have had "reign over 90% of the Jewish population on the planet" when he couldn't even invade Great Britain. How - exactly - does he manage to subdue the Americas?
If the Germans and Soviets had been able to at least temporarily put aside their ideological differences, and had Germany decided not to nullify the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (which again stems from said ideological differences), the Allies would have been in a world of hurt.
If the Germans and Soviets had been able to at least temporarily put aside their ideological differences, and had Germany decided not to nullify the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (which again stems from said ideological differences), the Allies would have been in a world of hurt.
And if frogs had wings...
LOL...not to the people in Gaza. That you don't recognize how the comparison can be made is an intellectual shortcoming on your part.

I'll also be interested in learning how Hitler would have had "reign over 90% of the Jewish population on the planet" when he couldn't even invade Great Britain. How - exactly - does he manage to subdue the Americas?
You truly are a fool.

Hitler had plans to do all those things.
Hitler couldn't "exterminate" the Jews...he could only try to wipe them out in the territory Germany controlled. He could kill them or drive them out through force and fear. Is that what Israel is trying to do to the Palestinians in the areas they control?
No, it's not what Israel is doing by any stretch. Israel wants Hamas gone, period. They have every right to make that happen by any means necessary because of what Hamas has shown itself to be time after time. You know, a majority of gazans support Hamas (AP). Remember, "civilian" means they don't wear a uniform, it doesn't mean "innocent woman or child," and when we're relying on Hamas to give us numbers, it also doesn't mean "not a terrorist."

Could you help describe your confusion? Like is the entire concept of group supremacists new to you? Or is it just this particular group that's confounded you?

I find it really hard to believe you aren't familiar with the concept of white supremacists. Or even black supremacists, or Christian supremacists.

If so, take that concept, but substitute Jewish in for whatever group you're most familiar, and that's the idea.

For being a "both sides" guy, I'm surprised you aren't aware that there's supremacist groups on many sides.
No, it's not what Israel is doing by any stretch. Israel wants Hamas gone, period. They have every right to make that happen by any means necessary because of what Hamas has shown itself to be time after time. You know, a majority of gazans support Hamas (AP). Remember, "civilian" means they don't wear a uniform, it doesn't mean "innocent woman or child," and when we're relying on Hamas to give us numbers, it also doesn't mean "not a terrorist."
I get it. Seriously. Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out.

You don't have to convince me of what Israel's doing.
No, it's not what Israel is doing by any stretch. Israel wants Hamas gone, period. They have every right to make that happen by any means necessary because of what Hamas has shown itself to be time after time. You know, a majority of gazans support Hamas (AP). Remember, "civilian" means they don't wear a uniform, it doesn't mean "innocent woman or child," and when we're relying on Hamas to give us numbers, it also doesn't mean "not a terrorist."

For the sake of accuracy that poll is of Palestinians not just Gazans.
For the sake of accuracy it breaks down Gaza vs. West Bank. Gaza is over 50% pro Hamas, West Bank over 80%.

Thanks, I didn't realize the article carried on. But since we're still going for accuracy, it seems you misattributed the poll again.

"At the same time, 44% in the West Bank said they supported Hamas, up from just 12% in September. In Gaza, the militants enjoyed 42% support, up slightly from 38% three months ago."
Israel wants Hamas gone, period. They have every right to make that happen by any means necessary because of what Hamas has shown itself to be time after time.
It's the "by any means necessary" part that gives pause.

That's because "by any means necessary" so often translates to "by whatever means we feel like using."
Thanks, I didn't realize the article carried on. But since we're still going for accuracy, it seems you misattributed the poll again.

"At the same time, 44% in the West Bank said they supported Hamas, up from just 12% in September. In Gaza, the militants enjoyed 42% support, up slightly from 38% three months ago."
Going to have to scroll down more:

"Despite the devastation, 57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated."

We can split hairs all day, but the bottom line is there is SIGNIFICANT support among Gazans for Hamas. So we can't simply pretend it's Has and a bunch of innocent victims. It simply isn't so.
Going to have to scroll down more:

"Despite the devastation, 57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated."

We can split hairs all day, but the bottom line is there is SIGNIFICANT support among Gazans for Hamas. So we can't simply pretend it's Has and a bunch of innocent victims. It simply isn't so.

I don't disagree with your conclusion regarding the Hamas support - and you can call it splitting hairs - but you stated "support" not "correct in launching the October attack", that's two different items in the poll.

And regarding the 57% and 82% numbers who supported that sort of barbarism that occurred on 10/7, I'm not terribly surprised, people are prone to being radicalized and can justify anything. There's people who would justify Israel using any means necessary to complete their objectives too.
Going to have to scroll down more:

"Despite the devastation, 57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated."

We can split hairs all day, but the bottom line is there is SIGNIFICANT support among Gazans for Hamas. So we can't simply pretend it's Has and a bunch of innocent victims. It simply isn't so.
Is it reasonable to compare the shockingly high level of support for Hamas among Palestinians with the shockingly high level of support for Republicans among Americans?

How much of that, in each case, is down to echo chamber addiction and propaganda?
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Is it reasonable to compare the shockingly high level of support for Hamas among Palestinians with the shockingly high level of support for Republicans among Americans?

How much of that, in each case, is down to echo chamber addiction and propaganda?
You have no credibility at all! Comparing Hamas to Republicans? JFC!
You hate to see it.

(CNN)Wikipedia’s editors declared that the Anti-Defamation League cannot be trusted to give reliable information on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and they overwhelmingly said the ADL is an unreliable source on antisemitism. It’s a stunning rebuke to one of the world’s preeminent authorities on anti-Jewish hate and a significant advocate for the rights and causes of American Jews.
Genocide. Attacks on the ICC. The rise of a theocratic extreme right. Illegal settlements. Killing and banning journalists. ... And now they are attacking nations who support a 2-state solution (which is also the US position the last time I checked, but we won't actually do anything about it).

Ireland, Spain and Norway to recognise Palestinian state

Irish leader declares ‘unequivocal support’ for two-state solution, as Israel recalls ambassadors from Dublin, Madrid and Oslo

Israel-Gaza war live: Palestinian state should be realised through negotiations, White House says, as Norway, Ireland and Spain say they will recognise it

Israel is a pariah state with the pro Hamas crowd.

It is what it is...
It's so hard to see why they have become a pariah state. I mean they are going against a terrorist group that uses human shields. Only the most despicable type of military does that sort of thing....

It's so hard to see why they have become a pariah state. I mean they are going against a terrorist group that uses human shields. Only the most despicable type of military does that sort of thing....

Such bullshit. Who in their right mind believes Hamas wouldn’t shoot a Palestinian to kill IDF forces. Twitter? Really?
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That's the issue both Israel and Hamas use Palestinian civilians as human shields and neither side has a problem shooting through human shields.
No they do not. Get this through your stupid antisemitic head. If Israel wanted to simply end all Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank they could do so by the end if next week.

You are a fool or evil. There isn't a different option. Wake the **** up and stop it
No they do not. Get this through your stupid antisemitic head. If Israel wanted to simply end all Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank they could do so by the end if next week.

You are a fool or evil. There isn't a different option. Wake the **** up and stop it

One of the good things about social media is that there is that you cannot cover up Netanyahu's war crimes.

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