Is there a bigger dick in the GOP than Vivek?


HB King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
What a douche bag!
Is there any more pathetic politician in the GOP than Ron De Santis? What a ”zero” he is! He has simplistic ideas that are full of void And offer zero vision.
I was really disappointed in Nikki this evening. She allowed Vivek and Ron to drag her down to their level. Sometimes your best off saying NOTHING at all!
And that is why, for this observer, the clear and distant winner of tonight’s debate is Governor Christy. He remained above the fray for the most part…and schooled both Ramyswamy and DeSantis when necessary.

And I will gladly….and proudly vote for Joe Biden come next November….if he is the Dem candidate.
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How you could possibly put all these people in a worse place than trump is beyond me? They're all preferable to him.

Biden can't hold a candle to any of them either, but that's moot since Biden isn't leading anything anyway.
What a stupid pepsi. Vivek is a douchebag thread wasn't good enough for ya or what? Lol
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What a douche bag!
Is there any more pathetic politician in the GOP than Ron De Santis? What a ”zero” he is! He has simplistic ideas that are full of void And offer zero vision.
I was really disappointed in Nikki this evening. She allowed Vivek and Ron to drag her down to their level. Sometimes your best off saying NOTHING at all!
And that is why, for this observer, the clear and distant winner of tonight’s debate is Governor Christy. He remained above the fray for the most part…and schooled both Ramyswamy and DeSantis when necessary.

And I will gladly….and proudly vote for Joe Biden come next November….if he is the Dem candidate.
Why don't you try to get Dean Phillips as your candidate? Why settle for Biden?

Trump is worse than Vivek. I like some of Vivek's ideas, but others are so far from reality that he'll never be taken seriously, and he thinks he can convince people by simple shouting them down.

I'm voting 3rd party.
I like Christie, but they are really a weak field tip to bottom.

Vivek would win the "punchable faces" contest fo sho.
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I like Christie, but they are really a weak field tip to bottom.

Vivek would win the "punchable faces" contest fo sho.
I used to like Christie, but he's since proved to be as corrupt as most politicians. Bridgegate. Closing a beach to the public and then helicoptering in for some sun bathing.
Why don't you try to get Dean Phillips as your candidate? Why settle for Biden?

Trump is worse than Vivek. I like some of Vivek's ideas, but others are so far from reality that he'll never be taken seriously, and he thinks he can convince people by simple shouting them down.

I'm voting 3rd party.
Until a third party candidate has a realistic shot, a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Trump.
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I used to like Christie, but he's since proved to be as corrupt as most politicians. Bridgegate. Closing a beach to the public and then helicoptering in for some sun bathing.
I'm more basing my opinion in that he has been the ONLY candidate to openly criticize Turd.
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I'm more basing my opinion in that he has been the ONLY candidate to openly criticize Turd.
I only watched part of the first debate, but I've seen stories of DeSantis going after Trump as well. Of all the remaining GOP candidates, Christie would probably be my favorite if I had to pick one, while recognizing his own corruption while governor of NJ.
Why do you say that?
I’ll use myself as an example. Being a lifelong right-leaning independent, I didn’t support Trump or Hillary in 2016. I donated to and voted for 3rd party candidate Gary Johnson.

Because Johnson had no chance, my vote, was a wasted vote. In hind sight, I erred in my vote. My vote that should have went to someone to realistically keep Trump from winning. In that case, Clinton.

I believe in 2024, in order to keep a person who attempted to overthrow our government, who wants to be a dictator, who wants to eliminate media outlets critical of him, and go vindictively after people who oppose him, we need to vote for the candidate with the best chance of defeating him.
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I’ll use myself as an example. Being a lifelong right-leaning independent, I didn’t support Trump or Hillary in 2016. I donated to and voted for 3rd party candidate Gary Johnson.

Because Johnson had no chance, my vote, was a wasted vote. In hind sight, I erred in my vote. My vote that should have went to someone to realistically keep Trump from winning. In that case, Clinton.

I believe in 2024, in order to keep a person who attempted to overthrow our government, who wants to be a dictator, who wants to eliminate media outlets critical of him, and go vindictively after people who oppose him, we need to vote for the candidate with best possibility of defeating him.
I get your logic, but first of all, we have an electoral system. W won the election in 2000 by winning Florida, by 537 votes. Five other candidates on that ballot got more than 537 votes. Nader got 97,488. Buchanan got 17,484.

There's been some debate in the media about who a third party candidate would help the most or hurt the most. I think it actually depends on who the 3rd party candidate is, and if they have the ability to win a state or not. There are a couple of states that apportion electoral votes. If nobody gets majority, it goes to the House, and that opens another can of worms.

In general, I'd say Trump comes out better with 3rd party votes because it's more likely defectors will be from the Democratic Party, like maybe Manchin.

There has been some polling that shows a lot of independents are leaning more Libertarian in 2024. That likely hurts Trump more than Biden.
I get your logic, but first of all, we have an electoral system. W won the election in 2000 by winning Florida, by 537 votes. Five other candidates on that ballot got more than 537 votes. Nader got 97,488. Buchanan got 17,484.

There's been some debate in the media about who a third party candidate would help the most or hurt the most. I think it actually depends on who the 3rd party candidate is, and if they have the ability to win a state or not. There are a couple of states that apportion electoral votes. If nobody gets majority, it goes to the House, and that opens another can of worms.

In general, I'd say Trump comes out better with 3rd party votes because it's more likely defectors will be from the Democratic Party, like maybe Manchin.

There has been some polling that shows a lot of independents are leaning more Libertarian in 2024. That likely hurts Trump more than Biden.
Very good points
I’ll use myself as an example. Being a lifelong right-leaning independent, I didn’t support Trump or Hillary in 2016. I donated to and voted for 3rd party candidate Gary Johnson.

Because Johnson had no chance, my vote, was a wasted vote. In hind sight, I erred in my vote. My vote that should have went to someone to realistically keep Trump from winning. In that case, Clinton.

I believe in 2024, in order to keep a person who attempted to overthrow our government, who wants to be a dictator, who wants to eliminate media outlets critical of him, and go vindictively after people who oppose him, we need to vote for the candidate with best possibility of defeating him.
Biden is far from perfect.

But elections are choices.

I agree 100% with you.
Imagine simping for Hailey or christie. A new low may have been achieved on this forum lmfao the left is also absolutely terrified of vivek. Not a single democrat politician has the ability to keep up with him.
Imagine simping for Hailey or christie. A new low may have been achieved on this forum lmfao the left is also absolutely terrified of vivek. Not a single democrat politician has the ability to keep up with him.
Imagine thinking a guy whose only
major life accomplishment was a pump and dump stock grifting scheme (and whose whole schtick is to be a Trump’s mini-me) is qualified to run the most powerful nation on earth.
Imagine thinking a guy whose only
major life accomplishment was a pump and dump stock grifting scheme (and whose whole schtick is to be a Trump’s mini-me) is qualified to run the most powerful nation on earth.
Gross lie but you do you. Keep drinking the kool-aid.
Biden is also MUCH MUCH better than what Republicans say about him. He gets zero credit for things he does that benefits poor to middle class Republican voters, while Trump got credit while doing nothing to benefit them.
Biden sucks. He needs to get credit for inflation, which has a cumulative effect on prices and the federal debt, and how he's handled wars. There's also the illegal immigration problem, which has gotten way worse and is costing us big time. Biden is only a good POTUS in the minds of intellectually dishonest people.
Imagine simping for Hailey or christie. A new low may have been achieved on this forum lmfao the left is also absolutely terrified of vivek. Not a single democrat politician has the ability to keep up with him.
You obviously forgot the sarcasm emojis!

No one fears VR.
No one.
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Biden sucks. He needs to get credit for inflation, which has a cumulative effect on prices and the federal debt, and how he's handled wars. There's also the illegal immigration problem, which has gotten way worse and is costing us big time. Biden is only a good POTUS in the minds of intellectually dishonest people.
This post right here symbolizes it when I say we have the dumbest electorate. I guess I'll post this Katie Porter clip about inflation/price gouging one more time. Over half of the profits corporations are earning come from price gouging. Get "finance" out of your handle. We're getting ripped off. Biden wants this to stop. Republicans don't. They protect corporate greed with every one of their votes that could ease financial pain for the lower and middle class.

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Even personal

This is where it's really taken an ugly turn in my opinion. Debates weren't about witty nicknames or how popular someone was/wasn't. It went over policy and other political items. Now it's been turned into a reality TV show, where the person who as the "sickest burn" of someone gets all of the attention.
This is where it's really taken an ugly turn in my opinion. Debates weren't about witty nicknames or how popular someone was/wasn't. It went over policy and other political items. Now it's been turned into a reality TV show, where the person who as the "sickest burn" of someone gets all of the attention.
Mostly because Republicans don't have policies. Biden asked a couple years ago, "What are you for?" They have no answers.
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