ISU QBs vs Iowa QBs...

So, many of you must have loved the Todd Lickliter years over on the basketball side. Walk the ball up the floor, run 29 seconds off the shot clock, then, maybe, throw it at the basket. Slow the game down. Limit the other team's possessions. Keep the score in the 40s or 50s. Ah, those were the days.

And now we have them again on the football field, the only difference being that Iowa's football defense literally is able to score points and lower the basket, as it were, for the "offense."

Ricky Stanzi threw a lot of INTs as a junior and was a far better QB than he was as a senior when KF forced him into being a game manager instead of a game winner. Just for one example.

And then there are those foolish people who have said things like this, things that bring that snarky grin to KF's face:

* "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
* "Gotta spend money to make money."
* "Ships are safest in port, but that's not what ships are made for."
* "Fortune favors the bold."
* "If you risk nothing, you risk everything."
* "The greatest risk of all is not taking any."
* "Life is all about taking risks. If you never take a risk, you will never achieve your dreams."

But hell yes, by all means, run left, run right, run up the middle, punt, and pray. That's the KF way. LOL

Hopefully somebody in this thread that I haven’t got to has already posted the stats.

I’m not going to, though I do know what they are. You are the worst of the worst of the worst fans. I’m embarrassed to be an Iowa fan if you truly are one as well.

Ricky Stanzi’s numbers are demonstratively better in pretty much every single category in 2010 vs 2009 but you are so dim witted you assume because we went eight and five as opposed to 11 and two then he clearly was worse.

I don’t even know why somebody like you has a favorite team, they’re always gonna let you down.

Im actually trying to stop interacting with people on this board, but after reading some of your dumb shit and HawkinArk & and several other people all year long… I finally had to respond. Honestly you make it hard to even come to this board.

Yes we have issues but we have a damn fine football program…I don’t get it ,honestly I really don’t get it…
Purdy 7-6….He’s Iowa’s bitch.

It’s ok to admit that your only purpose here is to drag Iowa athletics at every turn. Maybe it’s time you move on to a different team that pleases your delicate sensibilities.

Yes he is a super douche that is locked into the fact that Iowa has a very maddening offense, it’s never “exciting“ I’ll admit but it is generally way more than serviceable and a product of why we’ve been a very successful team and yet this guy, I don’t even know anymore. I can’t hardly stand reading this board and there are a lot of people that say things, good things, things, that make sense even things I don’t necessarily agree with.

But this guy & the NBA stooge whatever guy and the other guy with all the numbers in his name, holy bazoos…

I think it’s bad form to call people names on a message board but my Lord I just can’t stand to read their one dimensional stupidity!!!

Hell I hadn’t posted in three or four years and I finally got so fed up with it I had to say something…
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Purdy 7-6….He’s Iowa’s bitch.

It’s ok to admit that your only purpose here is to drag Iowa athletics at every turn. Maybe it’s time you move on to a different team that pleases your delicate sensibilities.
Yes he is a super douche that is locked into the fact that Iowa has a very maddening offense, it’s never “exciting“ I’ll admit but it is generally way more than serviceable and a product of why we’ve been a very successful team and yet this guy, I don’t even know anymore. I can’t hardly stand reading this board and there are a lot of people that say things, good things, things, that make sense even things I don’t necessarily agree with.

But this guy & the NBA stooge whatever guy and the other guy with all the numbers in his name, holy bazoos…

I think it’s bad form to call people names on a message board but my Lord I just can’t stand to read their one dimensional stupidity!!!

Hell I hadn’t posted in three or four years and I finally got so fed up with it I had to say something…
Hey, both of you Iowa Homer Apologists -

Blow me. Then blow each other.

@cmhawks99 The Sky Wizard doesn’t love you.
Yeah, this would be the same Brock Purdy end his career converting a 4th down allowed himself to be tackled and fumble back short of the line to gain. That play alone says all you need to say about Purdy and Martinez and the risk of QBs Gone Wild.

Indeed, aren't Purdy and Martinez collectively 0-7 against Iowa's unglamorous QBs?

Martinez is the kiss of death.
So you actually would take our 2 QB’s over Purdy? You guys are crazy homers.
No, I don't want a noodle-armed turnover machine that falls apart any time he plays a defense with a pulse. You think it's bad now? Purdy is a horrible mismatch for our offense and the teams we play. Has nothing to do with "who's better", which is why I didn't say Petras or Padilla are better.

Spend less time listening to HawkInArk. He's only happy when he's miserable, and he exists on here only to whine about others not being as miserable as he.
Has anyone checked yet if Matty has found at least two more years of eligibility for Brocktober?

Just goes to show everyone that having Breece Hall saved ISU about a dozen games in the last three years.
No, I don't want a noodle-armed turnover machine that falls apart any time he plays a defense with a pulse. You think it's bad now? Purdy is a horrible mismatch for our offense and the teams we play. Has nothing to do with "who's better", which is why I didn't say Petras or Padilla are better.

Spend less time listening to HawkInArk. He's only happy when he's miserable, and he exists on here only to whine about others not being as miserable as he.
Well said. My main problem with Purdy is that his mistakes caused his teams to lose games. I wouldn’t say the same for either of our QBs. They may not make many big plays, but I’ll take a sack/throw away over an int/fumble any day of the week…..especially with a solid D & special teams.

I know clown fans think that’s crazy, but they’re honestly too dumb to understand why they’ve lost so many close games with Turdy behind center.
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Well said. My main problem with Purdy is that his mistakes caused his teams to lose games. I wouldn’t say the same for either of our QBs. They may not make many big plays, but I’ll take a sack/throw away over an int/fumble any day of the week…..especially with a solid D & special teams.

I know clown fans think that’s crazy, but they’re honestly too dumb to understand why they’ve lost so many close games with Turdy behind center.
Yep. I bet his mistakes have lost more games than he's won games in the 4th quarter.
No, I don't want a noodle-armed turnover machine that falls apart any time he plays a defense with a pulse. You think it's bad now? Purdy is a horrible mismatch for our offense and the teams we play. Has nothing to do with "who's better", which is why I didn't say Petras or Padilla are better.

Spend less time listening to HawkInArk. He's only happy when he's miserable, and he exists on here only to whine about others not being as miserable as he.

He is not alone, but well said all the same!!
Shudaddy spot on.

Purdy's four starting seasons the Clowns had a 31-20, .607 and he never beat Iowa.

Iowa's record is 37-12, .756 and counting.

Not entirely relevant but nonetheless awfully good fun to note.
What we saw last nite in the ISU vs Clemson game brings into focus the sharp contrast in the coaching philosophy of the two staffs.

Now, Petras/Padilla may very well do something to change my view, but we have seen the approach of the two programs.

Iowa tries to minimize the damage of poor QB play by being pretty conservative in it's game plan. ISU puts their QB into a high risk/high reward scenario.

What we saw last nite from PurdyBoy was a kid crumbling under the pressure in a close game. And it's not the first time he's done it. It's happened dozens of times in his years in Ames. Hell... ESPN could make a documentary on Purdy and call it "The Top 25 Blunders of Brocktober".

With all the criticism that the Iowa staff has taken recently, which approach would you take?

Of course, all this is just my opinion.
I only watched some but isu lost because purdy played volleyball in the middle if the field and then couldn't hang onto the ball at the end

I don't think campbell wanted either if those plays ;)
I'll take Drew Tate over any qb from either team, including Banks(who was great but never made $ as a qb) over the course of KF's tenure.

If he was Beathard's size he's probably just retiring after a solid NFL career.

Tate was really, really, good.
The problem is that our offense is a net negative when you combine a below average QB + pedestrian O line. We can beat the likes of Maryland and Colorado State, but when we play good teams, the formula just doesnt work. We need to be recruiting more athletic QB's period.
Like Labas, May and Mainez. Watch their video and then watch our existing QBs at the same stage. The recruiting has improved-at least on paper and in videos-and that is reflected in the QB recruits as well.
Like Labas, May and Mainez. Watch their video and then watch our existing QBs at the same stage. The recruiting has improved-at least on paper and in videos-and that is reflected in the QB recruits as well.
Hope you’re right. It’s time for a change, whether it’s the QB, the scheme, etc. averaging less than 300 yards of total offense in today’s game is absurd.
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That would make sense if we hadn't literally won a B1G West title like you'd been bitching about. What are you gonna backpedal to next?

Must be nice to have goalposts with wheels on them.
I will take a B1G West title for sure. But you have to admit we were quite fortunate from a 1. scheduling standpoint and 2. Help from the Goofs. Either way we did earn it, yes. But why cant we expect a competitive B1G championship game or to be in consideration for the Playoff?
Like Labas, May and Mainez. Watch their video and then watch our existing QBs at the same stage. The recruiting has improved-at least on paper and in videos-and that is reflected in the QB recruits as well.
Petras was a 4 Star and looked pretty athletic in videos, because its against h.s. competition. He ran for over 500 yards and 16 TD's. Point being, only so much can be gleaned from video highlights.

I do like all 3 of the guys you mentioned on paper. May has crazy stats, but 2A football in OK. We shall see. I just feel like we are nibbling around the edges (so to speak) on trying to find pro style guys with a little bit of athleticism as the cherry on top. I just would like for us to nab more clear cut dual threat players.
Petras was a 4 Star and looked pretty athletic in videos, because its against h.s. competition. He ran for over 500 yards and 16 TD's. Point being, only so much can be gleaned from video highlights.

I do like all 3 of the guys you mentioned on paper. May has crazy stats, but 2A football in OK. We shall see. I just feel like we are nibbling around the edges (so to speak) on trying to find pro style guys with a little bit of athleticism as the cherry on top. I just would like for us to nab more clear cut dual threat players.
You aren't saying Spencer looked as evasive or aggressive as Joey Throws, Carson May and Lainez III?

Kind of think Spencer was on a super team in HS and he had a lot of opportunities created by teammates-like the wide-open receivers he could hit 40 yards downfield. His running lanes were typically a wide-open field.

Think of how much better the offense looks if the Iowa QB could recognize and run through open holes. Just the play action throw to the TE becomes a much better bet if the defense has to drop the double team on the TE because the QB gashes a couple of 20 yard runs past the double teamed receivers. A couple of fewer sacks fail because the QB breaks a tackle or sees the hole created by the rusher and runs past the defender. That cherry on top makes a huge difference without a change in the fundamental nature of the offense.

I think people are going to really like Joey Throws when he sees the field.
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I will take a B1G West title for sure. But you have to admit we were quite fortunate from a 1. scheduling standpoint and 2. Help from the Goofs. Either way we did earn it, yes. But why cant we expect a competitive B1G championship game or to be in consideration for the Playoff?
That's like saying Michigan only made it in because of help from Purdue. We can put as many "conditions" as we want on it. At the end of the day, Iowa took care of business where Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Purdue did not, and won more conference games.

"Expect" is a pretty dangerous word, considering fan expectations usually aren't reasonable, and football (especially in college) is basically built around defying expectations. We won a division title. We're in a very good position to win more. We were in playoff consideration into October. Not long ago, we were a few plays away from being in it.

"Expecting" more from a school with Iowa's inherent disadvantages is basically setting yourself up to be disappointed. It's the same reason why the same 6 or so schools are in the playoffs every year, whereas a small handful of teams have made once, because it's really damn hard to do.
Purdy did ok against 3 man fronts, which is what the bulk of what the Little 12 teams run. Put him against 4 man fronts like Iowa...and Clemson and he fell apart. Give him a 3 man front where he has all day to pass and he did OK. He would not do well in the B1G.
Purdy did ok against 3 man fronts, which is what the bulk of what the Little 12 teams run. Put him against 4 man fronts like Iowa...and Clemson and he fell apart. Give him a 3 man front where he has all day to pass and he did OK. He would not do well in the B1G.
Agree. And Hall was his "safety blanket". Happy feet and bailing from the pocket, which we saw a lot of, are signs that indicate Purdy doesn't handle pressure very well.

I get the feeling after reading all the comments from Clone fans about "being ready to move on from Purdy", that there really were problems in the locker room and leadership issues on the team.
That's like saying Michigan only made it in because of help from Purdue. We can put as many "conditions" as we want on it. At the end of the day, Iowa took care of business where Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Purdue did not, and won more conference games.

"Expect" is a pretty dangerous word, considering fan expectations usually aren't reasonable, and football (especially in college) is basically built around defying expectations. We won a division title. We're in a very good position to win more. We were in playoff consideration into October. Not long ago, we were a few plays away from being in it.

"Expecting" more from a school with Iowa's inherent disadvantages is basically setting yourself up to be disappointed. It's the same reason why the same 6 or so schools are in the playoffs every year, whereas a small handful of teams have made once, because it's really damn hard to do.
Notice I did not say we had to be IN the playoff, just under consideration, which we were not this year. I think expecting a competitive B1G champ game is not asking alot when you win your division. I hear you that we never are going to have the recruiting advantages of an Ohio State or Michigan but we still have to expect to compete with these types of teams. It does not mean we will match them year in and year out, but every 3-5 years would be fantastic.
You aren't saying Spencer looked as evasive or aggressive as Joey Throws, Carson May and Lainez III?

Kind of think Spencer was on a super team in HS and he had a lot of opportunities created by teammates-like the wide-open receivers he could hit 40 yards downfield. His running lanes were typically a wide-open field.

Think of how much better the offense looks if the Iowa QB could recognize and run through open holes. Just the play action throw to the TE becomes a much better bet if the defense has to drop the double team on the TE because the QB gashes a couple of 20 yard runs past the double teamed receivers. A couple of fewer sacks fail because the QB breaks a tackle or sees the hole created by the rusher and runs past the defender. That cherry on top makes a huge difference without a change in the fundamental nature of the offense.

I think people are going to really like Joey Throws when he sees the field.
No, but he looks more athletic in h.s. film than currently at Iowa. All these guys will look better against h.s. competition (especially May). I have only watched some of the film to be fair, but am optimistic about those three guys. I actually think Padilla is pretty athletic too.
Notice I did not say we had to be IN the playoff, just under consideration, which we were not this year. I think expecting a competitive B1G champ game is not asking alot when you win your division. I hear you that we never are going to have the recruiting advantages of an Ohio State or Michigan but we still have to expect to compete with these types of teams. It does not mean we will match them year in and year out, but every 3-5 years would be fantastic.
What do you consider being in consideration if not ranked in the top 10, including being ranked number two?

If you're talking about being "in-consideration", you're still asking Iowa to be a perennial top-10 team, which is still not realistic. Not even Wisconsin is perennial top-10.
No, but he looks more athletic in h.s. film than currently at Iowa. All these guys will look better against h.s. competition (especially May). I have only watched some of the film to be fair, but am optimistic about those three guys. I actually think Padilla is pretty athletic too.
Watching the three new guys/recruits HS video vs. existing QB's HS video once live games end for the season. Your optimism will grow.

My problem with Alex is his unwillingness to run when he's presented with an open hole, lane or a large chunk of the field. Spencer and Alex have poor instincts, manifested in different ways.
Watching the three new guys/recruits HS video vs. existing QB's HS video once live games end for the season. Your optimism will grow.

My problem with Alex is his unwillingness to run when he's presented with an open hole, lane or a large chunk of the field. Spencer and Alex have poor instincts, manifested in different ways.
I noticed that too with Padilla, he'll get out of the pocket maybe one guy to beat for a 10 yard gain and he'll get rid of it.
Yeah, not every QB can bat his own pass to a defender for a pick-6. That takes a special level of ineptitude.
Your consistent Frosty. I’ll give you that. 3 picks for the golden boy today. See what happens when your QB has to actually win a game?

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