It’s not just me!


Hahaha. You can tell which foursome was hitting the hard stuff and which foursome was drinking light beers. Watching drunks fight non drunks is always funny. Usually the drunks are mouthy and have beer muscles (or delusions of Kung fu mastery) and find out very fast even the slightest of shoves or a missed swing will have them on the ground.
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Many years ago I played golf with my brother and my pop. The course was packed, and slow. Group behind us hit into us twice while we were waiting for a green to clear. There was literally no where to go, or we would have let them play through. Two holes later, I'm in the middle of the fairway, getting ready to hit (8 iron), and a ball rolls a foot from my ball. I hit my shot, then look back at the tee box. No sign of remorse. So I step up to the ball coming from the teebox, and hot one of my best 8 iron shots ever, with over 100 yards of that into the woods. A few seconds later, just after my brother hits his shot, a cart comes screaming up, a guy jumps out, runs over to me and gives me a two handed shove, and starts screaming at me. I didn't saying anything, and he acted like he was going to hit me. I calmly wrapped my 8 iron around his neck.