It’s over for Biden

Bingo this isn't hard and he is still capable enough an old man vs an evil, criminal literal psycho who wants to be Dictator. This truly isn't hard.
Theres a risk Biden aging mind might go off the rails . But if we look at his actual behavior this risk is probably not realistic. Everything he's done so far has been classic presidential behavior. Even with his mind slowing his administration has been remarkably steady.

Now contrast that with Trump. It's one erratic and criminal action after another. His first term gave us weekly chaos. His second term would be downright revenge.

The choice isn't hard.
I’m saying let’s get him off the ballot. Give us a good candidate to vote for.

If I pull the lever for Biden, who the f am I actually voting for? Sounds like Jill and a few select advisors. That’s unacceptable to me.
I'm fine with a new candidate provided they have a better chance of beating Trump.

And yes, you're not voting for Joe. You're voting for his advisors. But those advisors have been pretty good at making these decisions already.
And yes, you're not voting for Joe. You're voting for his advisors. But those advisors have been pretty good at making these decisions already.
See, I’m not ok with that. What happens in two years when there’s a crisis in the middle of the night? It’s not Biden who’s going to make those judgment calls.

Also, they lied to us over a very long period of time. Really bothers me.
Theres a risk Biden aging mind might go off the rails . But if we look at his actual behavior this risk is probably not realistic. Everything he's done so far has been classic presidential behavior. Even with his mind slowing his administration has been remarkably steady.

Now contrast that with Trump. It's one erratic and criminal action after another. His first term gave us weekly chaos. His second term would be downright revenge.

The choice isn't hard.
So steady - they can’t define woman. Greatest president of all time…right dems
See, I’m not ok with that. What happens in two years when there’s a crisis in the middle of the night? It’s not Biden who’s going to make those judgment calls.

Also, they lied to us over a very long period of time. Really bothers me.
Like I said. There's a risk. But that risk is far greater under Trump.

I absolutely want a new candidate. But if it's Joe or Don on the ballot I'm absolutely voting Biden.
See, I’m not ok with that. What happens in two years when there’s a crisis in the middle of the night? It’s not Biden who’s going to make those judgment calls.

Also, they lied to us over a very long period of time. Really bothers me.
But you’re ok with Trump? You’re not making a lot of sense. Do you think Joe is really making a lot of decisions currently or even during most of his presidency?
But you’re ok with Trump? You’re not making a lot of sense. Do you think Joe is really making a lot of decisions currently or even during most of his presidency?
No, I’m not ok with Trump.
I want Joe to step down.
If he ends up on the ballot I’ll do what I need to do.

I am not sure about Biden making decisions now. I suspect yes. For how long? Who knows. Definitely not four more years.

Surprises me that this doesn’t bother more of you.
No, I’m not ok with Trump.
I want Joe to step down.
If he ends up on the ballot I’ll do what I need to do.

I am not sure about Biden making decisions now. I suspect yes. For how long? Who knows. Definitely not four more years.

Surprises me that this doesn’t bother more of you.
It bothers me a lot. I was one of Biden's biggest fans on this board. Next to Chis I might have been his biggest supporter. But my opinion of him has plummeted. It angers me that he hid this and angers me even more that he ran for a second term.

But we're doomed if Trump wins. I only get one vote. It has to be used to protect my nieces and nephews and my country.
It bothers me a lot. I was one of Biden's biggest fans on this board. Next to Chis I might have been his biggest supporter. But my opinion of him has plummeted. It angers me that he hid this and angers me even more that he ran for a second term.

But we're doomed if Trump wins. I only get one vote. It has to be used to protect my nieces and nephews and my country.
Would you feel you are protecting your nieces if they were subject to being drafted? Or by us having the weakest military in our history because of DEI? I know you will respond with something to defend this…but maybe take an actual minute and think about this and how you this is protecting your nieces and nephews and country…if that is your top priority as you stated.
Would you feel you are protecting your nieces if they were subject to being drafted? Or by us having the weakest military in our history because of DEI? I know you will respond with something to defend this…but maybe take an actual minute and think about this and how you this is protecting your nieces and nephews and country…if that is your top priority as you stated.

Weakest military in our history? Because of DEI? You certainly didn’t get shortchanged on your brainwashing.
It bothers me a lot. I was one of Biden's biggest fans on this board. Next to Chis I might have been his biggest supporter. But my opinion of him has plummeted. It angers me that he hid this and angers me even more that he ran for a second term.

But we're doomed if Trump wins. I only get one vote. It has to be used to protect my nieces and nephews and my country.
I appreciate the thoughtful response and largely agree.

Much better than Chis’ “Get with the program everything is fine time to rejoin reality” posts.
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Would you feel you are protecting your nieces if they were subject to being drafted? Or by us having the weakest military in our history because of DEI? I know you will respond with something to defend this…but maybe take an actual minute and think about this and how you this is protecting your nieces and nephews and country…if that is your top priority as you stated.
“Weakest military in our history”? You’re a pathetic excuse for a troll.
But my opinion of him has plummeted. It angers me that he hid this and angers me even more that he ran for a second term.

At this point, do we even know if it was his decision to run for a second term? Obama tried to talk him out of running about a year ago. When the story about that hit the news last September, Jill was livid. She has been controlling access to Joe for a long time. It has been reported that Jill even conducted one on one interviews with new hires for senior WH staff. I don’t fault Joe for any of this. I don’t think he has any idea what is happening.
I work for Team 🇺🇸. The choice couldn't be easier for anyone who actually cares about our Democracy. It's laughable the crap I'm seeing by the failed mainstream media and here. Embarrassing.
The mainstream media is finally speaking a little bit of truth. The media should be speaking facts not fawning over a political party.

As Biden digs in, some top Democrats want him out of the race this week​

Defiance has become as much a part of Joe Biden’s psychology as Delaware.

But as the president and his inner circle dig in following his disastrous debate performance last week, a growing number of Democratic leaders are saying they want him to step aside for the good of the party – and the country.

Democratic Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas was the first to break ranks.

“I represent the heart of a congressional district once represented by Lyndon Johnson. Under very different circumstances, he made the painful decision to withdraw. President Biden should do the same,” Doggett said in his statement Tuesday.

“There’s a large and increasing group of House Democrats concerned about the president’s candidacy, representing a broad swath of the caucus,” another House Democratic lawmaker told CNN on condition of anonymity to speak candidly. “We are deeply concerned about his trajectory and his ability to win. We want to give him space to make a decision [to step aside], but we will be increasingly vocal about our concerns if he doesn’t.”

Biden is expected to meet Wednesday with Democratic governors and congressional leaders, the White House said Tuesday. The announcement came after CNN reported that some governors expressed concerns about the president’s debate performance. The governors, one source said, were worried about going public with their concerns out of fear it would lead to Biden digging in further.

CNN talked to more than two dozen current and former Democratic officials, as well as donors and longtime Biden allies, all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid alienating Biden. Many of these people say they have already made up their minds that the president should quit his campaign, a decision some of them think he needs to announce this week.

They have held off going to Biden directly, hoping he would make the decision himself, but patience is wearing thin, multiple Democrats told CNN, amid signs that Biden has taken no steps to seriously consider the mounting concerns. He is poised to travel to swing states this weekend, aides said, a sign that he has no plans of changing course. On Tuesday, ABC News announced Biden will sit down with George Stephanopoulos for his first TV interview since the debate, with clips airing on Friday.

Initially, there was hope that the president’s family would convince him to step aside, given how badly the debate went. However, at a Biden retreat Sunday at Camp David, it became apparent the president’s family rallied around his decision to continue his campaign, blaming staff for his missteps.

“One word you know about Biden: stubborn,” said one senior Democratic official who has publicly supported Biden in the past but who privately thinks he needs to step aside. “They are trying to give him the space to realize what a disaster this is.”

But you’re ok with Trump? You’re not making a lot of sense. Do you think Joe is really making a lot of decisions currently or even during most of his presidency?
That's the question. Who's making the decisions.

Pretty amazing we're having to decide between Trump and whoever is actually running things in the Biden administration.

Maybe the best course of action if Biden stays in the race is to come clean and explain that part of the equation.