Ivan Yarygin 2016

Dennis up in 3 matches on mat A.
Ramos up in 7 matches on Mat A
Howe up in 5 matches on Mat B
DD up in three matches on Mat A...Howe up in 5 on Mat B. Ramos a couple of matches after DD.
DD on his russian tie, goes for his foot sweep, doesn't work. Very physical...looks great. Mongolia goes for an arm throw, DD gets the TD and two guts. Looking great.

Score now 6-0...Blood time for Dennis
Sorry to be that guy, but where are you guys seeing the mat assignments?
Dennis must have 4% body fat. He looks huge. Would love to watch him and Cory Clark have a 2on1 showdown. Dennis might just school the young buck.
Howe had a sweet comeback...great job. Chippy Russian taking swings...I know, surprise
Ramos had his chances to score, but it's amazing sometimes how guys at this level are hard to finish on. Heck, looked like Howe had a cow catcher and a cradle on his guy and couldn't finish either.
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That guy totally took away Tony's high crotch, had two quick counters then ran and avoided the high crotch rest of the match!! Well scouted.