I've traveled to two lib cities recently, Atlanta and DC. These nutjobs are still wearing masks in cars....ALONE!!!!

I have no doubt there are some ultra left wing, ultra crazy types that wear masks either as performative politics or simply because they are scared of their own shadow.

However, I will point out that well before covid it was standard practice for folks with a compromised immune system to wear masks. My dad’s wife (no pics she passed) wore one for years when out and about due to her long battle with cancer. Of course back then no one would think twice and would assume she had a medical reason for doing so.

Not everyone wearing a mask today is crazy.
who cares big deal GIF by Togetherness
Took my Daughter to the Omaha zoo 2 weekends ago. There was 1 lady wearing a mask, she also had an emotional support poodle with dyed pink feet.

I say as a society we just start treating these people like they have contagious leprosy and shame the shit out of them with zero personal interactions.

It's all attention, give them 0.
School bullies played a more important role in society than we gave them credit for.
And why should one care what other people in/on or around their own body if it doesn’t affect you
Could you imagine a world where someone didn’t judge another person because of what they do, believe, support or wear?
This message board wouldn’t exist.
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Sure, I think it's dumb. I'm glad they have the right to wear them though and I'm really not bothered one bit. I do enjoy getting a chuckle out of the person by themselves in a car with a mask on
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Sure, I think it's dumb. I'm glad they have the right to wear them though and I'm really not bothered one bit. I do enjoy getting a chuckle out of the person by themselves in a car with a mask on
This. If people want to wear a mask while driving around by themselves or their pants around their knees, or if a dude wants to wear a dress, or you got on a MAGA hat... I don't care if you look like an idiot... they know people are laughing at them, and they don't care, so why should I?
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Someone needs to tell them THAT THEY DON'T WORK!!! ZERO science supports any efficacy for masks against Covid. More science exists they didn't work at all!!! It was all control, political theatre. A real shit show on the American people.
That must have been horrible for you. How did you ever survive? People being considerate to each other? Trying to prevent their illness from being spread to others? You are lucky to have made it out of there alive.
That must have been horrible for you. How did you ever survive? People being considerate to each other? Trying to prevent their illness from being spread to others? You are lucky to have made it out of there alive.
If those people were really considerate, they would have stayed home if they had an illness to spread.
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I judge people for wearing red MAGA hats and slapping Trump flags all over their cars.

So I guess we’re equal.
You sure about that? Dogs have a predatory instinct and are not allowed at zoos unless they are trained service dogs for people with disdisabilities
Sure as shit bud, it was her emotional support animal, had the vest and everything.

I'm sure it had everything to do with supporting her and nothing to do with her need for attention.
That must have been horrible for you. How did you ever survive? People being considerate to each other? Trying to prevent their illness from being spread to others? You are lucky to have made it out of there alive.
The jig is up on stupidity.

"You are so sick you have to wear a mask and your dumb ass is casually shopping? Go home!!!"

Beat them at their own game, shame the shit out of them and send them to obscurity.