I've traveled to two lib cities recently, Atlanta and DC. These nutjobs are still wearing masks in cars....ALONE!!!!

People that take issue with other people wearing masks of their own free will need to reflect on why they are unable to get around their mental shortcomings and aren't able to mind their own business. You don't even have to spend the energy wondering why they are wearing one, just spend the energy wondering why it gets your attention and makes you feel emotions.
People that take issue with other people wearing masks of their own free will need to reflect on why they are unable to get around their mental shortcomings and aren't able to mind their own business. You don't even have to spend the energy wondering why they are wearing one, just spend the energy wondering why it gets your attention and makes you feel emotions.
Counter point, if you are sick and need a mask, stay home. Don't be a dick and bring it around others.
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Someone needs to tell them THAT THEY DON'T WORK!!! ZERO science supports any efficacy for masks against Covid. More science exists they didn't work at all!!! It was all control, political theatre. A real shit show on the American people.
As someone who spent the last 19 years living outside DC, and spent last week in Atlanta, I say you're making things up, or at least severely exaggerating what you saw. But, whatever helps get your point across...
Like increasing adolescent suicide rates? Bullies are the weakest people and have no purpose in society.
You think encouraging irreversible hormone therapy on minors doesn't directly contribute to said suicide rates? Your affirmation is the worst form of bullying to these people that they could ever experience. Reflect on that reality.
Just 2 weeks, for granny, they can make it.

I think actively sick people should stay home in an ideal world. However, we live under capitalism and if you go around enough businesses there are constantly sick employees. So I'm not going to take too much issue with these sorts of people buying groceries. I promise you there are also unmasked sick people around the same places.
The worst drivers are always those in a car wearing a mask by themselves. Or women. Always one of the two though.
I think for some people a mask is just another way to further isolate from social contact,.. It's like a facial burka.

There are probably a good deal of those. People with anxiety disorders, people with autism, sexual assault victims, people with PTSD, and people that just want to limit social interactions.
I have no doubt there are some ultra left wing, ultra crazy types that wear masks either as performative politics or simply because they are scared of their own shadow.

However, I will point out that well before covid it was standard practice for folks with a compromised immune system to wear masks. My dad’s wife (no pics she passed) wore one for years when out and about due to her long battle with cancer. Of course back then no one would think twice and would assume she had a medical reason for doing so.

Not everyone wearing a mask today is crazy.

We have two in our firm that wear them out of an abundance of caution because their wives cannot receive the vaccination.
I think for some people a mask is just another way to further isolate from social contact,.. It's like a facial burka.
This. It's an outwardly visible sign that someone is either mentally or physically ill, and they should be shunned.
I have no doubt there are some ultra left wing, ultra crazy types that wear masks either as performative politics or simply because they are scared of their own shadow.

However, I will point out that well before covid it was standard practice for folks with a compromised immune system to wear masks. My dad’s wife (no pics she passed) wore one for years when out and about due to her long battle with cancer. Of course back then no one would think twice and would assume she had a medical reason for doing so.

Not everyone wearing a mask today is crazy.
Agreed…there are certainly some people that need to wear masks for medical reasons. However, the OPs post is more about the masses of healthy people that are wearing masks for political and/or “scared of shadow” reasons.
We have two in our firm that wear them out of an abundance of caution because their wives cannot receive the vaccination.
Totally understandable. They are weak and sickly, they should protect themselves.

We as a society should also appreciate we may be carrying unknown viruses and thus should give them an even wider birth.

Stay away from them, like lepers.
This. It's an outwardly visible sign that someone is either mentally or physically ill, and they should be shunned.

I don't know if they should be shunned, but I'd say it's an indication that they would like to be shunned...
Maybe they didn’t mean it as a compliment?
Yes, it is very important to verbally or physically attack someone when they wear something unoffensive that isn’t hurting anyone. I’m glad we have our important priorities set.
I believe that what the poster meant in the “old days” school bullies made kids a bit tougher, thus resulting in less snowflakes in adult society.
wait this poodle was 4 feet tall?
I believe that what the poster meant in the “old days” school bullies made kids a bit tougher, thus resulting in less snowflakes in adult society.

A little hazing from the wrestling team never hurt anyone.
This. If people want to wear a mask while driving around by themselves or their pants around their knees, or if a dude wants to wear a dress, or you got on a MAGA hat... I don't care if you look like an idiot... they know people are laughing at them, and they don't care, so why should I?
One of these doesn’t belong with the others. 😉🤔
We have two in our firm that wear them out of an abundance of caution because their wives cannot receive the vaccination.
The vaccine doesn't stop transmission anyways and they've admitted masks don't work beyond that. Not sure I understand the logic here.