Jackson Stratton

His brother named Briggs?
jason sudeikis snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
So we got our third transfer qb. Does that mean that Marco just isn’t very good? Or is this just added depth for the sake of depth…hard to believe you could talk a guy in to coming to ride the pine..?
That's including Fitzgerald, right? This is a surprising development. I had thought they were bringing in Fitzgerald as a direct replacement for Poholsky, but maybe they really are going to move him to another position.
That's including Fitzgerald, right? This is a surprising development. I had thought they were bringing in Fitzgerald as a direct replacement for Poholsky, but maybe they really are going to move him to another position.
Fitzgerald won't get on campus until next spring at the earliest. Stratton provides us with another walk-on body at QB. No real downside to it, considering we'll now have 4 scholarship QBs and now 2 PWOs.
why the f does iowa have so many qbs on the roster? that’s a objective thread topic suggestion to anyone who wants to go that route.

btw what’s known about stratton? i’m really hoping that lester can be for iowa qbs what parker is for iowa cbs.
why the f does iowa have so many qbs on the roster? that’s a objective thread topic suggestion to anyone who wants to go that route.

btw what’s known about stratton? i’m really hoping that lester can be for iowa qbs what parker is for iowa cbs.
Lolol.. So a couple of weeks ago people were bitching because we had just Cade and Marco, and now we have "too many QB's". Really? Good. Maybe Lester will actually groom someone who can actually play, should Cade get hurt again, or struggle. Can't be worse then what we saw last season./
Lolol.. So a couple of weeks ago people were bitching because we had just Cade and Marco, and now we have "too many QB's". Really? Good. Maybe Lester will actually groom someone who can actually play, should Cade get hurt again, or struggle. Can't be worse then what we saw last season./
i wrote that tongue in cheek but perhaps missed the mark without a smiley at the end
why the f does iowa have so many qbs on the roster? that’s a objective thread topic suggestion to anyone who wants to go that route.

btw what’s known about stratton? i’m really hoping that lester can be for iowa qbs what parker is for iowa cbs.
6 QBs isn't that many.
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why the f does iowa have so many qbs on the roster? that’s a objective thread topic suggestion to anyone who wants to go that route.

btw what’s known about stratton? i’m really hoping that lester can be for iowa qbs what parker is for iowa cbs.
He was offered by Washington out of HS. I'm betting he's on scholly or is getting some NIL to pay for school, before the year starts.
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When your probable starter at qb is fragile as a house of cards and your back ups are meh it makes sense to bring in another body and give them a shot.
The guy has minimal college stats. Seriously doubt he was highly sought after so probably didn't cost very much.
He played for a former Hawkeye, Jay Norvel. I'm sure Kirk vetted him & Norvel probably endorsed it as well.

Offered by Nevada, then committed to Washington, then decommited from Washington and signed with CSU right after Norvel was hired.

And in case anyone is wondering, no apparent Budmayr ties, based on the timeline.
So the Hawks have basically replaced the QBs recruited out of HS who transferred and still have 2024 eligibility. Stratton for May and Sullivan for Labas (and previously McNamara for Petras). That gives us one QB per recruiting class, which is typically standard practice. McNamara SR, Sullivan JR, Stratton SO, Lainez RS-FR, and Resar FR.
Rewatched the Iowa-NW snoozer the other day and thought Sullivan did some nice things while trying to stay alive. If we can block for him for more than 1.8 seconds, I like what he brings. If……
"Snoozer," lol.

That game was an absolute hair-raisor.

Not sure what you were watching
Marco isn't going to transfer over adding a walk-on QB, nor is it a sign of him doing so.

6 QBs (4 scholarship) is a healthy number for any team, especially considering every team in the country brings in at least 1 QB every year.
Feels like this type of QB activity wouldn’t be happening if the previous OC was in place. Has to be a good thing, including that the staff is able to bring these young men to Iowa. Go Hawks!

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