It's easy to lump all Trump voters under the "MAGA" label, especially given how vocal and visible the hardcore supporters are. But IMO not everyone who votes for Trump is a die-hard MAGA fan.
Like I said before, take John Kerry, for example, back in the 2004 election. A lot of people didn't necessarily love Kerry, but they voted for him because they wanted to see Bush out of office. It was more about opposing Bush than being a Kerry enthusiast.
Similarly, in 2024, there are people who might vote for Trump for various reasons – maybe they agree with some of his policies, or they just see him as the lesser of two evils. These voters might not identify with the more extreme and vocal MAGA supporters. They could be more moderate or simply not as engaged in the fervor that MAGA represents.
So yes, while some might differentiate themselves from the more embarrassing or vocal Trump supporters to feel better about their vote, it doesn't mean that distinction isn't real. People have nuanced reasons for their choices, and it's worth recognizing that not all Trump voters fit the same mold. That's all I was trying to say. ...Fashion has nothing to do with it. Those images represent different types of people/voters.